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Words and word combinations which may come helpful in the analysis of the text

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  1. A) Common IE Words.
  2. A. Look more closely through the first part and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given part.
  4. Ask questions about what these people are going to be. Use these words: musician / actor / secretary / businesswoman / doctor / journalist
  5. C) The Sources of New Words
  6. Complete each sentence with one of the words below.
  7. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

· to deal with problems of topical interest - затрагивать актуальные проблемы

· on the one hand the author's purpose is to entertain the reader, on the other hand he raises a very important problem

· to draw (portray) the character truthfully with convincing strokes (life-like representation, depiction) - рисовать образ убедительно, правдиво

· the character is merely sketched - образ дан схематично

· a vivid description of smth - яркое описание чего-либо

· the story is set in...; the scene is laid in... - действие происходит

· to expose the ills (evils, faults) of smb. - изобличать недостатки

· distinctive traits - отличительные черты

· as the story unfolds...- по мере того как разворачиваются события

· the author's power (gift) of observation - наблюдательность автора

· the author keeps us in suspence- автор держит нас в напряжении

· the author is not the participant of the events but he shows (we can feel) his attitude towards them

· the author gives enough information to show the characters in flesh and blood (человеческая природа)

· the author resorts to the direct (indirect) method of description

· the author names all their personal features (traits of character) explicitly

· the author names all their personal features (traits of character) implicitly - we can judge about their traits of character from bits of conversation, their actions

· the character is the mouth-piece of the author - выразитель мнения, интересов автора; the author looks through his eyes

· the author is sympathized with the main character. We feel it because he uses such epithets of positive colouring as...

· the text is rich in the choice of words (litereary or bookish, terms, foreign words and barbarisms, colloquialisms, slang words, vulgarisms)

· a personage is characterized through his speech as uncultured, uneducated

· literary words may be used to produce a humorous effect

· the author avoids common, neutral words and uses emotionally coloured

· the author selects, the most hackneyed words, devoid of emotive meaning

· the vocabulary is elaborate - тщательно продуман, подобран

· some words may be repeated throughout the text representing the leitmotif of the extract

· each sentence is loaded with additional emptied significance

· we may guess smth from indirect huffs

· meticulous registration of every step in the development of events - тщательная, дотошная регистрация, презентация каждого шага...

· the author resorts to (simile, metaphor...)

· an abundance of (epithets) - изобилие, богатство ч-л; the text is abundant in… - в тексте в изобилии имеются... the text abounds in...

· from smb's remarks we may grasp that...

· it is immediately reflected in the vocabulary (syntax) of the text

· the abundant use of colloquial expressions and idioms serves to make (sound) the dialogue natural

· another point worth mentioning is...

· we obtain further characteristics of..

· the author presents explicit evaluation of smb's actions (feelings)

· to make smth. more vivid and concrete the author resorts to a simile (metaphor, metonymy..)

· the effect of... is carried out further by...

· discrepancy between the subject matter and the manner of narration (description) may serve the purpose of the writer to create ironic or humorous effect

· the tendency to deliberate employment of strictly literary vocabulary to depict most trivial facts

· the incongruity of the expression and the expressed the function of which is to create a humorous effect

·... are apt examples to prove the above stated idea - подходящие примеры

· the (ironical) treatment of the subject is seen from the very first lines

· digressions from the thread of narration to express the author’s views on smth

· smb’s uneducated dialectal speech represents all kinds of deviations from standard English: phonetic, graphic

· to accentuate certain significant details

· the fact that this phrase is repeated (3) times makes these details still more significant

· the reader inevitably associates smb. with smth.

· smb's behaviour is revealed through the metaphor, simile...

· the author introduces smb as a...(lady, who...)

· a peculiar use of the word….

· the image (idea) is further developed and enhanced through the use of (epithets, metaphors...)

· the choice of epithets employed by the author to describe smth. reveals his (ironic) attitude to...

· to underscore -подчеркнуть

· the main idea expressed through the epithets is to show...

· the (cold) qualities of smb. are enhanced (усиливаются) through the use of (hyperbole)

· smb's inner qualities are in full harmony with his appearance

· the description of... is done through...

· the use of (repetition) which attracts the reader's attention and brings home to him...- убедить к-л, заставить почувствовать

· smb's attitude to smth is revealed through...

· the author dwells on her(his) ability to...

· the metaphor exposes mo. as a... person

· summing up the analysis of the character of Mr... one should say that...

· all stylistic devices are keyed to the purpose of exposing...

· the syntactical stylistic devices add much to the impact created by the lexical expressive means

·...gives an insight into smb's state of mind

· the idea is not expressed in a straightforward categorical manner

· all the other sentences of the paragraph explain or clarify the main idea

· the sentence... introduces the main idea of the extract

· the metaphor gives a figurative concrete description of smb

· the arrangement of the sentence as a whole is antithesis

· some qualities are made more palpable and concrete by means of...

· a slight ironical (dramatic) tinge - оттенок

· the next paragraph adds some more details to the reader's knowledge of the character

·... adds to the impression the reader has got of...

· the extract presents narration interwoven and interlaced with dialogues

· to contribute to the effect of...

· the analysis of the vocabulary shows an obvious difference between words m the author's narration and those of...

· (the last) sentence is a culminating point of the text

· the phrase (sentence) may be regarded as a logical summing up of what was previously said

· to present the crucial point of the story

· to bring about the effect of smth.

· the personages are splendidly characterized through their speech: lexical peculiarities are represented by the vocabulary the characters use (Mr.... speech is that of an uneducated man: it abounds in colloquialisms and vulgarisms); the grammar is incorrect; pronunciation is also typical of uneducated speech

· to break the monotony of the dialogue

· the author resorts to graphic means (to render the effect of the character's intonation and thus to stress the emotional colouring of the utterance)

· the author gives a superb though laconic description of the characters in the stage-directions

· to serve the purpose of giving the reader a deep insight into the situation and the characters

· the idea is further sustained by (the metonymical qualification of smb.)

· the syntax, too participates in conveying the atmosphere of...

· the abrupt change of sentence length and structure contributes to the expressiveness of the passage. The transition tells on the vocabulary which becomes more colloquial.

· the author's sympathy towards smb. is seen from...

· the idea of... is intensified and concretized by the introduction of the following stylistic devices...

· the idea...is given in an oblique way

· to accentuate smth

· to add to the idea of...

· the impression of... which can be derived from...

· the implication of smth - смысл, значение,

· to emphasize smth., to underline smth.

· it enables the reader to understand smth. better

· to pertain to smth - принадлежать, иметь отношение к ч-л, быть свойственным

· the story presents a sample of spoken English with its main peculiarities; elliptical sentences, contractions, ready-made formulas of agreement, surprise..., colloquialisms and so on.

· the use of high-flown words (высоких, напыщенных).

· to mould a portrait of...

· the interlacement of thoughts and feelings

· to prompt smth.


The mood (the key) may be:

- epic - typical of the description of events that have been completed in the past and are viewed by the narrator in retrospect. Hence the quiet, unhurried key of narration with the consecutive order of sentences. This key is impersonal, businesslike, dry, matter-of-fact.

- dramatic, emotional or elevated mood is created through the expression of agitation (exclamatory sentences, emotive words, many stylistic devices).

- lyrical - the text contains the expression of the author's feelings, his emotive attitude to life, his thoughts. The language is elevated, there are many poetic words and stylistic devices.

- humorous - reflects the comical aspect of life, points out some contradictions, discrepancy between form and contents.

- irony - unlike humour indicates mockery of smth. or smb. The essential feature is indirect presentation of a contradiction between an action or expression and the context in which it occurs. The emphasis is laid on the opposition between the literal and the intended meaning of a statement: one thing is said and the opposit is implied. E.g. What a beautiful day! (when it is raining). Humour always causes laughter while the function of irony is not to produce a humorous effect but a feeling of irritation, pity, regret, displeasure.


A Lexical stylistic devices

Simile - сравнение - is a stylistic device based on an analogy between two things which are discovered to possess some feature in common, otherwise being entirely dissimilar.

E.g. Darkness fell like a stone (similarity in quickness, suddenness)

He looked like a bird of paradize.

In the formation of simile the following connectives are used: like, as, as if, as though; affixes: -wise, -like.

Metaphor - метафора -is also based on analogy, but contrary to the simile there is no formal element to indicate comparison. It is a hidden comparison and presents the transference of some quality from one object to another.

Метафора состоит в употреблении слова, обозначающего некоторый класс предметов, явлений для характеризации или наименования объектов другого класса, т.е. употребление слов в непрямом значении.

E.g. His misgivings gradually melted away.

Wind is sleepless.

Leaves fell sorrowfully.


Personification is a kind of metaphor. Metaphor is one of the strongest devices used to create an image.


Metonymy - метонимия - is based on the association connecting the two concepts which these meanings represent.

Метонимия - это перенос имени с одного класса объектов на другой, или на отдельный предмет ассоциируемый с данным по смежности, сопредельности, вовлеченности в одну ситуацию. Основой метонимии служат пространственные, событийные, логические отношения между объектами.

Metonymic relations are various in character:

· The name of the instrument may be used instead of the name of the action this instrument produces. E.g. Give me your ear.

· What man possesses may stand for the man E.g. He married money.

· A quality of a thing, a feature of a man instead of the whole thing or man. E.g. Definitely the moustache and I had nothing in common (Big nose, blue beard).

· The container instead of the thing contained. E.g. The hall applauded

· The material instead of the thing made of it. E.g. The marble spoke.

· A part instead of the whole and vice versa, an individual instead of the whole class and vice versa. E.g. I saw a face. I heard the footsteps.


Epithet - эпитет - is an attributive characterization of a person or a thing. Unlike attribute the epithet is more emotionally coloured and reveals the author's attitude. E.g. The glow of an angry sunset.


Hyperbole - is a deliberate overstatement or exaggeration of a feature essential to the object or phenomenon. E.g. He was so tall that I was not sure he had a face. I haven't seen you for ages. I’ve told you fifty times.


Qxymoron - оксюморон - is a combination of two words in which the meanings of the two clash, being opposite in sense. E.g. She cried silently. Low skyscrapers; horribly beautiful; pleasantly ugly.


Zeugma -зевгма - is the use of a word in the same grammatical but different semantic relations to two adjacent words in the context, the semantic relations being on the one hand literal, on the other, transferred. E.g. He was in disgrace and in the gooseberry garden. She plunged into the privileged intimacy and into the room.


В Syntactical stylistic devices

Emphatic inversion - is the deliberate change of word-order. Inversion is resorted to, to emphasize the idea expressed, to give the description emotional colouring, to intensify the meaning. E.g. Downstairs went he. In went Mr. Pickwick


Parallel construction - is identical or similar syntactical structure in two or more sentences or parts of a sentence. E.g. They were all three from Milan, and one of them was to be a lawyer, and one was to be a painter, and one had intended to be a soldier. Parallel constructions are often backed-up by the repetition of words, which is one of the basic means of emphasis and is used to accentuate certain significant details. Parallel constructions make the thought clearer, lend eloquence and rhythm to the utterance.


Repetition is one of the basic means of emphasis.


Polysyndeton - is the repetition of conjunctions (and) E.g. older and wiser and better.


Anadiplosis - подхват - He was looking for the key. The key was....


Antithesis - (contrast) is based on relative opposition which arises out of the context. When a thing is contrasted to its opposite E.g. Too brief for our passion, too long for our peace.


Litotes – is a peculiar use of negative constructions. E.g. It's not a bad thing - good. He is not a coward – brave


Climax – кульминация, высшая точка - is an arrangement of sentences which secures a gradual increase in significance, importance and emotional tension in the utterance.


Suspense - is a deliberate delay in the completion of the expressed thought The reader awaites the completion of the utterance with an increasing tension. It is used to create the atmosphere of tension, expectation for smth. important to happen


Denouement - развязка


Rhetorical questions may be used to draw the attention to a certain point of discourse

Represented speech. The unuttered represented speech or inner speech of the character is a powerful stylistic device used to reveal the character's psychology or his mental state. It gives the writer the opportunity to disclose the character's outlook. It is the representation of the thoughts and feelings of the character.

E.g. His nervousness about this disclosure irritated him profoundly. She had no business to make him feel like that. She hadn't looked at him once....

Uttered represented speech is the representation of the utterance through the author's language

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