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Introductory text. The master of a prosperous farm – господар ферми, що процвітає

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Notes to the text:

the master of a prosperous farm – господар ферми, що процвітає

handsome – гарний (про чоловіків)

merry – веселий

wrinkled face – обличчя в зморшках

shrewd eyes – проникливі очі

to court(ed) – залицятися, домагатися прихильності

steady – наполегливий

now and then – час від часу

to be born – народитися

it goes without saying – безперечно

to accept(ed) the invitation – погодитися на запрошення

to be in love with / to fall in love with smb / to fall out of love – бути закоханим /

закохатися / розлюбити

to add(ed) – додати

to marry(ed) – одружитися, вийти заміж


George Meadows, the master of a prosperous farm, was then a man of 50, and his wife was a year or two younger. Their three daughters were lovely and their two sons were handsome and strong. They were merry, industrious and kindly. They were happy and deserved their happiness. But the real master of the house was not George, it was his mother. She was about 70, tall, with grey hair and though her face was wrinkled, her eyes were dark, bright and shrewd.

I knew the story of George’s mother and his uncle, whose name was also George. About fifty years ago uncle George and his younger brother Tom had both courted Mrs. Meadows when she was Emily Green. George was a good-looking fellow, but not so steady as his brother, that’s why Emily chose Tom. George had gone to sea for twenty years. Now and then he sent them presents. Then there was no news of him. When Tom died Mrs. Meadows wrote George about it but they never got an answer and decided that he must be dead…

Some days ago to their greatest surprise they got a letter, which informed them that George Meadows, who was ill and felt that he had not much longer to live wanted to see the house in which he was born. I was invited to come and see him.

It goes without saying I accepted the invitation. I found the whole family in the kitchen. I was amused to see that Mrs. Meadows wore her best silk dress. I was introduced to the old captain. He was very thin and his skin hung on his bones like an old suit that was too large for him. He had lost nearly all his teeth. It was strange to see those two old people and to think that half a century ago he had loved her and she was in love with another.

“Have you ever been married, Captain Meadows?” I asked. – “Not me”, he said and added: “I said I would never marry anyone but you, Emily, and I never have”. There was some satisfaction in his voice.


Comprehension questions.

  1. How old was George Meadows?
  2. How old is his wife?
  3. How many children did they have?
  4. What were his daughters / sons like?
  5. Why did they deserve happiness?
  6. Who was the real master of the house?
  7. How old was George’s mother?
  8. Who had courted Mrs. Meadows when she was Emily Green?
  9. Whom did Emily marry?
  10. What did George, Tom’s brother, do?
  11. Why did George go to sea?
  12. Why did Mrs. Meadows decide that George was dead?
  13. What did a letter inform them of?
  14. Why had Captain Meadows never married anyone?


Find in the text English equivalents to the following.

Господар ферми, п’ятдесятирічний чоловік, милі донечки, гарні та сильні сини, заслуговувати щастя, залицятися, обрати когось, стати моряком, не мати жодних звісток, будинок, де він народився, залишилось мало жити, безперечно, погодитися на запрошення.



1. Name 1. Ім’я
name / first name / Christian name ім’я
patronymic / middle name по батькові
surname / second name / family name / last name прізвище
maiden name дівоче прізвище
Namesake тезка
nickname прізвисько
to call(ed) smb after назвати когось на честь
2. Age 2. Вік
to be (was / were; been) born народитися
Generation покоління
to be twenty years old / be a man of twenty виповнилося 20 років
nearly / about twenty близько 20 років
under / on the right side of twenty більше ніж 20 років
over / long past / on the wrong side of / turn twenty понад 20 років
to be back in one’s second childhood вдаватися до дитячих витівок
to be of age / to be under age бути повнолітнім / не досягти повноліття
teenager підліток
grown up / adult дорослий
middle aged (elderly) person літня людина
to be as old as the hills бути старим, як світ
to die(ed) of an illness / for one’s country / in childbirth померти через хворобу / за країну / у дитинстві
to be of short-lived stock народитися в сім’ї, де всі рано помирали
to outlive(d) smb by (over) 10 years пережити когось на 10 років
to speak (spoke; spoken) ill of the dead погано говорити про померлих
3. Origin 3. Походження
to have roots at / to be / to come from мати коріння з / походити від
Countryman співвітчизник
4. Family 5. Сім’я
relatives / relations родичі
close / distant relatives / remote kinsman близькі / далекі родичі / “чорт козі дядько”
ancestors пращури (предки)
husband / wife чоловік / дружина
parents батьки
father (dad, daddy) / mother (mum) батько / мати
son / daughter син / дочка
child (children, pl.) дитина (діти, мн.)
first-born / baby / toddler первісток / новонароджена дитина / дитина, яка починає ходити
the only child єдина дитина
twins / triplets близнюки / трійнята
grandfather (grandpa / granddad) / grandmother (granny / grandma) дідусь / бабуся
grandparents / great grandparents дідусь / бабуся (разом) / прабатьки (прадідусь / прабабуся)
grandson / granddaughter онук / онучка
uncle / aunt дядько / тітка
cousin двоюрідний брат / сестра
distant cousin троюрідний брат / сестра
nephew / niece племінник (небіж) / племінниця (небога)
in-laws родичі чоловіка / жінки
father-in-law / mother-in-law тесть, свекор / теща, свекруха
son-in-law / daughter-in-law зять / невістка
to adopt(ed) усиновити / удочерити
orphan / orphanage сирота / притулок для дітей
step(foster) child / half brother(sister) нерідна дитина / зведений брат (сестра)
step(foster) parents нерідні батьки
nanny / baby-sitter нянька
to christen(ed) a child охрестити дитину
godfather / godmother хрещений / хрещена
godson / goddaughter хрещеник / хрещениця
to be pregnant / carry(ed) a child / to be in the family way / to expect(ed) a baby бути вагітною / очікувати дитину
to give birth to a child народити дитину
Midwife акушерка
maternity hospital пологовий будинок
to bring (brought; brought) up / to raise(ed) виховувати дитину
to take after / to resemble(d) / to be the image of / to be as like as two peas бути схожим на / точна копія когось / схожі як дві краплини води
to inherit(ed) успадкувати
5. Marriage 6. Шлюб
date(ed) / to go out with побачення / ходити на побачення / зустрічатись із кимось
movie date побачення в кіно
single / married неодружений (незаміжня) / одружений (заміжня)
bachelor / spinster парубок (холостяк) / стара діва
to become engaged with smb / engagement заручитися з кимось / заручини
to propose (proposal) освідчитися (освідчення)
to marry(ied) smb / to get married with одружитися (вийти заміж)
to approve of smb / parents’ consent схвалювати когось / згода батьків
wedding / civil / church весілля / цивільне / церемонія в церкві (вінчання)
bridegroom (fiancé) / bride (fiancée) наречений / наречена
best-man / bridesmaid боярин / дружка
newly-weds / just married / happy couple щойно одружені / щаслива пара
to go on a honeymoon поїхати в медовий місяць
to divorce(d) / to separate(d) / to break off (broke; broken) розлучитися / роз’їхатися / розірвати стосунки
ex-boyfriend / girlfriend / husband / wife колишній хлопець / дівчина / чоловік / дружина
widow / widower вдова / вдівець
to get widowed овдовіти
to preserve a union зберегти союз
What do you do for a living? / What are you? / What’s your profession (job, occupation, trade)? Чим ви заробляєте на життя? / Хто ви за фахом? / Ваша професія?



  1. Match the words with explanations in columns.
  1. Niece
a. child of an earlier marriage of one’s wife or husband
  1. nephew
b. mother of one’s wife / husband
  1. teenager
c. daughter of one’s brother / sister
  1. single
d. unmarried man
  1. stepchild
e. son of one’s brother / sister
  1. mother-in-law
f. woman who hasn’t married after her husband’s death
  1. bride
g. not married, engaged lady
  1. twins
h. child of one’s uncle / aunt
  1. favorite (pet)
i. boy / girl in his / her teens
  1. orphan
j. two children born together of the same mother
  1. aunt
k. child who has lost one / both parents by death
  1. cousin
l. sister of one’s father / mother
  1. widow
m. person treated as a favorite
  1. Odd man out. In every line choose one word that doesn’t fit the given category.
  1. father, mother, sister, brother, cousin;
  2. mother-in-law, father-in-law, stepfather, sister-in-law, son-in-law;
  3. engagement, wedding, marriage, honeymoon, happy couple, divorce;
  4. first-born, baby, adult, toddler, child;
  5. nickname, name, middle name, surname.


3. Match the story with the correct words.

Bride, civil, engaged, reception, bridegroom, honeymoon, consent, propose, wedding, toast.

One evening, though being nervous, Joe decided to _____ to his girlfriend Linda. She accepted his proposal, they became _____ and he gave her a ring. After a year they have saved enough money to get married (they were both over 18 and didn’t need their parents’ _____). Some people have a religious ceremony with a priest, but Joe and Linda decided on a ______ ceremony in a registry office. On the day of ______ Linda, the ______ was very calm, but Joe, the ______, was nervous. Afterwards, at the ______, speeches were made and guests drank a ______ to the happy couple, who finally left for a ______ in Spain.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 191 | Нарушение авторских прав

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A WORD TO THE READER| Translate the anecdotes into English.

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