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Упражнение 51

Упражнеие 39 | Упражнение 40 | Упражнение 41 | Упражнение 42 | Упражнение 43 | Упражнение 44 | Упражнение 45 | Упражнение 46 | Упражнение 48 | Упражнвние 49 |

Читайте также:
  1. Выполняйте упражнение с 61 точкой
  2. Игра-упражнение «Правила жизни».
  3. Пилатес. Упражнение 3. Скольжение по стене.
  4. Продолжайте упражнение, пока вам это нравится.
  5. Пятое упражнение
  6. Тибетское упражнение на принятие себя.
  7. Третье упражнение

А. Проанализируйте сложно-подчинённые предложе­ния с придаточными условия. Используя таблицу на стр. 79, определите форму глагола-сказуемого в главном и придаточном предложениях и укажи­те, какое условие (реальное или нереальное) опи­сано в предложениях.

Б. Переведите предложения.

1. If blood flow is cut off from any organ, that organ cannot obtain oxygen, it has no
nutrient and the cells of the organ die.

2. Many cancers can be cured by surgical removal if they are detected early, before
there has been spread of significant numbers of tumour cells to distant sites.

3. If a person eats an adequate, varied diet of meats, fish, vegetables, and dairy
products he will receive enough vitamins to meet his usual requirements.

4. If the body absorbs enough potassium but the element is not distributed properly,
various disorders may develop.

5. If the central nervous system is damaged, paralysis frequently affects the move­
ment of a limb as a whole, not the individual muscle.

6. If the normal pacemaker(the sinoatrial node) fails to function, its regulating task
may be taken over by another small mass of special muscular tissue, the
atrioventricular node.

7. Benign tumours do not endanger life unless they interfere with normal functions
of other organs or affect a vital organ.

8. In most cases polyps cause no symptoms unless they become large enough to
obstruct the intestine or become ulcerated so that they bleed.

9. If cancer is suspected, a small piece of tissue may be cut from the diseased part
and examined in the laboratory to see if cancerous cells are present.


10. Unless the salts are present in proper amount and in proper proportion, metabolism
is impossible.

11. If both kidneys are affected, death will occur within a few days unless medical
assistance is provided.

12. Unless growth of bacteria is prevented or stopped, serious infection can take

13. If too much water has been lost from the blood, the hypothalamus stops the
kidneys from excreting water.

14. If the tumour is near the surface this may result in skin ulceration and infection.

15. If acute gout is recognized at an early stage and treated correctly, the develop­
ment of the chronic form can generally be prevented.

16. If the liver is diseased, or if the flow of bile is obstructed, or if destruction of
erythrocytes is excessive, the bilirubin accumulates in the blood and eventually
will produce jaundice.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 38 | Нарушение авторских прав

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