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Introductory text. To originate(d) – походити

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Notes to the text:

to originate(d) – походити

to share(d) – ділитися

face-to-face contact – особистий контакт

means – засіб

to convey(ed) messages – передавати повідомлення

purpose of communication – мета спілкування

urgent message – термінове повідомлення

wide option – широкий вибір

requirement and liking – вимога та уподобання

cost / charge – вартість, плата

hence – отже, таким чином

internal and external business communication – внутрішнє та зовнішнє ділове спілкування

gizmos – пристрій, штучка

mere communication gadgets – прості комунікаційні пристрої

lightweight devices – легкі пристрої

to cage(d) memorable moments – закарбувати пам’ятні події

keyboard – клавіатура

incoming telephone calls – вхідні телефонні дзвінки

to interact(ed) – взаємодіяти

The word communication originates from the word “communis”, which means common. Communication, therefore, is an act by which a person shares knowledge, feelings, ideas and information, in ways such that each gains a common understanding of the meaning, intent and use of the message.

There are various ways through which we communicate with each other. These may be called as the means of communication. In face-to-face contact we use different parts of our body or we directly talk to others while communicating our message. Where face-to-face communication is not possible, we take the help of some other means through which we usually convey our messages. For example, we may use letters to convey written messages; talk to others over telephones; send telegrams and use various other modern machines like computers, fax machine, etc. to communicate our messages. The means to be used in our communication process depend upon the purpose of communication. For example, to send any urgent message we generally use telephone; for any important matter for which a written document is required, we use letter, telegram, fax, etc. Nowadays modern technology has given us a wide option to choose the means according to our requirement and liking.

Letters are a written form of communication. These can be sent or received by individuals or organizations. The cost involved is low in this means of communication.

Telegrams aregenerally used when there is an urgency of communicating any important message. Telegrams can be sent as ordinary or express. Charges are payable on the basis of number of words used in writing the message including the address of the receiver and sender’s name. Hence, telegraphic messages are written in brief.

Telephone is a very popular form of oral communication. It is widely used for internal and external business communication. Nowadays the handsets have evolved themselves into multi-functional devices. Now the gizmos are not mere communication gadgets, but with the help of these lightweight devices, we are able to cage our memorable moments with camera, get entertainment through media player and FM radio, extract every type of information with the help of Internet and many more.

Telex provides a means of printed communication using teleprinter. Teleprinters consist of machines installed at different places which are connected to a central exchange through cable. In each machine a standard keyboard is fitted. Any message typed by using those keyboard s at one end is automatically typed at the other end. Hence instant transmission is possible.

Fax or facsimile is an electronic device that enables instant transmission of any matter, which may be handwritten or printed like letters, diagrams, graphs, sketches, etc. By using telephone lines this machine sends the exact copy of the document to another fax machine at the receiving end.

Electronic mail popularly known as e-mail is a modern means of communication. The system makes use of electronic methods of transmitting and receiving information. Letters, messages, pictures or sounds can be sent through their computer to the e-mail accounts of other individuals. Whenever the other person will access his e-mail account he receives the message. The information is communicated audio, visually and the process is extremely fast.

Voice mail is a computer-based system for receiving and responding to incoming telephone calls. Itrecords and stores telephone messages through computer memory.

Pager is an instrument which can be used to receive any short messages from the sender atany time. Within a limited area if any body wants to send any message to a person who doesnot have any fixed work place or he / she is in motion, then the message can be sent throughpager. The sender dials a telephone number and gives his message orally to the companyoperating the pager service.

Teleconferencing is a system through which people interact with each other without physically sitting in front of others. People can hear the voice and see the picture of others and also respond to their queries even if sitting in different countries. It requires the use of modern electronic devices like telephone, computers, television etc. For every teleconferencing a central controlling unit is required that facilitate the entire process of communication.


Comprehension questions.

  1. What is the origin of the word ‘communication’?
  2. What are various ways of communication?
  3. What are letters and telegrams?
  4. What’s gizmo?
  5. What is specific about telex / fax?
  6. What is electronic mail used for?


Find in the text English equivalents to the following.

Спілкування, засоби спілкування, розмовляти по телефону, передавати письмові повідомлення, плата, писатися стисло, передача діаграм / ескізів, отримати повідомлення, сучасні електронні прилади, сприяти процесу спілкування, комп’ютерна пам’ять, кабель.


1. General 1. Загальна лексика
apparatus / device / equipment апарат, пристрій / устаткування
means / by means of засіб, засоби / за допомогою
access / to gain(ed) an access доступ / отримати доступ
aerial / channel aнтена / канал
broadcasting / radio broadcasting, telecasting передача, трансляція (радіо та телебачення)
to communicate(d) / communication передавати, повідомляти / зв’язок, спілкування
to carry(ied) / to carry on / to carry out нести / продовжувати, вести (справу) / виконувати
to call(ed) / call викликати, називати / виклик
digit / digital цифра / цифровий
frequency / wave частота / хвиля
information / datum (pl. data) iнформація / дані
to message(d) / message / messaging повідомляти / повідомлення / обмін повідомленнями, передача повідомлень
net / network сітка / мережа
to operate(d) / to put (put; put) into operation / to operate on-line працювати, діяти / вводити в дію / працювати в режимі “он-лайн”
to process(ed) / processing опрацьовувати (дані) / опрацювання (даних)
to provide(d) / provider / supplier забезпечувати, постачати / провайдер, постачальник
to receive(d) / receiver отримувати / приймач, слухавка
reverse charge call (Br.) / collect call (Am.) дзвінок, що погоджується оплатити особа, якій телефонують
to serve(d) / to service(d) / service слугувати / обслуговувати / обслуговування
telephone directory / phone book телефонний довідник
to transmit(ted) / transmission / transmitter передавати / передача / передавач
user / subscriber / customer Користувач
up-to-date / modern / contemporary Сучасний
2. Means of communication 2. Засоби комунікації
Letters / Telegrams: to write / to send, to post / to stick (stuck; stuck) a stamp Листи / Телеграми: написати / надіслати / наклеїти поштову марку
sender / receiver / return address / zip code / charge / postman / delivery / envelope / stamp відправник / одержувач / зворотна адреса / поштовий індекс / плата / листоноша / доставка / конверт / поштова марка
registered letter / ordinary / express telegram рекомендований лист / звичайна / експрес телеграма
Telephone: Телефон:
to ring someone (up) / to give someone a ring (all Br. only) / to give someone a buzz (informal) зателефонувати кому-небудь
to make a private (business) call телефонувати за особистим питанням / у справі
trunk call міжміський виклик
to get through додзвонитися
the line is engaged / the number is busy (Am.) номер зайнятий
to put smb through / to connect smb (Am.) з’єднати
to cut off / to be cut off роз’єднати / бути роз’єднаним (про телефонну розмову)
to cancel(led) the call скасувати виклик
the phone is out of order телефон не працює
buzzing / poor / bad line гудок / поганий зв’язок
a crossed line лінія, на якій чути розмови інших людей
the line may go dead зв’язок може бути втрачений
not to take the call не приймати виклик
to hold the line / hold (Am.) / hold on чекати на лінії / не класти слухавку
to hang up / to ring off (Br. оnly) покласти слухавку
to ring someone back(Br.) / to get back to someone (Am.) or to phone / call someone back зателефонувати пізніше
to clear the line / to get the caller off the line звільнити лінію
to be on the phone мати приватну телефонну лінію, чекати на лінії, розмовляти зараз по телефону
ex-directory number (Br.) / an unlisted number (Am.) приватний номер, незазначений у телефонному довіднику
Telex / Fax: Телефон / Факс:
to print / to get, to receive надрукувати / отримати
cable / teleprinter / transmission кабель / телепринтер / передача
Internet: Інтернет:
electronic / voice mail електронна / голосова пошта
access / website / traffic / to surf the internet / to download / to reboot (ed) the computer / to log off (out) доступ / сторінка в мережі Інтернет / трафік (доступ до електронної мережі) / шукати в мережі / завантажувати / перезавантажити комп’ютер / вийти із системи, закінчити роботу



  1. Internet word scramble. Guess the hidden words.
1. Its connections form an electronic quilt PHHYWESRUGIA ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2. A type of electronic communication LOENIN ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3. Where you go to talk with friends OTFEWASR ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4. When surfing the net, you are said to be ALMIE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
5. What you use with computer hardware TMOHRCAO___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
6. A real-life environment involving a computer TNTIRENE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __
7. A nickname for the Internet CPABYRCESE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

ANSWERS: Internet, e-mail, chat room, online, software, cyberspace, superhighway


  1. A postcard from Dublin. Look at it, read it and check the meaning of new words. Do the activities below.

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