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Упражнение 50

Упражнение 38 | Упражнеие 39 | Упражнение 40 | Упражнение 41 | Упражнение 42 | Упражнение 43 | Упражнение 44 | Упражнение 45 | Упражнение 46 | Упражнение 48 |

Читайте также:
  1. Выполняйте упражнение с 61 точкой
  2. Игра-упражнение «Правила жизни».
  3. Пилатес. Упражнение 3. Скольжение по стене.
  4. Продолжайте упражнение, пока вам это нравится.
  5. Пятое упражнение
  6. Тибетское упражнение на принятие себя.
  7. Третье упражнение

А. Проанализируйте структуру сложно-подчинённых предложений с придаточными обстоятельства при­чины, которые могут находиться как до, так и пос­ле главного предложения. Опираясь на схемы, при­ведённые на стр. 76-77 в упр. 49, найдите ядро в главном и придаточном предложениях и укажите союз, которым придаточное предложение присое­диняется к главному.

Б. Переведите предложения.

1. The pelvis is much stronger than the shoulder girdle as it has to support the full
weight of the body.

2. The joints are prone to injury because they are in the less protected places of the
body and are subject to great stresses.

3. An outstanding feature of the heart as a machine is its capacity to perform
continuous work, for it beats continuously during the life of the body.

4. The spleen is thought to be only a helper of other glands and organs for it may
be removed from the body without any noticeable ill effects.

5. The systemic blood flow can take different routes since the systemic circulation
consists of numerous parallel subcircuits.

6. Even benign tumours can be harmful because their size or position may distort or
damage nerves, blood vessels or organs.

7. The liver is also part of the circulatory system, since it cleans poisons out of the
blood and regulates blood's composition in various other ways.

8. As the cells of the body reguire a constant supply of oxygen, the process of
diffusion of oxygen from the blood across the capillary wall to the tissue fluid
and then into the cells is continuous.

9. Because mobile joints have to be able to withstand the friction of movement they
are complex.


10. Normally, the human body lives in symbiosis with many bacteria, for all the
mucous membranes of the body are constantly exposed to large numbers of

11. Since the body is formed of about 50% water, a normal adult needs to drink about
2.5 litres of fluid each day.

12. Because their walls are thinner and contain a lower proportion of smooth muscle,
veins are much more distensible than arteries.

13. Since the liver also secretes bile directly into the duodenum, the gall bladder is
not an essential organ and can be removed by surgery.

14. As research in antineoplastic therapy continues it is expected that newer, less
hazardous, and more precisely targeted chemical agents will be developed.

15. Any person suffering from bad vision or discomfort of the eyes, should see a
physician immediately, for he may have a serious eye disease, e.g. glaucoma.

9.7 Придаточные предложения условия



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