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A. SOLICITORS. There are about 50,000 solicitors and they make up the largest branch of the legal profession in England and Wales. They are in every town, where they deal with all the day-to-day work of preparing legal documents for buying and selling houses, making wills, etc. Solicitors also work on court cases for their clients, prepare cases for barristers to present in the higher courts, and may represent their client in Magistrates' court.
B. BARRISTERS. There are about 5,000 barristers who defend or prosecute in the higher courts. Althoughsolicitors and barristers work together on cases. Barristers specialize in representing clients in court аnd the training for two types of lаwyer. In court, barristers wear wigs and gowns in keeping with the extreme formality of the proceedings. The highest level of barristers have the title QC (Queen's Counsel).
C. JUDGES. There are а few hundred judges, trained as barristers, who preside in more serious cases. There is по separate training for judges.
D. JURY A jury consists of twelve people ("jurors"), who are ordinary реорle chosen at random from the Electoral Register (the list of people who can vote in elections). The jury listen to the evidence given in court in certain criminal cases and decide whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. Juries are rarely used in civil cases.
E. MAGISTRATES. There are about 30,000 magistrates (Justices of the Peace or JPs), who judge cases in the lower courts. They are usually unpaid and have по legal qualification, but they are respectable people who gets some training.
F. CORONERS Coroners have medical or legal training (or both), and inquire into violent or unnatural deaths.
Слова и выражения:
Solicitor (n, C) – стряпчий, поверенный
make up (v) – составлять
will (n, C/U) – завещание
client (n, C) – клиент
barrister (n, C) – адвокат
present, represent (v) – представлять
defend (v) - защищать
prosecute (v) – выступать в качестве обвинителя
training (n, U) – обучение, подготовка
lаwyer (n, C) – юрист, адвокат
wear (v) – носить
wig and gown – парик и мантия
proceeding (n, C) – процедура
title (n, C/U) – титул
Queen's Counsel – Королевский советник (адвокат)
judge (n, C) – судья
preside (v) –представительствовать
separate (adj.) – отдельный
Jury (n, C) – присяжные, выносящие приговор по гражданским и уголовным делам
Ordinary (adj) – обычный
at random (adv) – случайно, наугад
the Electoral Register – списки электората
vote (v) – голосовать
elections (n, C/U) – выборы
evidence (n, C/U) – очевидность
defendant is guilty or innocent – подсудимый является виновным или невиновным
rarely (adv.) –редко
Мagistrate (n, C) –член городского магистрата, судья
legal qualification – юридическая квалификация (диплом юриста)
respectable people – уважаемые люди
coroner (n, C) – следователь, ведущий дела о насильственной смерти
inquire into – расследовать
violent (adj.) - насильственный
unnatural (adj.) – неестественный
II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1.Who makes up the largest branch of the legal profession?
2. What do solicitors deal with?
3. How many barristers are there in the higher courts?
4. How do barristers specialize in?
5. What do barristers wear in courts?
6.What title do the highest barristers have?
7. In what cases do the judges preside?
8.What number of people does jury consist of?
9. What are people of jury? What do they do?
10. What are magistrates?
11. What are coroners?
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