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для ИМЭ ГАК выпускников «Мировая экономика» 569 гр.

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  1. ТИПОВЫЕ ТЕСТОВЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ дляИГА выпускников высших медицинских учебных заведений
  3. Требования к уровню подготовки выпускников, обучающихся по данной программе

Ситуации делового общения для монологического высказывания


  1. You are Manager of a big retailing company. In your opinion, which factors are important for doing business successfully? Think of training the personnel, improving the qualification of the employees, perks and rewards to stimulate high performance, working conditions and environment and so on.


2. You are an experienced manager of the Personnel Department. Which of the following is the most important when trying to impress an interviewer:

· qualifications;

· character;

· appearance;

· experience;

· preparation;

· enthusiasm?


3. You are giving some advice to an inexperienced interviewer. What points of interview taking would you stress as the most important ones? Think of the candidate’s abilities and qualities which are important when choosing new employees from the list of the applicants:

· look / appearance,

· personal qualities,

· educational background,

· professional experience,

· his/her future potential to make some contribution to the company.


4. A friend of yours is a university graduate, looking for a job in your company. Discuss the problem with him/her. What is important when deciding to apply for a new post:

· location;

· salary;

· range of duties and responsibilities;

· career prospects;

· rewards?


5. What is important when recruiting senior staff: work experience; the applicant’s appearance and behaviour; the applicant’s knowledge of the company; the applicant’s professional abilities and personality traits? Can you suggest any other ways, e.g. promoting the potential people from the staff?

6. You are Personnel Consultant of the Business Analytical Company. Could you give recruits some advice on the personnel appearance and dress code at work? Think about formal and casual clothing, uniforms, men with earrings and tattoos.


7. You are Personnel Management Consultant. There is a problem in our company: the staff tend to get younger, employee turnover is high. As a result, training costs have increased dramatically. Suggest your recommendations and solutions to the problem. What can be done to keep staff longer?


8. You are Manager of a big Public Relations Agency. We are representatives of Staff Management of different business companies and state-run organizations. Following customers’ complaints we need to discuss a dress code for employees and work out guidelines on the personal appearance at work. What would you recommend on the problem? Think about people of different occupations: politicians, TV-stars, businessmen, teachers, university faculty, civic officers, office employees.



9. The present world has become very competitive. After graduating from University, what should you do to get ahead in your professional career? What is important when deciding to obtain a further qualification:

· time commitment required;

· career benefits;

· …?


10. You are an expert in retailing business. Businesses are becoming more customer-oriented. What factors and parameters are taken into consideration to satisfy consumer’s needs? Think of tangible and intangible things while providing customer service. Could you tell us about the ways to improve customer service?


11. New technologies are revolutionizing the lifestyle of most people in the world. Sometimes it is quite difficult to keep up with new tendencies and to get to know the latest innovations. In your opinion, what are the modern wonders of the world making the greatest contribution to the scientific and technological revolution?


12. You are an expert on the analysis of electronic companies. Will you share your ideas about the best electronic companies all over the world? Which factors and directions of their development have contributed mostly to the company success? Could you please choose the best company as an example, tell us about its history, structure, product lines, corporate culture, motto, concept of doing business and the people working for the company? Point out the keys of its success.



13. At present, companies are getting more careful about hiring new people. Companies are no longer satisfied with traditional job interviews and make their candidates undergo a series of interviews and tests. You are Chairman of the Association of Executives Search Consultants. Could you tell us please about different approaches in recruitment strategies used by many western companies these days? Which of them might be borrowed in the recruitment practices by Russian companies?


14. You are Personnel Manager of Guinness, a famous Irish beer brewing company. Could you tell us, please, about the ways you interview and select candidates? Think about different stages of the interview and their purposes. Give potential applicants for vacant positions some recommendations on the preparation before the interview.


15. You are a supermarket manager. At present the problem of improving the quality of services is very urgent, is not it? Will you tell us please, about the factors providing high quality service of customers? Think about the layout, design, packaging and location of different items in the proper way. Is it enough to have only tangible characteristics: the politeness of the people in service, time factor? What about other intangibles?


16. We live in the period of consumption. All of us are consumers. Could you analyze the present situation in customer service on the home market and share your ideas with us? What goods and services do you purchase everyday? Think about your experience of good and bad service, tangibles and intangibles of providing goods and services? How can you evaluate their quality? What methods, do you think, are the most efficient ones to improve the quality of goods and services?


17. It is widely known that contemporary people are facing much more dangerous ecological problems than the previous generations. You are CEO of Patagonia Company. Could you tell us please about main factors and reasons of environmental problems (main polluters, let alone industrial pollution)? Why do big businesses have to take into account the “earth-friendliness” concept? What is your company’s main idea? In what way does Patagonia make efforts to make its contribution to it? How does your company reassure customers who might question their claims to be environmentally-friendly?

18. You are a cross-cultural consultant hired by us, foreign executives. We are going to do business for the first time in your country. Could you give us your recommendations on business practices in your country? Think of the following:


19. We live in a consumer society. We consider it is important to buy products and services. Companies need to be aware of their impact on the environment. Environmentalism is becoming one of the most important issues for people and businesses. How are you responsible in this aspect? Which environmental issue is the most important one? What measures can you recommend?


20. As business and the world economy become increasingly competitive, more and more companies have to strengthen their operations to remain profitable. You are an expert on corporate alliances and acquisitions. Could you give your point of view on some ways of developing business? Think of joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, incorporating.


21. You have saved some extra money. They say that money must work. Now you are looking for some ways to make your money work. What are the most useful ways to save it? Why are more people taking an interest in the stock exchange? How can you trace the movement of your money? Could you share your ideas with us?


22. As business and the world economy become increasingly competitive, more and more companies have to strengthen their operations to remain profitable. You are an expert on corporate alliances and acquisitions. Could you tell us the reasons why some projects of alliances and mergers often fail? Could you give us some examples? What are the ways out of such situations?


23. You are an expert on marketing. How do companies try to promote their goods? Why is it important to promote them? Could you tell us please about the main advertising media? What are advantages and disadvantages of each advertising method?


24. As consumers get more used to advertising, companies have to come up with better ways of ensuring that people pay attention to their ads. Could you tell us about recent experiments in advertising? Can you think of any new and innovative ways to advertise? Why do some companies use shocking advertisements?


25. You are an executive working for Bloomberg, a multimedia information network. Could you describe the types of information that your organization supplies? Why has the company become famous and popular among customers? Think over the founder’s vision, the four Bloomberg products, keys to its success, perks and rewards.


26. You want to become a private trader. Do you need to consult a lawyer to start a business of your own? Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of the sole proprietorship.


27. You are going to start a business of your own. Compare the types of proprietorship and point out their advantages and disadvantages. Which type of proprietorship would you like to start? What is important when setting up a new business:


28. We are beginners in business. As compared to us you are quite experienced in this field. Persuade us that partnership is the best type of proprietorship suitable for our background, qualities, nature and the activities of the business.



29. Knowledge of different cultural values and cross-cultural gaps is very important in doing international business. You are a cross-cultural consultant hired by a foreign executive who is going to do business for the first time in Asian countries. Prepare some advice to give your client about business practices. Use the following topics to help you:


30. You have been learning Chinese for several years. Your friend is going to travel to China to negotiate future business contract. Talk about his/her future business trip there and give him/her your recommendations how to avoid culture shock.


31. “The four P’s” form the basis of the marketing mix. If you want to market a product successfully, you need to get this mix right. Which of the four Ps influence customer’s decision to buy some product? Think of some products you have bought recently.


32. Two years ago you bought a franchise for a fast food restaurant. Make a short presentation of your business, explain how it operates. Think over advantages and disadvantages of doing franchise business for a franchisee and a franchisor.



33. Imagine that you work for a small family-run business which has just been bought by a big multinational. Talk about the following:


34. You are a project manager. Which of the phases do you consider the most important? What questions should a project manager ask himself/herself at the start? Share your experience with us and talk about the following things:


35. You are a team-building consultant. Give us some recommendations how to improve the ways to organize and hold a meeting. Why do most people think that meetings are often a waste of time? What happens when meetings are not properly organized? Which team-working tasks are considered to be the reasons for holding meetings? What alternative types of meting can save time and reduce the number of people present? Why are corridor and coffee machine meetings often efficient? What kind of feedback do people give easily?


36. You are a team leader responsible for carrying out a very important project – preparing a video presentation of your company at the international trade fair. What are you responsible for, in particular? Think of distributing the roles – team facilitator, team recorder, timekeeper, team members. Tell us about their duties and responsibilities. Which types of personalities in your company would be most suitable for each role? (Imagine that your group-mates are your colleagues).



Дата добавления: 2015-07-08; просмотров: 224 | Нарушение авторских прав

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