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Tasks to the dialogues


Читайте также:
  1. Ex. 3. Read the dialogues and dramatize them in class.
  2. Ex. 4.Read the dialogues in pairs.
  3. Exercise 8. Learn the dialogues. Make up similar dialogues.
  4. Read the dialogues in parts, noting what expressions are appropriate in the situations. Reproduce the dialogues with another student in class.
  5. Tasks for independent work

~ 1 ~

Give Russian equivalents to:

To show up, a fine view, to phone, to give a ring, to expect to stay, to let know, to be sure, to pay a bill, ho have back, some laundry, I’d like, in an hour, to get a taxi, to have a pleasant stay, indeed, to fill in the form, to be full up, to take one’s luggage, to be going to stay at a hotel, to be brought.

~ 2 ~

Make up sentences using the tables:


  I’d like   Can I have       a single   double   suit   front   back     room     on the first second ground third     floor


I   we prefer   would like a room   two rooms   with   a private bathroom television fine view


I we you have haven’t didn’t couldn’t booked reserved book reserve a room two rooms a suit yesterday two weeks ago yet  


I we intend expect to stay to live here there at the hotel for a week or so at least for a month most probably for few days


  Whom can I ask phone say to wake me up? to take my laundry? to send up some breakfast?

~ 3 ~

Find a pair of synonyms in each line:

  1. Permanent address, temporary address, home address.
  2. To leave a hotel, to live in a hotel, to stay at a hotel.
  3. Comfortable stay, inconvenient stay, suitable stay.
  4. To show up, to lead, to catch up.
  5. I disagree, I’d like, I want.


Copy out the sentences using the necessary word from the brackets:

  1. I haven’t (resented, book, booked) rooms yet.
  2. Can I (get, set, got) my bill?
  3. You are to (full, form, filled) in the form.
  4. He’d like to have his suit (polished, stained, pressed).
  5. Breakfast is (brushed, served, caught) from seven to ten.


Make up sentences:

  1. to, here, I, stay, expect, at, a, least, week, for;
  2. floor, would, a, she, like, suit, view, with, fine, ground, on, a, the;
  3. ?, my, could, take, you, please, luggage;
  4. a, his, guest, alarm, not, clock, have, does;
  5. ?, stay, hotel, again, will, you, at, our.


Translate into English:

Оплатить счет, уехать из отеля, взять такси, очень удобный номер, чистый носовой платок, отутюженный деловой костюм, начищенная до блеска обувь, быть готовым, через час, кое-что для стирки, разбудить в 6 утра, комната номер тридцать восемь, дать знать, быть твердо уверенным, подпись постояльца, ключ от номера, проводить в номер, великолепный вид из окна, зарезервированный номер «люкс», включая завтрак.


Translate the utterance of the Russian speaker into English:

Desk-clerk: What kind of a room would you like?

Гость: Могу я получить одноместный номер на первом этаже, с ванной и телефоном?

D.: Sorry, all single rooms are reserved. You can have a double room on the same floor.

Г.: Сколько это будет стоить?

D.: Ten dollars a night, including breakfast.

Г.: Хорошо, мне подходит.

D.: Here is the key. The porter leads you.

Гостья: Это портье?

Porter: Yes, madam. What can I do for you?

Г.: Я неважно чувствую себя сегодня. Не могли бы вы принести мне завтрак в номер?

P.: Sure. What do you prefer?

Г.: Кофе и хлеб с маслом.

P.: All will be brought in five minutes.

Г.: Благодарю Вас.

Chambermaid: Have you called me, sir?

Гость: Да. Возьмите, пожалуйста, мои вещи в стирку.

C.: Certainly. What are they?

Г.: Две сорочки, три пары носков и несколько носовых платков.

C.: Anything else? To press, to shine?

Г.: Пожалуй. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы хорошенько отгладили мой новый серый деловой костюм. Когда все будет готово?

C.: Your linen – tomorrow morning, but the suit – in half an hour.


Complete the conversations:



Room-service: Of course, miss. What time?


R.: I’ll wake you up at seven sharp.


R.: Breakfast is usually served at nine.





Receptionist: Are you going to leave us, sir?

Guest: Yes, can I have my bill now?


G.: Twenty-two.


G.: Very well. Thanks.


G.: I’ve been very pleasant here. This hotel is nice.


Role-playing. Get ready to act.

1) Student A: You’re a hotel guest. Phone the porter and ask for coffee. Tip him.

Student B: You’re a porter. Answer the call. Ask about coffee: how much, black or white, sugared or not and so on. Bring coffee into his room.

2) Student A: You’re a tourist. Ask a desk-clerk for a single front room with a bathroom, try to find your documents. You haven’t any.

Student B: You’re a receptionist. Ask about the room which a visitor wants.

Refuse to accommodate him because he hasn’t his passport.


Imagine that you are a hotel guest. Read the following letter from the management and answer the questionnaire:





41, Kazanskaya str.,

Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 190000

Tel/Fax +7-812- 315-7093

+7-812- 314-0996 http://www.columbhotel.com

E-Mail: columb@bk.ru

Dear Sirs!

Three-stars mini Hotel «Columb» would like to offer you our services for accommodation in big, comfortable rooms in the heart of Saint-Petersburg.

Our Hotel is located in the centre of the city, near the St. Isaacs Square, Mariinsky Palace, not far from Nevsky Prospect, 10 min. walking distance from metro station Sadovaya.

All rooms equiped with bath, TV, air-condition.

English speaking stuff, high quality service, convenient location are making stay in the hotel comfortable and unforgettable.

Ø city excursions and excursions to the suburbs of St.- Petersburg

Ø transfers

Ø registration foreign citizens service

Ø visa support arrangement

Ø all major credit cards are accepted

Ø internet access

Ø secured parking

Ø the breakfast is included

The finest atmosphere for rest and business is created in Mini Hotel «Columb»!

There are special prices for travel agencies and constant guests.

We hope for a fruitful cooperation for both sides!

Best regards,

Gennadi Berianidze,

Sales manager


HOTEL Part Three

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 83 | Нарушение авторских прав

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