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A megalopolis is a very large and densely populated area, also known as a megacity, agglomeration or ecumenopolis. Megalopolises are actually networks of cities with more than 10 million people. These areas usually have large numbers of offices, apartment buildings, very large shopping centers and warehouses. Megalopolises can have many advantages and disadvantages in terms of quality of life concerns and economic concerns.
Frankly speaking living in a big city has its advantages but also disadvantages as well.Opinions about big cities are divided.Some people who lives there would give everything to have even a small possession in the country, others are delightet about what they already have.
Living in the big city has a lot of advantages. The larger the city is the more people live in it and the higher need there is to provide the necessary things for their livings. We can choose whatewer we want. Big cities offer a wide range of entertainment. In other words there are a lot of stores to shop, sometimes even huge department store where you can find everything under one roof. There are a lot of trade centers which you can visit to buy the essential things for life such as: clothes, furniture and food which have high standards and good for health. After working day you can go to the entertainment centers to relax or walk around the parks where are interesting places and bring our to refresh.
Thanks to the great number of theaters, museums, exhibitions, places of cultural and historical interest people in the city have a lot of cultural facilities. Owing to sport palaces, swimming pools, tennis courts, people in the big city have plenty of sporting facilities.There’re a lot of schools, starting with elementary ones and ending with universities, which enables people to get desired education. People, especially young, have a lot of opportunities.It’s also much easier to find a well paid job or any job in the big city.
You don't have to travel too much because everything is very close and possible to be reached by public transportation. To provide all the services mentioned above offers people a wide range of job opportunities.
The health care is on high level, doctors have higher qualifications and experience. Hospitals are provided modern apparatuses.
Megalopolises have more people close together, which give more opportunities for social interaction. Megalopolises have more ethnic, lifestyle and community diversity, so residents will have more access to unique perspectives. Those with distinctive interests are more likely to find other people with shared interests.
More economic opportunities exist for those living in megalopolises versus other smaller areas. Cities often spring up around specific industries. Some cities develop near major industrial centers, such as the steel mills of Chicago. Other cities are built near ports, which have job opportunities related to shipping, importing and exporting, such as in New York. Megalopolises emerge because large numbers of people settle in a particular area due to an abundance of job opportunities.
There are more options in commerce and in the non-profit sector in a megalopolis. Since there's a greater pool for non-profit organizations to draw from, more organizations can survive and give services specialized to specific populations. Additionally, businesses can offer specialized products that probably would not sell well enough in less populated areas. Businesses have more access to different sources of capital and services in a megalopolis.
Employers benefit from megalopolises since there is a more diverse, educated and trained labor pool to draw from. More educational and training facilities in megalopolises help develop this trained labor pool. Larger pools of people enhance the chances that some people will have great ideas that other people can turn into profitable enterprises or enriching experiences.
However, many advantages can also have a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, we have to be more careful, because crime is higher than in small town. Day by day situation is traffic jam, so going to our job don’t have to be comfortable thing of our life. Trees or parks is in Megalopolis too little and motors vehicles are still more and more, so air isn’t clean. Life is too hurried and a lot of people have physical problems, so it’s still increasing self-murders. We can’t find here quite place, where we could just only relax. The rhythm of life is so quick, life is so busy, that every day, particularly in the rush hour the streets get so packed with traffic, that travel is very slow, or even comes to a standstill. A great number of cars and other traffic make traffic jams in the central streets; it is a problem to find parking meters.
However, increased diversity also increases the chances that there will be conflict between cultural, socio-economic and political groups.
Megalopolises are noisy, given the large number of people. They also have higher levels of pollution caused by cars and nearby factories. Some gaseous chemicals harm human health, including volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. Air pollution causes respiratory problems and some compounds promote cancer.
When a megalopolis grows too large too fast, governments can struggle to adapt. For example, a governmental agency in a megalopolis might poorly handle natural disasters with larger numbers of missing people. A megalopolis can place greater strain on resources, since there are larger numbers of people to feed and greater water demands. Shortages caused by political strife or natural disasters can lead to greater shortages.
People in the big cities lead a hard life. Still they prefer to live in a city because it offers them the opportunities to fulfil their wishes and make their dreams come true.
densely [ ] густо, плотно
agglomeration [ ] накапливание; концентрация
warehouse [ ] большой магазин
concern [ ] проблема; вопрос, требующий решения
divided [ ] противоречивый
possession [ ] владение, собственность
provide [ ] снабжать; доставлять; обеспечивать
department store [
] универмаг
trade center [
] торговый центр
essential [ ] важнейший; необходимый; основной
ehibition [ ] выставка
facility [ ] возможность, благоприятные условия;
desired [ ] желательный, желанный; приятный
opportunity[ ] шанс, возможность; перспектива
interaction [ ] взаимодействие
diversity [ ] разнообразие; многообразие;
resident [ ] постоянно проживающее лицо, житель
access [ ] доступ
distinctive [ ] особенный, особый
increase [ ] возрастание, рост; прибавление
versus [ ] в сравнении с (чем-л.), в отличие от (чего-л.)
spring up [
] создаваться
steel [ ] сталь
relate [ ] иметь отношение, затрагивать; быть связанным
emerge [ ] появляться
settle in [
] локализоваться
particular [ ] особый, исключительный;
abundance [ ] изобилие; избыток
non(-)profit [ ] некоммерческий
labor pool [
] трудовой резерв
enhance [ ] увеличивать, усиливать, улучшать
enterprise [ ] предприятие, инициатива
enrich [ ] обогащать, делать богатым; улучшать
vehicle [ ], [
] транспортное средство
increase [ ] возрастание, рост
standstill [ ] бездействие, застой; мёртвая точка
nearby [ ] близлежащий, соседний, ближайший, ближний
volatile [ ] летучий, быстро испаряющийся
Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 299 | Нарушение авторских прав
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