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К теме № 11: Причастие

Способы перевода форм глагола в страдательном залоге | Объектный инфинитивный оборот | Инфинитив с предлогом for | Функции причастия I и причастия II в предложении и способы их перевода | Тема № 13: Перевод модальных глаголов | К теме № 1: Установление значения слова | B. Make up English-Russian pairs of the word groups equivalent in meaning. | К теме № 3: Многофункциональные слова | К теме № 6: Перевод словосочетаний | К теме № 8: Перевод страдательного залога |

Читайте также:
  1. Б) деепричастием
  2. Неличные формы глагола инфинитив (Infinitive), герундий (Gerund), причастие (Participle)

1. Read the text and tell which forms of the Participle are used there:

People living in Japan have some customs different from ours. For example, we wipe our washed faces with dry towels, they wipe their faces with wet towels. Entering houses our men take off their hats, the Japanese take off their shoes. We give presents when arriving, they leave them when departing. When in mourning (траур) we wear black, they wear white. We frown (хмуриться) when being scolded (бранить), they smile.

When we say that Japanese are strange people, they could reply, “The same to you.”


2. Analyze the sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. People beginning to study languages often say that it is diffi­cult to memorize words.

2. If frozen, water becomes ice.

3. The method used depended on the material selected.

4. Being shown this manuscript, he said that it belonged to the
fifth century of our era.

5. Having been written, the translation was given to the teacher.

6. When read, this novel will be returned to the library.

7. Having solved the main problem, the scientist made a report
on his research.

8. Having been written, the letter was posted.

9. Her spirit, though crushed, was not broken.

10. They were, indeed, old friends, having been at school together.

11. The method applied increased the accuracy of the results.

12. After a heated discussion the laboratory applied the method improved by Dr. N.

13. The scientist theoretically predicted complicated interaction between the components involved in the process.

14. At that time the problem presented increased danger of radio-active contamination and encountered opposition at most laboratories concerned.

15. The hypothesis concerned synthesized materials and did not apply to natural products.


3. Give Russian equivalents of the sentences:

A. 1. The plants affected by the cold produced low crops. 2. The Conference attended by scientists from different countries discussed new trends and methods in this field of research. 3. One of the rights enjoyed by University scientists is that of combining research with teaching. 4. The discovery followed by further experimental work stimulated research in this area.

B. 1. Mathematics, mechanics, statics and geometrical optics referred to as classical disciplines started mathematical traditions in the history of natural science. 2. The heads of the laboratories were asked questions formulated and agreed upon by a group of sociologists. 3. The scientist's eloquence substituted for logical argumentation in defending an «extreme» viewpoint failed to win the audience over. 4. The mixture allowed to stay overnight gradually decomposed. 5. The physicists showed that particles thought of as„ elementary" were in fact non-elementary". 6. The subjects dealt with under this topic aroused a heated discussion.

C. 1. Establishing relationship between the phenomena of the Universe is a major task of theory. 2. Having reported of his disco very of rays of unknown nature Bequerel excited the curiosity of Marie Curie. 3. Realizing the necessity for a different approach the physicists reluctantly abandoned the project. 4. Confining his attention to one problem the scientist will surely achieve its solution much sooner. 5. Putting the discovery to use sometimes requires more effort than making it. 6. Pointing out their mistakes to some people is often quite difficult.

4. Translate the sentences with Participles and Absolute Participle Construction into Russian:

1. The professor told the students about the experiments being carried out in the laboratory.

2. Having looked through all the documents and letters received that day he called his secretary.

3. When studying market economy we have to understand that enterprise is the very heart of private property and market relationships.

4. The sun having risen, they continued their way.

5. The talks between the two countries were conducted behind the closed doors, measures having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information.

6. The figures mentioned in the report were published in the latest scientific journal.

7. Having been advised by the doctor to go to the South, she decided to spend her leave in Sochi.

8. One of the most noticeable features of air transport development is the big increase in the quantities of goods carried.

9. Driving a car at night he met with an accident.

10. Having been taught by a good teacher he knew German well.

11. When studying elements Mendeleyev found that they could be divided into nine groups.

12. Being built in a new way modern houses have better facilities.

13. It is a common observation that bodies expand when heated.

14. The part played by the small business is hard to overestimate.

15. I haven’t heard any of those factors mentioned.

16. Adam Smith’s works followed by those of Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes constitute different approaches known in the economic thought.

17. As pointed out previously, the explanation given is by no means complete.

18. The exchange rate being fixed, the population has all reasons to keep their savings in the local currency.

19. The telephone being out of order, I had to go out to make a call.

20. The job done, I was able to take a week's holiday.

21. The delegates came from ten countries, with Great Britain being represented by Professor Arthur Clark.

22. The room being dark, she didn't see anyone at first.

23. The urban population increasing, much attention is paid to hous­ing construction.


24. Tom began to answer his lesson, Mrs. Gladstone watching him

25. This duty completed, he had three months leave.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 116 | Нарушение авторских прав

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К теме № 10: Инфинитивные обороты| К теме № 12: Герундий

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