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Special Discharging Clause Applicable to Brazil

ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА | Использование технических средств | Курса специальности 24.02 | Beacons. Buoys | This form is to be made in QUADRUPLICATE. | Prohibited anchorage | КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ РАБОТЫ К ЗАДАНИЮ | Control of imported foodstuffs |

Читайте также:
  1. Ex. 4. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the italicized parts.
  2. New Zealand’s special national holidays
  3. Special colloquial vocabulary
  4. Special literary vocabulary
  5. Student and Budget Specialists
  6. Полевой отчет номер 2. Автор Special.

Lighters to receive goods which according to B/L have to be de1ivered by the vessel from alongside have to be supplied by the consignees, and, failing this, vessel's agent has the right to hire lighters for account and risk of the receivers of the goods. Should they, however, refuse to pay for such ligh­terage and any other expense, shippers hereby bind themselves to refund tо the carrier the expenses incurred. Consignos to take delivery of the goods from the lighters immediately the lighters аге ready to deliver. If this is not done, the agents of the Line to be entitled to land or store the goods at consignees’ risk and expense. Any expenses arising from delay of lighters are for account of the receivers of the goods.

In the event of the B/L f.f. а. cargo being made out to order, shippers must give the carrier the name of the receivers for the only purpose of enabling the agent of the vessel at part of discharge to communicate with same about the supply of lighters, and failing this, the agent of the ship is authorized to hire lighters for account and risk of the consignees and of the shippers who bind themselves to refui1d to the carrier the expenses thus incurred.

Shippers bind themselves to instruct receivers of f.f.a. goods to give а proper receipt signed by а responsible party before the lighters leave the ship’s side.


В., about three-quarters of а mile north-westward of S. is а small harbour, formed by jetties, with depths of 3 feet it is inaccessible with share gales.

Southward of N. which is situated about 21/4 miles northward of S., the coastal bank of sand and rock extends farther off shore than it does northward of: that town.


Svanhalla is а small fishing harbour, about 13/4 miles north-north-eastward of Sandhalla, avai1able to vessels with а draught of 6 feet; it is sheltered by а pier, and has а quay, 213 feet in length, with depths alongside of about 7 feet. Entry should not be attempted without local knowledge.


II. Answer the following questions:

1. For what purpose has the Maritime Arbitration Commission been established?

2. In what cases do the contracting parties have to go to law?

3. What must captains do to avoid claims about loss or damage?

4. What rules help marines to avoid accidents?

5. Why must mariners thoroughly study the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?


III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Я опасаюсь, что значительная часть палубного груза повреждена морской водой.

2. Мы были уверены, что больше не возникнет никаких претензий.

3. Неуплата фрахта явилась причиной претензии со стороны перевозчика.

4. Во время тумана мы уменьшили ход и подавали предписанные звуковые сигналы.

5. Необходимо определить стоимость ремонта.


IV. Compose the following business letter in English:

Напишите Вашему агенту в Бомбее, Морской транспортной компании, о том, что грузоотправитель, фирма Reel & Co., Ltd, отказались принять Ваш нотис о готовности к погрузке. Этот отказ Вы считаете нарушением условий Чартер-партии, и поэтому Вы вынуждены подать заявление о морском протесте. Попросите агента дать показания нотариусу. Письмо напишите от имени капитана т/х «Лермонтов», прибывшего в Бомбей для приемки 5000 кип джута по Чартер-партии от 17 августа с.г.




I. Translate the following texts into Russian:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 58 | Нарушение авторских прав

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