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Technology of developing education

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Currently, within the concept of developing education several technologies are developed. They differ in target orientation, features of content and methods.

As a developing education we must understand a new way of active learning and activity that gradually should replace the explaining-illustrative way.

Progressive development of the individual - The process of physical and mental changes in an individual over time, which implies improving its features in the direction from smallest to largest, from the simple - to complex, from lower - to higher.

The specific characteristics of the individual are:

• immanence - development is an essential characteristic of individual,;

• biogenetics - mental development of the individual is largely determined by heredity;

• sociogenetics - influence of social environment;

• psychogenetics - human is self-regulating and self-governing system;

• individuality - personality is a unique phenomenon that features a set of individual characteristics and its own version of development;

• stages of development - personal development is subject to the general law of recurrence;

• nonlinearity - each person develops in his own way, experiencing randomly distributed in time accelerations, which interfere the progress;

• physical age - determines the quantitative and qualitative characteristics and capabilities of mental development.

Developmental education takes into account the legislative and uses dimensions of the level and characteristics of the individual. In this study pedagogical influence stays ahead, encourages, directs and accelerates the development of inherited features.

5.4. Informational technology of studying. Technology of distanced education. Informational technology of studying is defined as a set of electronic tools and methods of operation used to implement studying activities. The important role in the informational technology of studying is played by technical-program complex (TPC). We can distinguish the following main types of PTC:

a) Supporting the lectures;

b) modeling process or phenomenon;

c) tests;

d) electronic textbooks;

e) collection of problems;

e) guidance information systems;

e) tasks-games;

h) integrated training systems.

Distance education implies complex of educational services provided to the general population in the country and abroad with the help of specialized information and educational environment based on the means of information exchange training ­ this at a distance (satellite TV(television), radio, computer communication, etc.).

Distance Education is a form of permanent education that aims to realize the human right for education and receiving information. Distance education will enable equal accessibility of education to a diverse population through a greater usage ­ last one scientific and educational potential of leading universities, academies, institutes, centers of various sectoral training and retraining, and training centers.

Distance education will help to get basic or add ­ additional education, without detracting from the leading activity. Finally created a system of distance education is aimed at developing ­ expansion of the educational system in our country.

Central element of distance education is the means of telecom- Framework in providing an opportunity to provide the educational process:

necessary educational and teaching materials;

feedback between teacher and student;

exchange of management information systems in e-learning

access to the international information network.

Technology of Distance Education - a set of methods, forms and means of interaction with the personal, but controlled capture specified array of knowledge.

In world practice to achieve these goals in distance education, the following information technologies are applied:

1. provision of textbooks and other printed material;

2. transfer the materials studied through computer

3. telecommunications;

4. discussions and seminars conducted by means of computer telecommunications;

5. videotapes;

6. broadcast educational programs national and regional networks;

7. cable TV;

8. voice mail;

9. bilateral videoconferencing;

10. sided video-recording feedback by phone.


TOPIC VI. Fundamentals of communication culture of a pedagogue. Pedagogical communication

6.1. Language culture. Components of oratory art.

Language culture is the possession of linguistic rules of pronunciation, putting emphasis and word usage, and the ability to use language means of expressiveness in different communication conditions, according to its purpose and content.

Language culture - linguistic discipline that studies and improve ­ the language as an instrument of culture, but its field of application are linguistic phenomena or fields that do not belong to the canon of literary language and system of literary norms (vernacular, colloquially-household language, dialect, jargon, professionalisms).Speaking of literary standards, it is worth mentioning two extremes: purism - rejection of changes and innovations in the language; normalization - worship of the elements of language that leads to blurred ­ language standards. There are various options of “ verbal rules”.

1. chronological (archaisms, historical, neologisms);

2. Stylistic (spoken, official business, poetic, professional);

3. Normative (dialect, vernacular, colloquially, not literary).

The sign of language culture serves its order, compliance (pronouncing, grammar and stylistic etc.).

The average person uses - 5-6 thousand words. Lexicon of a teacher is 10-12 thousand words, despite the terminology. Large vocabulary and good orientation in scientific terminology are not showing ­ art of oratory. You must be able to choose from the personal lexicon and vocabulary the necessary words to formulate the message.This phrase should correctly express the thought, use all the variety of language and show its flexibility and expressiveness.

Only when these conditions are fulfilled language becomes not only the carrier of information and mean of communication, but also a source of emotional and educational impact.

One of the most common oratorical techniques are iterations. They contribute to the concentration of students, deepen and amplify oratorical opinion, reveal the fact or nature of the subject, which is not always obvious, make it possible to take notes.

Rhetorical question and rhetorical appeal also concentrate the attention of listeners - oratory techniques of symbolic nature that do not involve verbal reactions of listeners. True oratory language, regardless of topic, purpose of the lectures, performances, audience should contain artistic elements. Oratory provides the ability to improvise, minimize and expand oral information depending on the circumstances (lack or redistribution of lectures time, the level of preparedness of the audience, etc.).

Pedagogical communication - a specific form of communication that has its own characteristics and at the same time uses general and psychological ­ regularities, which are essential for communication as a form of human interaction with others, containing communicative, interactive and perceptual components.

Pedagogical communication - a set of tools and techniques which support the implementation of the goals and objectives of education and training, defining the nature of interaction between pedagogue and students.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 153 | Нарушение авторских прав

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