F [ef] 6-я буква англ. алфавита
which were made by Peter Carl Fabergé for the Russian royal family in the late 19th century. These eggs are now very valuable. face [feɪs] 1) n лицо́; цифербла́т 2) v стоя́ть лицо́м (к чему-л.); ста́лкиваться (с необходимостью) facility [fəˈsɪləti] лёгкость; (обыкн. pl) благоприя́тные усло́вия; заво́д; обору́дование fact [fækt] факт factor [ˈfæktəʳ] фа́ктор factory [ˈfæktǝri] заво́д, фа́брика fail [feɪl] потерпе́ть неуда́чу; провали́ть(ся) на экза́менах failure [ˈfeɪljəʳ] неуспе́х, неуда́ча, прова́л fair [feəʳ] 1) a справедли́вый; че́стный; белоку́рый 2) adv че́стно fairly [ˈfeəli] справедли́во; дово́льно; в изве́стной сте́пени faith [feɪθ] ве́ра fall [fɔːl] 1) n паде́ние; амер. о́сень 2) v (fell; fallen) па́дать false [fɔːls] ло́жный; фальши́вый familiar [fəˈmɪliəʳ] привы́чный; хорошо́ знако́мый; фамилья́рный family [ˈfæmǝli] семья́, семе́йство; family name фами́лия | CULTURAL NOTE In the US and the UK, there is a traditional idea of a typical family, called a nuclear family, which consists of a mother, a father, and children. Typically, the father goes out to work and the mother takes care of the home and the children. Although this type of family is often praised by politicians and often shown in advertisements, fewer and fewer real families are actually like this. Most married women now have jobs, and there are more one-parent families, partly because of divorce and partly because some women have children without being married. Divorce also leads to more complicated families, if parents who are divorced then get married again and have more children. As a result of all these changes, there are now many different types of family. Another type of family, the extended family, a large family group all living together, including grandparents, cousins etc used to be common in former times but is now very unusual in the US and UK. famous [ˈfeɪməs] знамени́тый, изве́стный, просла́вленный fan [fæn] ве́ер; вентиля́тор; фана́т fancy [ˈfænsi] 1) v вообража́ть; люби́ть 2) a мо́дный; причу́дливый fantastic [fænˈtæstɪk] чуде́сный; фантасти́ческий |
far [fɑːʳ] 1) a (farther; farthest) да́льний, далёкий 2) adv (further; furthest) далеко́
farm [fɑːm] фе́рма, хозя́йство
farmer [ˈfɑːməʳ] фе́рмер
fascinating [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] очарова́тельный
fashion [ˈfæʃǝn] стиль, мо́да
fast [fɑːst] 1) a ско́рый, бы́стрый; 2) adv бы́стро; кре́пко
fat [fæt] жи́рный
father [ˈfɑːðəʳ] оте́ц
fault [fɔːlt] недоста́ток; вина́
A story developed about him that he had ‘sold his soul to the Devil’ in exchange for knowledge and power. Many stories and pieces of music have been written about him, including the plays Dr Faustus by Christopher MARLOWE and Faust by GOETHE. favour [ˈfeɪvəʳ] 1) n любе́зность; благоскло́нность 2) v помога́ть; благоволи́ть favourite [ˈfeɪvrɪt] люби́мый fear [fɪəʳ] 1) n страх, боя́знь 2) v боя́ться | feature [ˈfiːtʃəʳ] 1) n осо́бенность 2) v исполня́ть гла́вную роль
federal [ˈfedǝrǝl] федера́льный
fee [fiː] гонора́р, вознагражде́ние
feed [fiːd] v (fed) корми́ть(ся); пита́ть(ся); снабжа́ть то́пливом, водо́й, сырьём
feedback [ˈfiːdbæk] отве́тная реа́кция; радио обра́тная связь
feel [fiːl] v (felt) чу́вствовать; ощуща́ть
feeling [ˈfiːlɪŋ] чу́вство; ощуще́ние
fellow [ˈfeləʊ] разг. па́рень; па́ра; fellow citizen сограждани́н
female [ˈfiːmeɪl] 1) n же́нщина 2) a же́нский
fence [fens] забо́р, и́згородь
Isabella of Spain, were known as the Catholic Monarchs. They are famous for giving CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS the money and ships to make the journey on which he discovered America. GEOGRAPHY The FERTILE CRESCENT is an area in the MIDDLE EAST in the shape of a CRESCENT from Israel to the GULF, including the land around the rivers TIGRIS and EUPHRATES. Several important ancient CIVILIZATION s were based there, such as the ASSYRIAN and SUMERIAN civilizations. |
Fertile Crescent
The major nation in this region is Iraq (formerly Mesopotamia), with small portions of Iran near the Persian Gulf, Kuwait to the south and Turkey in the north. More typically the Fertile Crescent includes also the Levantine coast of the Mediterranean Sea, with Syria, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon and the West Bank. Water sources include the Jordan River.
At maximum extent, the Fertile Crescent also may include Egypt and the Nile Valley and Delta within it. The inner boundary is delimited by the dry climate of the Syrian Desert to the south. Around the outer boundary are the arid and semi-arid lands of the Caucasus to the North, the Anatolian highlands to the west, and the Sahara Desert to the west.
The region is often called the cradle of civilization. Some of its technological inventions are writing, glass, and the wheel. Plants and animals were not domesticated there but in the surrounding nuclear area, where the original plant species still grow wild.
festival [ˈfestɪvl] фестива́ль
fetch [fetʃ] сходи́ть за кем-л.; принести́; доста́ть
few [fjuː] ма́ло, немно́го; a few не́сколько
field [fiːld] по́ле; о́бласть fight [faɪt] 1) n бой; 2) v (fought) дра́ться, сража́ться, воева́ть figure [ˈfɪgəʳ] 1) n фигу́ра; рису́нок (в книге); ци́фра 2) v фигури́ровать | CULTURAL NOTE In the US and the UK, a man is considered to have a good figure if he has broad shoulders, strong muscles, a flat stomach, and long strong legs. A woman is considered to have a good figure if she is thin with a narrow waist, long legs, and fairly large breasts.
file [faɪl] 1) n тех. напи́льник; па́пка; де́ло; информ. файл 2) v подпи́ливать; подшива́ть к де́лу fill [fɪl] наполня́ть(ся); заполня́ть film [fɪlm] плёнка; фильм filthy [ˈfɪlθi] гря́зный final [ˈfaɪnl] 1) a коне́чный 2) n фина́л; (pl) выпускны́е экза́мены finally [ˈfaɪnǝli] в конце́ концо́в finance 1) n [ˈfaɪnæns] pl фина́нсы 2) v [faɪˈnæns] финанси́ровать financial [faɪˈnænʃl] фина́нсовый find [faɪnd] v (found) находи́ть finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ] обнару́же́ние; реше́ние (присяжных); пригово́р (суда); pl вы́воды (комиссии) fine [faɪn] 1) a прекра́сный; то́нкий; ме́лкий; хоро́ший (о погоде) 2) adv изя́щно; отли́чно, прекра́сно finger [ˈfɪŋgəʳ] па́лец; стре́лка (часов) finish [ˈfɪnɪʃ] 1) n коне́ц; спорт. фи́ниш 2) v зака́нчивать(ся) |
Finland (1)
![]() | Finland is a country in northeast Europe between Russia and Sweden. Population: 5,421,827 (2012). Capital: Helsinki. People in the UK connect Finland with SAUNA s and with the MIDNIGHT SUN. Finland is a country of thousands of lakes and islands. The landscape is covered mostly by coniferous taiga forests, with little arable land. Finland is one of the world's countries with the highest quality of life. |
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Finland (2)
![]() | From the 12th until the start of the 19th century, Finland was a part of Sweden, and then part of the Russian Empire. The era of Russian Tzars came to an end in 1917 during the Communist Revolution. On December 6th of that year Finland declared its independence. A short (but bloody) civil war followed between "Whites" (Finland forces) and "Reds" (Russian supported factions), and the "Whites" prevailed. |
Prior to World War II, Finland experienced anticommunist violence, and its already shaky relationship with the Soviet Union worsened. Finland lost some of its eastern territory to the Soviet Union during the 1939 Winter War, and over the next few years tragic wars over territory continued until treaties were finally signed in the late 1940s. | ![]() |
| When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the country fell into a depression with very high unemployment. In 1994, Finland voted to join the European Union (EU). It's received considerable assistance and benefits from that membership, as well as itself contributing back to that union. In 2000, the proud, trend-setting Finns elected their first ever female president, Tarja Halonen. |
Finland is an artistic, creative and stylish land, with a respected worldwide resume in glass, fabric and furniture design, athletic competition, all of the performing arts, and innovative civic and social programs. The great outdoors certainly flourishes in Finland, and for most Finns, a quiet weekend cabin on the edge of a lake, amidst a snow-covered landscape is heaven, unless of course someone forgot to install the sauna. | ![]() |
fire [ˈfaɪəʳ] 1) n ого́нь; пожа́р 2) v стреля́ть, вести́ ого́нь
firm [fɜːm] 1) n фи́рма 2) твёрдый
first [fɜːst] 1) a пе́рвый 2) adv сперва́; first of all пре́жде всего́
firstly [ˈfɜːstli] во-пе́рвых
fish [fɪʃ] 1) n (pl часто без измен.) ры́ба 2) v лови́ть или уди́ть ры́бу
fishing [ˈfɪʃɪŋ] ры́бная ло́вля
fit [fɪt] 1) a го́дный; в хоро́шей фо́рме 2) v годи́ться; the coat fits well пальто́ сиди́т хорошо́
fix [fɪks] закрепля́ть; чини́ть
fixed [fɪkst] закреплённый
flash [flæʃ] сверка́ть
flat [flæt] 1) n пло́скость; равни́на; кварти́ра 2) пло́ский, ро́вный
flavour [ˈfleɪvəʳ] вкус; арома́т
flesh [fleʃ] те́ло; плоть; мя́коть
flight [flaɪt] полёт; ав. рейс
flood [flʌd] затопля́ть; наводня́ть
great flood that covered the whole world. According to the story, God caused the Flood because he was angry with the people on Earth and wanted to punish them. He made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights, and most of the people and animals on Earth were killed. Only one man, Noah, and his family were saved. God told Noah to build an ARK (=a large boat) and to take two of every | kind of animal on the ark with him. When the rain stopped and the water level began to go down, Noah sent out a DOVE to look for land, and the bird returned carrying an OLIVE branch to show that the land was reappearing. floor [flɔːʳ] пол; эта́ж flow [fləʊ] 1) n тече́ние 2) v течь flower [ˈflaʊəʳ] цвето́к CULTURAL NOTE Flowers are often given to someone as a sign of love, to say thank you, or to say sorry. They are also often given to women as a present or at celebrations such as birthdays and GRADUATION s. There are usually flowers at a wedding, and the BRIDE carries flowers. Flowers are often given to people who are ill, and they are also put on graves. Some flowers have special meanings. For example, red roses represent romantic love, and white lilies (LILY) are often used when someone has died. fly [flaɪ] v (flew; flown) лета́ть focus [ˈfəʊkəs] 1) n фо́кус; центр 2) v собира́ть(ся); сфокуси́ровать fold [fəʊld] скла́дывать (ткань, газе́ту) вдво́е, вче́тверо и т.п. folk [fəʊk] лю́ди; наро́д follow [ˈfɒləʊ] сле́довать, идти́ за following [ˈfɒləʊɪŋ] (по)сле́дующий food [fuːd] пи́ща; еда́, корм foot [fʊt] (pl feet) ступня́; нога́ (ниже щиколотки); фут (=30,48 см) football [ˈfʊtbɔːl] футбо́л |
for [fɔːʳ (полная форма); fə (редуцированная форма)] для; в тече́ние
force [fɔːs] 1) n си́ла 2) v заставля́ть
STAR WARS, and for appearing as the character Indiana JONES in a series of films such as Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
making cars in 1896 and established the Ford Motor Company. He designed the famous MODEL T FORD. foreign [ˈfɒrɪn] иностра́нный forest [ˈfɒrəst] лес forever [fərˈevəʳ] навсегда́ forget [fəˈget] v (forgot; forgotten) забыва́ть forgive [fəˈgɪv] v (forgave; forgiven) проща́ть fork [fɔːk] ви́лка form [fɔːm] 1) n фо́рма; анке́та; класс (в школе) 2) формирова́ть(ся) formal [ˈfɔːmǝl] форма́льный formation [fɔːˈmeɪʃn] созда́ние; (по)строе́ние former [ˈfɔːməʳ] пре́жний, бы́вший formula [ˈfɔːmjʊlə] фо́рмула forth [fɔːθ] вперёд, да́льше | CULTURAL NOTE When people in the UK think of the forties, they think mainly of World War II, when many British men went abroad to fight, and when German planes attacked British cities with bombs. They also think of rationing (RATION), and the fact that people did not have much food, and many types of product were impossible to get. In the US ordinary people were less affected by World War II than people in the UK, and there was only one direct attack on the US, at PEARL HARBOR. During the war, British society began to change. People from different social classes worked together, and supported and helped each other. Women began doing jobs that had previously been done by men, such as working on farms and in factories, and this made them more independent. In the forties, women typically wore suits with skirts, and small hats. Their hair was collar length, smooth and shiny, and curled under at the end. Popular music of the time included JAZZ and BIG BAND music. fortnight [ˈfɔːtnaɪt] две неде́ли fortunate [ˈfɔːtʃǝnət] счастли́вый fortune [ˈfɔːtʃǝn] сча́стье; судьба́ forward [ˈfɔːwəd] 1) a пере́дний 2) adv вперёд foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃn] фунда́мент; основа́ние, осно́ва; фонд frame [freɪm] ра́мка, ра́ма |
![]() | France is a country in Western Europe and a member of the EU. It is known especially for its art, good food, and fine wines, and many British people go there on holiday. France is linked to the United Kingdom by the Channel Tunnel, which passes underneath the English Channel. Famous sites of France include the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, Versailles, and Notre Dame. |
After the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, the absolute monarchy was abolished. Napoleon became the Emperor of the French Empire in 1804. His Russian campaign was catastrophic. About a million Frenchmen died during the Napoleonic Wars. France is the most-visited country in the world. It owns the largest number of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants in the EU. France is the EU’s leading agricultural producer. | ![]() |
| Famous people from France include Molière, Blaise Pascal, René Descartes, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Charles Perrault, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Jules Verne. Pascal was a French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist, who wrote about religion and invented the barometer. |
frank [fræŋk] и́скренний
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. He is famous for proving that LIGHTNING is a form of electricity by doing a scientific test in which he flew a KITE during a storm, and he invented the LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR. free [friː] 1) a свобо́дный; беспла́тный 2) v освобожда́ть freedom [ˈfriːdəm] свобо́да freeway [ˈfriːweɪ] амер. автостра́да freeze [friːz] v (froze; frozen) замерза́ть; замора́живать freezer [ˈfriːzəʳ] морози́лка frequent [ˈfriːkwənt] ча́стый fresh [freʃ] све́жий
way that people’s minds work, and a new way of treating mental illness called PSYCHOANALYSIS. His ideas, especially about the importance of sex, have had a very great influence on the way that people think in the 21st century. fridge [frɪdʒ] холоди́льник | friend [frend] друг friendly [ˈfrendli] дружелю́бный friendship [ˈfrendʃɪp] дру́жба frightened [ˈfraɪtnd] испу́ганный from [frɒm (полная форма); frəm (редуцированная форма)] от, из, с front [frʌnt] 1) n пере́дняя сторона́; in front of пе́ред, впереди́; фронт 2) a пере́дний fruit [fruːt] плод; фрукт(ы) fry [fraɪ] жа́рить(ся) fuel [ˈfjuːəl] то́пливо, горю́чее fulfil [fʊlˈfɪl] выполня́ть full [fʊl] по́лный fully [ˈfʊli] по́лностью fun [fʌn] шу́тка; весе́лье; заба́ва function [ˈfʌŋkʃǝn] фу́нкция fund [fʌnd] 1) n фонд; капита́л 2) v вкла́дывать капита́л fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentl] основно́й; суще́ственный funeral [ˈfjuːnǝrəl] по́хороны funny [ˈfʌni] заба́вный, смешно́й CULTURAL NOTE Coats and other clothing made of fur are very expensive, and in the past people wore furs to show that they were rich. Today in many Western countries, however, many people think that it is cruel to kill animals for their fur, and choose to wear FAKE FUR instead. furniture [ˈfɜːnɪtʃəʳ] ме́бель further [ˈfɜːðəʳ] да́льше; да́лее fuss [fʌs] суета́; не́рвное состоя́ние future [ˈfjuːtʃəʳ] 1) n бу́дущее 2) a бу́дущий |
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