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I stop where I am and look at Miss Leefolt, but she staring at the funny L-shaped crack in her dining room table.

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  4. Aibileen walks in the dining room and I do my best not to look at her for too long. I am afraid Hilly or Elizabeth will see something in my eyes.
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“Aibileen,” Miss Hilly says and she lick her lips. “When you returned my silver yesterday, there were three pieces missing out of that felt wrapper. One silver fork and two silver spoons.”

I suck in a breath.“Lemme—lemme go look in the kitchen, maybe I left some behind.” I look at Miss Leefolt to see if that’s what she want me to do, but she keep her eyes on the crack. A cold prickle creeps up my neck.

“You know as well as I do that silver’s not in the kitchen, Aibileen,” Miss Hilly say.

“Miss Leefolt, you checked in Ross’s bed? He been sneaking things and sticking em—”

Miss Hilly scoff real loud.“Do you hear her, Elizabeth? She’s trying to blame it on a toddler.”

My mind’s racing, I’m trying to remember if I counted the silver before I put it back in the felt. I think I did. I always do. Law, tell me she ain’t saying what I think she saying—

“Miss Leefolt, did you already check the kitchen? Or the silver closet? Miss Leefolt?”

But she still won’t look at me and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know, yet, how bad this is. Maybe this ain’t about silver, maybe this is really about Miss Leefolt andChapter Two...

“Aibileen,” Miss Hilly say, “you can return those pieces to me by today, or else Elizabeth is going to press charges.”

Miss Leefolt look at Miss Hilly and suck in a breath, like she surprised. And I wonder whose idea this whole thing is, both of em or just Miss Hilly’s?

“I ain’t stole no silver service, Miss Leefolt,” I say and just the words make me want a run.

Miss Leefolt whisper,“She says she doesn’t have them, Hilly.”

Miss Hilly don’t even act like she heard. She raise her eyebrows at me and say, “Then it behooves me to inform you that you are fired, Aibileen.” Miss Hilly sniff. “I’ll be calling the police. They know me.”

“Maa-maaaa,” Li’l Man holler from his crib in the back. Miss Leefolt look behind her, then at Hilly, like she ain’t sure what to do. I reckon she just now thinking about what it’s gone be like if she don’t have a maid no more.

“Aaai-beee,” Li’l Man call, starting to cry.

“Aai-bee,” call another small voice and I realizeMae Mobley’s home. She must not’ve gone to school today. I press on my chest.Lord, please don’t let her see this. Don’t let her hear what Miss Hilly saying about me. Down the hall, the door opens and Mae Mobley walks out. She blinks at us and coughs.

“Aibee, my froat hurts.”

“I—I be right there, baby.”

Mae Mobley coughs again and it sounds bad, like a dog barking, and I start for the hall, but Miss Hilly say,“Aibileen, you stay where you are, Elizabeth can take care of her kids.”

Miss Leefolt look at Hilly like,Do I have to? But then she get up and trudge down the hall. She take Mae Mobley into Li’l Man’s room and shut the door. It’s just two of us left now, me and Miss Hilly.

Miss Hilly lean back in her chair, say,“I won’t tolerate liars.”

My head swimming. I want to set down.“I didn’t steal no silver, Miss Hilly.”

“I’m not talking about silver,” she say, leaning forward. She hissing in a whisper so Miss Leefolt don’t hear her. “I’m talking about those things you wrote about Elizabeth. She has no idea Chapter Two is about her and I am too good of a friend to tell her. And maybe I can’t send you to jail for what you wrote about Elizabeth, but I can send you to jail for being a thief.”

I ain’t going to no penitentiary.I ain’t, is all I can think.

“And your friend, Minny? She’s got a nice surprise coming to her. I’m calling Johnny Foote and telling him he needs to fire her right now.”

The room getting blurry. I’m shaking my head and my fists is clenching tighter.

“I’m pretty darn close to Johnny Foote. He listens to what I—”

“MissHilly.” I say it loud and clear. She stops. I bet Miss Hilly ain’t been interrupted in ten years.

I say,“I know something about you and don’t you forget that.”

She narrow her eyes at me. But she don’t say nothing.

“And from what I hear, they’s a lot a time to write a lot a letters in jail.” I’m trembling. My breath feel like fire. “Time to write to ever person in Jackson the truth about you. Plenty a time and the paper is free.”

“Nobody would believe something you wrote, Nigra.”

“I don’t know. I been told I’m a pretty good writer.”

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 101 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Aibileen presses her hand harder against her lips. | She blink, like she listening good. | I try and iron some pleats, but my hands is shaking and they come out all crooked. I spray it wet and start all over, fussing and frowning. Finally, the time comes. | I keep right on staring at my iron. | I get him the water and take it to him. When I set the glass down on the napkin, Mister Johnny stands up. He gives me a long, heavy look. Lord, here it comes. | Aibileen bites her lip. She shakes her head and the tears come down her face. | I lie down and watch the first rays of sun coming through the window. I shiver. That ripping scream, I realize, wasme. | But then Mother appears from around the corner and I drop my hand. | Aibileen comes back onto the phone and sighs. | Shaking, I wipe it with the cloth I had on the handle a the pitcher. |
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I hold my breath, pray,Yes, you can. Please.| She fish her tongue out and touch that sore with it. Then she drop her eyes from mine.

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