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In my room you must mustn't be nice to me!

Must or Mustn't

True or false. Tick the correct box.


You must wash your hands before lunch.

You mustn't listen to your parents.

You must break the windows at school.

You must take a shower every day.

You mustn't eat fruit and vegetables every day.

You must eat lots of sweets if you want to lose some weight.

You must feed your dog every day.


Complete the sentences with must or mustn't.


You brush your teeth three times a day.

You forget to do your homework regularly.

You be nice to your classmates.

You wear warm cothes when it is cold outside.

You chew gum in class.

You study hard if you want to pass your exams.

You fight with your classmates.

You play football in the classroom.

You listen to your teacher very carefully.

You forget your best friend's birthday.

You be rude to your grandparents.

You go to the dentist's twice a year.

You stay in bed when you are ill.

You feed zoo animals.

You do your online exercises.


Fill in the blanks with MUST or MUSTN’T

1. She is ill, so she see the doctor.


2. It is raining. You take your umbrella.

3. You throw litter on the stairs.


4. This is a secret. You tell anybody.


5. You make noise in the library.


6. We hurry or we will miss the bus.


7. You eat fruit and vegetables.


8. The baby is sleeping. You shout.


9. You be friendly to everybody.


10. You walk on the grass.




1. You must mustn't light fires in the forests.


2. You must mustn't do your homework


3. You must mustn't wash your face every morning.


4. You must mustn't drink cold water.


5. You must mustn't watch TV a lot.


6. You must mustn't eat in class.


7. You must mustn't be late for class.

8. You must mustn't listen to your teacher.


9. You must mustn't give place to old people.


10. You must mustn't be polite.


11. You must mustn't fasten your seat belt.


12. You must mustn't take notes during the lessons.


13. You must mustn't speak loudly in hospitals.


MAKE SENTENCES USING MUST or MUSTN’ T and create a set of ruls for you room

In my room you must mustn't listen to bad music!

In my room you must mustn't be nice to me!

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 265 | Нарушение авторских прав

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