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Упражнение 54

Упражнение 41 | Упражнение 42 | Упражнение 43 | Упражнение 44 | Упражнение 45 | Упражнение 46 | Упражнение 48 | Упражнвние 49 | Упражнение 50 | Упражнение 51 |

Читайте также:
  1. Выполняйте упражнение с 61 точкой
  2. Игра-упражнение «Правила жизни».
  3. Пилатес. Упражнение 3. Скольжение по стене.
  4. Продолжайте упражнение, пока вам это нравится.
  5. Пятое упражнение
  6. Тибетское упражнение на принятие себя.
  7. Третье упражнение

А. Проанализируйте сложно-подчинённые предложе­ния с придаточными условия. Используя таблицу на стр. 79, определите форму глагола-сказуемого в главном и придаточном предложениях и укажи­те, какое условие (реальное или нереальное) опи­сано в предложениях.

Б. Переведите предложения.

1. Galen's mistakes in describing human anatomy would not have mattered if they
had not been enshrined for the next twelve centuries and more.

2. Galen's work would have been lost if it had not nurtured by Moslem scholars.
Galen's experiments and his priceless accounts of earlier doctors returned to
Western Europe at the end of the Middle Ages in Latin translations from the

3. The tragedy of Galen ['geilsn] (A.D. 130 — 200) was that he needed a successor,
and there was none. If someone more self-critical had been there to continue
Galen's experiments, scientific medicine might have begun in earnest in the 2nd
instead of the 16th century.

4. People who were cured by crude medical practices in the past would probably
have recovered more comfortably if they had not been treated at all.

5. If the people of the world hadn't been so careless of their environment in the
past, there would still be many large areas of rainforest left today, and so much of
the planet's resources wouldn't have disappeared.

6. Had ecological principles, which stress the delicate balance of nature, won general
acceptance earlier, many present-day environmental problems might have been

7. Bernard ['ba:ngrd] (1813 — 1878) was the greatest of all physiologists. He discovered
several functions of the liver; the digestive action of the pancreas; the control of
blood vessels by nerves; the carriage of oxygen by red blood cells and the abolition
of this function by carbon monoxide; the nature of curare poisoning and its
implications as regard the control of muscles by nerves; new facts about the brain
and the spinal cord and the behaviour of secreting glands and of the kidneys. If
Nobel Prozes had existed, Bernard could hardly have won fewer than four.

9.8 Придаточные соотносительные предложения

(конструкция the... the)

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