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Ways of translating gerundial complexes/constructions

Читайте также:
  1. A. Ways of Translating the For-to-lnf initive Constructions
  3. Descriptive Translating of Idiomatic and Set Expressions
  4. Descriptive Translating of Idiomatic and Set Expres­sions
  5. Examples of Translating Newspaper Clichés
  6. Examples of Translating on the Level of Words
  7. Exercise 4. State the function oi the gerund and Gerundial Constructions. Translate into English.

Gerundial complexes as secondary predication constructions are formed by a noun in the genitive case (rarer in the objective case) or a possessive pronoun (a pronoun in the genitive case cf. somebody's) plus the gerund in any of its paradigmatic forms. For example: Ann's/her reading (being read), somebody's reading (being read/having been read), etc.

The choice of the way of translation of a gerundial complex greatly depends on the paradigmatic form of its gerundial component, its lexi­cal meaning and on the lexical meaning of its nominal/secondary sub­ject component. Besides, the function of such a gerundial complex in the sentence may influence its translation as well.


Thus, when used as a complex subject, this secondary predi­cation construction may be rendered depending on the paradigmatic form and meaning of its gerundial component, through the following Ukrainian syntactic units of the same function:

1) As a subordinate noun word-group or a subordinate clause:
Tom's coming was a blessing. Томів приїзд був великою

(Fitzgerald) розрадою/радістю.

Her being ill will spoil every- ft хвороба розладнає/зведе

thing. (Christie) нанівець усе.

It's no good your flying in tern- Недобре, що ти такрозлю-

ger. (Maugham) чуєшся/ так шаленієш.

The gerundial complex subject of this type may sometimes have two or more faithful versions in Ukrainian:

... Annett's being French might upset him a little. (Galsworthy)
1) Те, що Аннет франиужен- 2) Французька наиіональ-

ка, може його трохи збентежи- ність Аннет може його тро-
ти. хи збентежити.

2) When used as a complex predicative or part of a compound
verbal predicate, the gerundial complex may be translated into Ukrain­
ian with the help of a functionally and semantically equivalent part of
the compound verbal aspect predicate expressed by an infinitive or
noun (as in the second sentence below):

The dollar at the Moscow Ex- Курс долара на Московській

change began its climbing up валютній біржі став знову

again. (M. News) рости/ почав знову зростати.

It was Shchedrvk's singing that Саме спів дитячого хору

made it well-known in Poland and «Щедрик» приніс йому

now in France. (News from визнання у Польщі, а тепер і в

Ukraine) Франції.

3) When used as a complex object, the gerundial construction
may have various semantic, functional and partly structural realiza­
tions in Ukrainian. The most often employed are the following:

a) The object subordinate clause:

/ didn't like his hearing such Мені не подобалось, що він

stupid things. (Fitzgerald) слухає такі нерозумні розмови.

Tom and Daisy were afraid of Том і Дейзі боялися, щоб я

ту finding out the truth. (Ibid.) не вивідав правди.

b) An object subordinate clause or a noun phrase, the choice of which rests with the translator, who suggests the most fitting lexical and structural equivalent (substitution) for the gerundial complex in Ukrainian. Thus, the gerundial complexes in the sentences below may have two equally faithful realizations in Ukrainian - either a subordi­nate clause or a noun:

She was wakened by someone knocking at the door. (S.Ross)
1) Вона прокинулась, бо/ 2) Вона прокинулась від

тому що хтось постукав у чийогось стукоту в двері, двері.

І think everybody looked forward to his coming back.


1) Думаю, всі чекали, що він 2) По-моєму, всі чекали на

повернеться. його повернення.

4) When used in the attributive function the gerundial complex may be translated in some ways, which are predetermind by the lexi­cal meaning and structural form of the gerundial component. These ways are as follows:

a) An attributive subordinate clause:

... she was tortured by the...їїмучила думка, що Майкл

thought of Michael's unhappiness буде нещасливим і що її дитя

and her baby being looked afterдоглядатимуть чужі люди,
by strangers. (Ibid.)

b) An attributive infinitival word-group or an infinitive:
There's always the chance of Ніколи не можна відкидати

her having a baby... (Ibid.) (для неї) можливість мати


or: Вона не може відкидати можливості завагітніти.
... there was no chance of their
... у них не було жодної
being left even for a moment by можливості навіть хвилину
themselves. (Ibid.) побути самим/щоб їх залишили


5) When used in an adverbial function, the gerundial complex may respectively be translated as an adverbial modifier expressed by diyepryslivnyk or as a functionally corresponding subordinate clause (of time, cause, purpose and attending circumstances:


On my being settled a t Doctor Strong's I wrote to her again... (Dickens).

1) Після того, як мене 2) Поселившись у лікаря

поселили у лікаря Стронґа, я Стронґа. я знову написав їй
знову написав їй листа. листа.

The gerundial complex expressing the adverbial function of pur­pose is translated by means of the corresponding subordinate clause:

Instinct made him step on the Він інст инкт ивно

accelerator with the purpose of натиснув на акселератор,

Daisy and Wilson leaving behind, щоб відірватися від Дейзі та

(Fitzgerald) Вільсона.

The gerundial complex expressing the attendant circumstances may be translated into Ukrainian with the help of the corresponding subordinate clause or an adverbial (or substantival) word-group:

Dusk dropped down without his noticing... (Galsworthy)
Сутінки настали так Якось непомітно для нього

несподівано (зненацька), що він впали сутінки... і не помітив...

І could know it without your telling me. (B. Sha w)
1) Я знав би це, навіть якби 2) Я знав би це і без тебе/

ти цього мені не сказав. твого повідомлення.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-10; просмотров: 134 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Exercise VI. Suggest the possible approaches to translat­ing the four-componental asyndetic noun clusters below. | WAYS OF RENDERING THE LEXICO-GRAMMATICAL MEANINGS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE ENGLISH INFINITIVE | Exercise I. Prior to translating the English sentences be­low point out the function of the underlined infinitive and sug­gest a Ukrainian semantic equivalent for it. | A. Ways of Translating the For-to-lnf initive Constructions | CONSTRUCTIONS/PREDICATIVE COMPLEXES | WITH THE INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTIONS | WAYS OF TRANSLATING THE PARTICIPLES AND PARTICIPIAL CONSTRUCTIONS | WAYS OF TRANSLATING PARTICIPIAL CONSTRUCTIONS/COMPLEXES | Exercise VI. State the nature of the participial construc­tions in the sentences below and translate them into Ukrainian. | CONSTRUCTIONS |
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TRANSLATION OF THE GERUND AND GERUNDIAL COMPLEXES| Exercise I. State the function (nominal or verbal) of the gerund in the sentences below and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

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