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into the spaces provided.

1. People have always wanted to be able to fly like ___birds in ____sky.

2. It's ___ oldest university in ____ world.

3. She's ____ mother of my best friend.

4. ____ height of Mt Blanc is 4807 metres.

5. She's ___woman of ___ great ability.

6. We knew who ___ murderer was at ____end of ___ first act.

7. Many children have ____fear of ____rejection.

8. I accidentally poked myself in _______ eye.

9. Frank hurt _______ hand when he caught the ball.

10. What is ___ World Bank doing to help ____ poor?

11. She washed _______ face with warm water and soap.

12. The ball hit me in _______ head.

13. The policeman was shot in _______ shoulder.

14. Neil Armstrong was __ first man on ___ moon.

15. I'm sorry I'm late. I caught ___ wrong bus.' - 'Well in ___future try to catch ___ right one.'

16. I'm warning you! ___ next person who does that will be in ___trouble!

17. He was ___ only survivor of the crash; everyone else died.

18. There isn't always ___ right way of doing things.

19. What ____ surprise! You're ___ last person I expected to see.

20. I usually read a lot, but ____last week, I read only _____ book.

21. Marc has _______ aunt who lives in Mississippi.

22. I used to eat two eggs and three pieces of toast for breakfast. Now I'm on ___ diet. For breakfast I have _____ egg and _____ piece of ___toast.

23. I had _______ goldfish when I was six years old. Its name was "Jaws."

24. My sister has _______ goldfish. They are always hungry.

25. I've told you for _______ hundredth time, don't exaggerate!

26. _______ first and second chapters were hard, but by the time I got to _______Chapter Ten, I understood everything.

27. _______ monkeys are smarter than _______ dogs.

28. _______ clowns in Ringling Brothers' Circus are _______ funniest clowns in _______ world.

29. Tim has two dogs, six cats and _____ parrot.

30. I spoke to him on ______ telephone yesterday.

31. Carrie found _______ wallet in the subway.

32. Barry found _______ wallet that everyone had been looking for.

33. Where are _______ girls you told me about?

34. _______ scientists I spoke to are working on a way to create ____cheaper electricity.

35. Mother says that _______ vegetables are good for you.

36. _______ vegetables from my garden are nice and fresh.

37. Jane married _____Dr. Smith who is a surgeon, not _____Dr. Smith who is ____ a dentist.

38. Laura had _______ fever of 100.2 degrees.

39. ____Dr. Wheeler plays _______ piano very well.

40. She also studied _______ violin.

41. Do you enjoy _______ mathematics?

42. _______ bed in the hotel we stayed at was very comfortable.

43. Don't let _______ past run your life.

44. Do you listen to _______ radio in your car on your way to _____work?

45. What did you watch on _______ TV last night?

46. Janet brushed _____ hair.

47. Richard hurt himself in _______ shoulder.

48. We washed _______ hands in hot water.

49. The boy cut himself on ______ leg.

50. She had _______ toothache all night long.

51. I hurt _______ back.

52. The old man bumped _______ head.

53. Did the old man bump himself on _______ head?

54. The policeman hit the robber on _______ back.

55. She grabbed him by _______ neck and shook him.

56. _______cheese is made from _______ milk.

57. _______ milk that you bought yesterday is sour.

58. _______ air at Mount Washington is cold, fresh and clean.

59. _______ gold is used to make jewelry.

60. _______ silver from that mine is ____ very high quality.

61. I want to make ____ sandwich. Where's _______ butter?

62. Do you want bacon and _____ eggs for _____ breakfast?

63. This house is full of _______ dust.

64. There is no shortage of _______ oil this year.

65. _______ ketchup in this bottle won't pour out.

66. _______ coffee contains _____caffeine.

67. _______ dust in this house is two inches deep!

68. _______ coffee in this pot is too strong, I don’t like ____strong coffee.

69. I am going to study ___ Spanish next year.

70. He was greatly moved by _______ beauty of the sunset.

71. ______children should learn _______ courtesy in _____school.

72. Do you like _______ poetry?

73. Marie appreciated _______ friendship of her classmate Anna.

74. _______ time flies.

75. _______ literature of ancient Greece is still worth reading.

76. _______ space between _____ wall and ____ sofa was narrow.

77. Men have traveled in _______ space.

78. I like _______ poetry of _____ eighteenth century.

79. Does your sister play _______ guitar?

80. The doctors treated him for _______ high blood pressure.

81. She had _______ stomachache, but it was not _______ appendicitis

82. When I go to _____college I am going to study _______ music.

83. Have you ever had _______ mumps?

84. Bill is going to play _______ chess after ______school.

85. My grandfather had _______ bad heart and _______ arthritis.

86. Jack plays _______ drums with a famous rock group.

87. The criminal went to ____ prison

88. _____school begins at nine o'clock.

89. ____prison is near ____ Hudson River.

90. My friend goes to ____ church every Sunday.

91. Where is ____ church?

92. My elder brother is at ____college.

93. _____ bad drivers are punished by ____ law; they may be sent to _____ prison.

94. I'll meet you in front of ____ college at nine o'clock.

95. He goes to _____ church every Sunday; ______church he goes to has ____seats for over ____ thousand people.

96. Don't sit on ____ bed.

97. Our niece goes to ____bed at seven o'clock.

98. She took her ex-husband to ____ court.

99. We met in front of _____ court.

100. Do you want _______ milk with your coffee?

101. I like _______ lamb, especially with potatoes and lots of gravy.

102. We always have _____ bread with our meals.

103. Put _______ salad dressing on your salad.

104. Where can I buy _______ meat?

105. Can you give me _______ bowl of rice?

106. _____ meat tastes lovely. What’s in ____ sauce?

107. Paul ate _______ fish for _____dinner last night.

108. We eat three times _____ day.

109. Joe saw her _______ couple of months ago.

110. If you're in _______ hurry, I can get it for you now.

111. Would you like _______ sugar in your tea?

112. Henry has _______ lamb. Its name is "Snow White."

113.Are you in ______ good mood?

114. Is this the kind of _______ party you like?

115. _______ few people like to admit that they are wrong. (Not many people)

116. There were _______ few people at the party last night. (Several people)

117. If you have _______ little time, I can tell you the story. (a small amount of time)

118.She has _______ little energy. She's always tired. (Not much energy)

119. Have you read _____ Bible?

120. ______ world is full of opportunities.

121. Forget about ______ past. Don't worry about ____ future.

122. ___Asia and ___Africa are ___continents.

123. ___Mount Everest is in ___Asia.

124. We walked from ____Washington Square up ___Fifth Avenue to ___Central Park.

125. ____Lake Erie is between ____New York State and ___Canada.

126. Lizzy dreamed she was in ___Paradise.

127. ____ Philippines were named after ____Philip II of Spain.

128. ____ Great Lakes are far from ____ Rocky Mountains.

129. Another name for ___Holland is ____Netherlands.

130. ____Andes Mountains are higher than ____ Alps.

131. ____Sahara is ___ huge desert.

132. ____George Washington Bridge crosses ____Hudson River.

133. ____Mississippi and ____Amazon are ____ two largest rivers in the world, while___ Nile is ____ longest.

134. ____Civil War was fought between ____North and ____ South.

135. ____United States is bounded by ____Atlantic Ocean in ___east, ____ Pacific Ocean in ___ west, and ____ Gulf of Mexico in ____ south.

136. ____explorer looked ____east, then ____west. He tested ____wind and decided to continue ____north.

137. ____California is ___west of ____Nevada.

138. We saw _______ Eiffel Tower when we were in Paris.

139. Last year, I took a course at _______ University of Miami in _______ Florida.

140. _______ Canada is _______ north of _______ United States.

141. _____ Lake Superior is one of _______ Great Lakes.

142. We went to _______ Bahamas for our vacation.

143. _______ New York City is also known as "_______Big Apple."

144. Have you ever climbed _______ Mount Washington?

145. _______ English Channel separates _______ Great Britain and ____France.

146. _______ Brooklyn Bridge goes over _______ East River.

147. _______ General Motors is one of America's largest companies.

148. Do you shop at _______ Bloomingdales?

149. His favorite magazines are _______ Scientific American and _______ Playboy.

150. _______ Washington Post is _____ famous newspaper.

151. We studied about _______ American Revolution in our history class.

152. Many people were killed in _______ Second World War.

153. Are you going to school _______ next week?

154. _______ last time I saw her, she was a blonde.

155. I was planning to go to his party, but on _______ second thought, I changed my mind.

156. I read a story about _______ Richard _______ Lionhearted.

157. _______ Smiths have been our neighbors for ____ long time.

158. Have you ever seen _______ Adams Family on television?

159. The treaty was signed by _______ King George.

160. Every solar system has ____ sun.

161. I heard about it on _____ radio.

162. In just two minutes we'll be on _____ air. (broadcasting over the radio)

163.In just two minutes we'll be in _____ air. (flying in the Earth's atmosphere)

164. Can you imagine ____ world with no wars, no hunger, no pain?

165. When ____moon passes between ____sun and ____ earth, it is called ____ eclipse. During ____ eclipse of _______ sun, the shadow of _______ moon falls on _______ earth.

166. _____ancient Greeks believed that ____man could not shape his own destiny as he was at ______ mercy of Zeus.

167. This book is _____short history of ____origins and development of ____ English language, from ____Old English to ____Modern English.

168. I have _______ headache.

169. _______ milk comes from _______ cows.

170. Some people will do anything for _______ money.

171. I enjoy _______ literature of ______ Middle Ages.

172. _______ moon is 240,000 miles from _______ earth.

173. Sometimes you can see _______ Venus in ____ west, just after _______ sun sets.

174.I saw _______ shooting star _____last night.

175. _______ Dr. Jonas Salk created a vaccine for polio.

176. _______ Smiths moved after they won the lottery.

177. _______ Trump family went on ____vacation last week.

178. This course was taught by _______ Professor Wheeler last year.

179. Have you ever heard of William _______ Conqueror?

180. Who was Alfred _______ Great's son?

181. _______ Halloween is in _______ October.

182. We celebrated _______ New Year's Eve quietly at home.

183. _______ Wednesday before _______ Thanksgiving is ____ busy day for the family cook.

184. _______ literature was my favorite subject in _____school.

185. Mr. Jackson had _______ bad heart, and ______ high blood pressure.

186. _____Italian spoken in Rome is different from _______ Italian spoken in Naples.

187. She had _______ stomach ache, but it was not _______ appendicitis.

188. Bob caught _______ mumps from Kelly.

189. You can get ___ vaccination against ______ measles, and ______ polio.

190. What time does _______ school begin?

191. I go to _______ church on Sundays.

192. We went to _______ Lake Ontario for our vacation.

193. _______ Great Lakes are ______ largest fresh water lakes in ____America

194. Her house was on _______ Twenty-ninth Street.

195. _______ Bronx is one of the boroughs of _______ New York City.

196. ______Hague is the capital of _______ Netherlands.

197. _______ Gulf of Mexico is _______ south of Texas.

198. I'm from _______ South.

199. _______ Mexico is bounded by _______ Pacific Ocean in _______ west, _______ United States in _______ north, _______ Gulf of Mexico in _______east, and _______ Guatemala in _______ south.

200. Karen went to _______ Harvard, while her sister went to _______ University of Indiana.

201. My favorite magazines are _____ Time, _____ Newsweek, and _____ Life.

202. The boss reads two newspapers a day: _______ New York Times and _______Wall Street Journal.

203. We like to shop at _______ Bloomingdales or _______ Macy's.

204. _______ Renaissance began in Italy during _______ fourteenth century.

205. I went to visit him ____ last month.

206. Do you believe in ___love at ___ first sight?

207. It was _____early morning, ____ morning after the exam.

208. Walt Disney, ____ famous film animator and producer, created Disneyland, ____ large pleasure park, which was opened in California in 1955.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 167 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Ленинградская область| Exercise 1. Point out the subject in the following sentences and state what it is expressed by. Translate into Russian.

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