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Use of English

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80. notorious WF = famous or well known for something bad SYN infamous

81. government inspector = an official whose job is to check that something is satisfactory and that rules are being obeyed

82. to publish a report COL = to make official information such as a report available for everyone to read → publication

83. inadequate strategic planning WF = not good enough, big enough, skilled enough etc for a particular purpose OPP adequate

84. poor standards of teaching COL = not good, being of a very low quality, quantity, or standard

85. semi- derelict SP = poor building conditions

86. to blame sb for sth PREP = to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad

87. to witness sth at first hand IDIOM = to see, experience sth yourself, not through other people

88. disruptive pupils COL WF = causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way

89. to disrupt = to prevent something from continuing in its usual way by causing problems

90. to receive/to be given suspension COL, SP, WF, DEF = when someone is not allowed to go to school, do their job, or take part in an activity for a period of time as a punishment

91. to suspend = to make someone leave their school or job for a short time, especially because they have broken the rules → suspension

92. to run riot IDIOM = 1) if your imagination, emotions, thoughts etc run riot, you cannot or do not control them; 2) if people run riot, they behave in a violent, noisy, and uncontrolled way

93. to make a big effort COL =

94. to be mature (immature) for one’s age PREP WF = someone, especially a child or young person, who is mature behaves in a sensible and reasonable way, as you would expect an adult to behave OPP immature

95. to apply oneself well = If you apply yourself to something, you work hard at it, directing your abilities and efforts in a determined way so that you succeed

96. to contribute fully to class discussions PREP =

97. to be insolent to sb PREP = rude and not showing any respect → cheeky

98. half-hearted work = done without much effort and without much interest in the result

99. to be easily distracted WF = anxious and unable to think clearly

100. to find it hard to concentrate =

101. to participate in group work COL, PREP = formal to take part in an activity or event

102. core curriculum/subjects/courses DEF COL = subjects that have to be studied at a school or college

103. academic achievement COL WF = relating to education, especially at college or university level OPP non-academic

104. corporal punishment COL WF = punishment that involves hitting someone, especially in schools and prisons → capital punishment


105. support teacher DEF =

106. apprentice DEF = someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn a particular skill or job

107. continuous assessment DEF SP WF = British English a way of judging a student’s ability by looking at the work they have done during the year rather than by an examination

108. vocation = the feeling that the purpose of your life is to do a particular type of work, especially because it allows you to help other people

109. work placement DEF WF = British English a job, usually as part of a course of study, which gives you experience of a particular type of work

110. to resign the post (as sb) = to officially announce that you have decided to leave your job or an organization → quit

111. have enough of sth = spoken used to say you are tired or angry about a situation and want it to stop

112. involvement in educational matters WF =

113. to be bureaucratic SP, WF = involving a lot of complicated official rules and processes

114. to load sb down with work PREP IDIOM = to give someone more work or problems than they can deal with SYN weigh down

115. to impose standard national tests on pupils PREP COL =

116. disenchanted with sth WF = disappointed

117. the growing aggression of the pupils WF =

118. acts of rudeness (rude) WF =

119. to be powerless/powerful to stop WF = unable to stop or control something because you do not have the power, strength, or legal right to do so → powerful

120. to discipline pupils = to teach someone to obey rules and control their behaviour

121. restlessness WF = 1) unwilling to keep still or stay where you are, especially because you are nervous or bored SYN fidgety; 2) unwilling to stay in one place, and always wanting new experiences

122. sheer boredom COL, SP, WF (to bore/ boring) = the (very heavy) feeling you have when you are bored, or the quality of being boring

123. to dismiss a link between sth and sth COL =

124. a reduction in attention span WF, PREP, DEF = the period of time during which you continue to be interested in something

125. to tell smb off PHR = if someone in authority tells you off, they speak to you angrily about something wrong that you have done

126. discipline DEF = 1) when people's behaviour is controlled using rules and punishments: 2) when you can control your own behaviour carefully: 3) a particular subject of study:

127. to apply oneself very well IDIOM = If you apply yourself to something, you work hard at it, directing your abilities and efforts in a determined way so that you succeed

128. to apply for PHR = register for

129. to make a comment COL = an opinion that you express about someone or something SYN remark

130. to rule classes with a rod of iron IDIOM = 1) to control a group of people in a very severe way; 2) to rule out (possibility);


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