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Modals and their Equivalents

Читайте также:
  1. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  2. A) Identify each of the electronic components below and draw their circuit symbol in the space provided.
  3. A) Match the idioms with their definitions.
  4. A. The article below describes the lives of two Russian teachers of English, Anya and Olga. Read the article and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs.
  6. B) in the text find the English equivalents of the following expressions
  7. B) People use great amounts of water for their needs.

1. Supply can, may, must and their negative forms (can’t / may not / mustn’t) where needed.

  1. Have you seen my bag? I ……… find it.
  2. .......... I sit next to you if this seat is free?
  3. “Do you know where Jack is?” – “He ………. be in his office busy with important documents. Call there”

4. Come on! We ………. hurry. The train leaves in half an hour.

  1. I like this hotel room. You ………. see the mountains from the window.
  2. I’m sorry but we ………. come to your party next Saturday.

7. I………. get up earlier tomorrow. I’ve lots of work to do.

  1. She got this job because she ………. speak five languages.
  2. Sue has dislocated her ankle. She ………. come to disco tomorrow.
  3. Take your umbrella with you. It ……… rain tonight.

11. The windows are very dirty. I ………. clean them.

12. These cakes are very nice. You ………. have one.

13. This is a secret. You ………. tell anybody.

  1. We ………. go to the cinema this week. Would you like with us?
  2. You are speaking very quietly. I ………. hear you.


2. Rewrite these sentences using can, can’t, could, couldn’t.

  1. Do you see that man over there? Can you see that man over there?
  2. I smell something burning ………………………………………………………………...
  3. I understood what he did ………………………………………………………………….
  4. Did you understand what he said?.......................................................................................
  5. I don’t see anyone …………………………………………………………………………
  6. I didn’t see what happened ………………………………………………………………..


3. Supply can, can’t, could, couldn’t, was / were able to, managed to. Alternatives are possible.

1. A good 1500-meter runner can run the race in four minutes.

2. Bill is so unfit. He………. run at all!

3. Our baby is only nine months and it ………. already stand up!

4. When I was younger, I ………. speak Italian much better than I ………. now.

5. ………. she speak German very well? – No, she ………. speak German at all.

6. He ………. draw or paint at all when he was a boy, but now he is a famous artist.

7. After weeks of training, I ………. swim a length of the baths underwater.

8. It took a long time, but in the end Tony………. save enough to by his own car.

9. Did you buy any fresh fish in the market? – No, I ………. get any.

10. For days the rescuers looked for the lost climbers in the snow. On the fourth day they saw them and ………. reach them without too much trouble.


4. Supply suitable forms of to be able to in these sentences.

  1. Our teacher says we will be able to speak English fluently in a few months.
  2. I’ve been trying for hours, but so far I (not) ………. get through on the phone.
  3. If he had asked me earlier, I ……… help him.
  4. I’m sure she would have helped you if she ………….
  5. I think I ……….play table tennis better after a bit of practice.
  6. He has managed to live in England for years without ……… speak English.
  7. I’m practicing hard because I want to ………. pass my driving test first time.
  8. If I ……… sing, I would have loved to be an opera singer.


5. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t, needn’t.

Model: We haven’t got much time. We must hurry.

We’ve got plenty of time. We needn’t hurry.

  1. ‘Do you want me to wait for you?’ ‘No, it’s okay. You ………. wait.’
  2. Tom gave me letter to post. I ………. forget to post it.
  3. You ………. come if you don’t want to but I hope you will.
  4. ‘What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big?’ ‘Well, it ………. be big – that’s not important. But it ………. have a nice garden – it’s essential.’
  5. We have enough food at home so we ………. go shopping today.
  6. This book is very valuable. You ………. look after it very carefully and you ………. lose it.

6. Supply must have been, can’t, couldn’t have been, have to, had to (be), didn’t have to (be).

1. He knows a lot about flying planes. He must have been a pilot when he was young.

2. Vera ………. at the supermarket this morning. I didn’t see her here.

3. John ………. at the bank till 10, so he only arrived here five minutes ago.

4. When ………. (she) ………. at the hospital? – Early this morning.

5. We didn’t have enough foreign currency left at the end of the holiday, so I ………. buy any more.

6. Monica knew exactly what to do. I ………. tell her twice.

7. There are so many things for tea, I think you ………. expecting us.

8. There ………. an accident on South Street because the road is closed off.

9. You ………. waiting long. After all, I’m only five minutes late.

10. When I was a boy we ……… sitting on our desks working before the boss got in.

11. I left a message on your answer phone last night. You ………. out.

12. The fire alarm went and we ………. out of the building in two minutes.


7. Rephrase these notices to give or refuse permission. Begin each sentence with You…..

Model: Thank you for not smoking. – You may not smoke.

  1. No camping or picnicking. - ………………………………………………………………
  2. Fishing is strictly forbidden. - ……………………………………………………………..
  3. Campers welcome. - ………………………………………………………………………
  4. Private – Keep Out. - ……………………………………………………………………...
  5. Do not lean out of the window. - ………………………………………………………….
  6. Leave your litter here. - …………………………………………………………………...
  7. No stopping. - ……………………………………………………………………………..


8. Supply the correct tense form of to allowed to.

  1. The children were allowed to stay home from school yesterday because of the weather.
  2. I ………. never ………. stay up late when I was young.
  3. She ……….only ………. go to parties in the last few weeks.
  4. He ………. just ……….go home after three hours at the police station.
  5. Since he was admitted to hospital, we (not) ………. visit him.
  6. His doctor (not) ………. him ………. take any exercise in the year before he died.


9. Respond to these statements with should, shouldn’t, shouldn’t have done that, oughtn’t to have done that.

  1. Your friend is always coughing because he smokes too much. You should stop smoking.
  2. I had to stop on the motorway. You shouldn’t have done that.
  3. John read your letter ……………………………………………………………………..
  4. Your friend has a bad toothache …………………………………………………………
  5. Frank and Jane sat in the sun all day ……………………………………………………...
  6. Jane left the front door unlocked ……………………………………………………….....
  7. Your friend rides a bicycle at night without lights ………………………………………..
  8. I borrowed your car this morning …………………………………………………………
  9. Your friend is going to visit Greece and he doesn’t speak Greek ………………………...


10. Translate the sentences using can / could / to be able to, may / might, must / to be to / to have to, should / ought to, need.

  1. Він уміє так швидко бігати з дитинства!
  2. Півгодини я намагався відчинити двері, але не зміг.
  3. Коли ти зможеш дати мені її адресу?
  4. Мені дозволили керувати дідусевим раритетним авто.
  5. Ти не можеш розмовляти з ним так неввічливо.
  6. Батьки сказали, що нам можна ходити на річку без них.
  7. Він міг би і подзвонити!
  8. У цій гімназії всі учні повинні носити шкільну форму.
  9. Кому довелося поїхати з ним?
  10. Її можна було часто побачити в цьому ресторані.
  11. Їм слід піклуватися про здоров’я.
  12. Краще випий гарячого чаю.
  13. Їм немає потреби так поспішати.
  14. Вони могли і не запитувати: вона сама б усе розповіла.
  15. Мені не треба жити в готелі: у мене є родичі в цьому місці.

11*. Put in am, can, can’t, couldn’t, have had to, haven’t been able to, may, must, must be, must have.

Remember me?

There was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw a stranger. ‘Hello, Fred,’ he cried. ‘ May / Can I come in?’ ‘How do you know my name?’ I asked. ‘We met ten years ago on a ferry-boat and you gave me your card.’ ‘You ………. mistaken,’ I said. ‘No, I ………. not,’ the stranger said. He produced my card: Fred Ames. I ………. given it to him ten years ago, but I ………. remember it! ‘I ……….. remember you,’ I said. ‘We exchanged cards years ago,’ the stranger said. ‘You said, “You ………. come and stay with us for as long as you like any time you’re in England.” I’m sorry I ………. wait for so many years before coming to visit you. I’ve been so busy, I ………., but here I am at last! Better late than never! I’ve just arrived on the ferry. My wife and children are in the car and we wonder if we ………. stay with you for a month.’

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 196 | Нарушение авторских прав

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