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A few explanations to the text

Choose and use | Sequence of tenses | TO THE HISTORY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING | Modal verbs and their equivalents | THE PROFESSION OF A CIVIL ENGINEER | Passive voice | Construction works | Speaking Practice. | However, timber is still employed as a building material in the form of boards. For the interior of buildings plywood and veneer serve a number of purposes. | Tell the group about any of the building materials you know better about. Use the information from the text and add your own. |

Читайте также:
  1. A few explanations to the text.
  2. A few explanations to the text.
  3. Some possible explanations of why the crew abandoned the ship.


1. and also resists fire. – а также, огнеупорен.

2. …on the other hand, – с другой стороны

3. Key vocabulary / expressions

bend [bend] – v сгибаться; гнуться; изгибаться

crack ['kræk] – n 1.треск 2.трещина

desire [di'zaiǝ] – n желание; просьба, требование

gravel ['grævǝl] - гравий

load [loud] – n груз; нагрузка

pebble [pebl] – n галька

percolate ['pε:kəleit] – v просачиваться, проникать сквозь

sag [sæg] – оседать, обвивать; падать

store ['sto:] – n запас; склад; pl универсальный магазин

tensile ['tensail] - растяжимый

Phonetic drill

Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of the italisized letters

[e:] p ur pose v ir tual c er tain w or k

ur gent m ir th alt er nate w or se

b ur den b ir ch t er m w or ship

t ur n s ir p er haps w or th

s ur facef ir -treeext er nal w or ld

Word construction (Different ways to construct words)

Write international words out of the text and translate them without using a dictionary

Translate the following words кеерing in mind their suffixes and prefixes

Memorize the words of the same stem

em´ploy – employ´ ee – em´ploy er - em´ploy ment - un employ ment

´nature ´natur al -´natur ally

compress – compress or – compress ion

Add the missing parts of the sentences from the text

1. …to produce a mixture of the proper consistency.

2.Concrete is an artificial stone, made by thoroughly…

3. …they provide relatively cheap filler for the concreting material, or binder; …

4. This sagging at once puts the lower edge…

5. …as a means of producing a suitable compressive stress in the concrete.

6. …any beam made of prestressed concrete is permanently under compression …

7. This sagging at once puts the lower edge….

Find in the text equivalent Russian phrases to the following English

a relatively cheap filler______________________________________________

the proper consistency______________________________________________

resistance to weathering_____________________________________________

spanning a certain distance___________________________________________

the cross-sectional area_______________________________________________

negotiated fee___________________________________________________

Find in the text equivalent English phrases to the following Russian

вредные примеси_________________________________________________

удачное использование____________________________________________

цементируемый материал__________________________________________

искусственный камень_____________________________________________

быть постоянно под напряжением___________________________________

заполняющие материалы___________________________________________

Speaking Practice.

9.1 Discuss different building materials from the text with your partner finishing the following phrases:

1. What you need most of all is…

2. Another important thing is…

3. …can make a real difference.

4. I think … is pretty important too.



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It is interesting to know.| Translate the sentences with the Subjective Participle Construction

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