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Speaking Practice.

Ancient Wonders of the World | CONTINUOUS TENSES IN ACTIVE VOICE | FROM THE HISTORY OF ART OF BUILDING | Start compiling your own vocabulary of international words. | Choose and use | Sequence of tenses | TO THE HISTORY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING | Modal verbs and their equivalents | THE PROFESSION OF A CIVIL ENGINEER | Passive voice |

Читайте также:
  1. Card 12 Let’s talk about national cuisine of an English-speaking country.
  2. Card 16 Let’s talk about customs and traditions of an English-speaking country.
  5. Speaking on the topic.
  6. Speaking Practice.

8.1. Combine one word from each section to make at least 8-10 sentences:

    I     don’t like can’t stand hate like look forward to enjoy love ‘d rather late strange flight getting losing meeting finding out missing interesting people schedules drafts new experiences problems sightseeing plans delays new ideas


Where are these two places situated?

1. One of the largest cities in the world is called Big Apple.

2. The Brooklyn Bridge was remarkable not only for the first use of the

pneumatic caisson but also for the introduction of steel wire.


Use the following phrases properly in your own topic «The United States of America»: Washington, D.C., New York, the Big Apple, Chicago, Detroit, automobile industry, Philadelphia, California, Hollywood, Atlanta, Olympic Games, the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera, the Appalachians, the Rio Grande, the Colorado, the Grand Canyon; the Senate, the Congress, the Capitol, the House of Representatives, the Democrats, a symbol, an elephant, a donkey, the Republicans; the Civil War, the Declaration of Independence, the confederates; Christmas, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Independence Day.


8.3. Learn the dialogue by heart:

Customer: I would like to order a countryside house. Here is the project.

Foreman: Let’s see. A two-storey house with a garage. Ten rooms and two staircases. What will the foundation be made of? Concrete?

C.: Yes, ferro-concrete.

F.: And what about the walls?

C.: I want red brick walls. The windows are large. By the way, the panes should be airtight. I want them to be double-glazing.

F.: We’ll make them hermetic with putty. We put it in the grooves, and then fix the panes.

C.: Excellent. The hinges and handles should be bronze.

F.: Ok. What type of roof would you like?

C.: I want the roof to be flat, with a small garden.

F.: Do you have an interior-designer?

C.: Yes, but the drafts aren’t ready.

F.: What idea does he have?

C.: There will be a mantelpiece in the hall and the walls will be decorated with panels.

F.: Plastic panels?

C.: Oh, no. Panels must be made of wood.

F.: What wood do you prefer?

C.: I think oak is the best.

F.: How do you pay the construction?

C.: I’ve got a mortgage for 25 years from the bank.

F.: So we’ll make oak panels then.



8. Translate the sentences having in mind different use of the verb “to have”. Explain its functions:

1. We’ll have them down for a few days.

2. They had enough coal in for the whole winter.

3. I won’t have you do it.

4. Please, have your brother bring the book.

5. She had her photo taken.

6. Go and have a lie down.

7. You had better attend the lectures.

8. My watch will have to be fixed by a specialist.

9. The day was cold and she had a hat and an overcoat on.

10. Will you have the goodness to visit them?

11.The knowledge of how to make durable concrete has been lost for centuries.

12. Its successful use has been developed rapidly during the last two decades.




9. Form Participle I of the following verbs and translate them into Russian:


to build, to produce, to become, to realize, to follow, think, to bring, to prevent, to move, to have, to offer, to work, to assemble, to form, to consist, to enter, to develop, to cut, to save.


10. Form Participle II of the following verbs and translate them into Russian:


to make, to produce, to burn, to install, to find, to send, to show, to take, to use, to keep, to read, to leave, to cause, to write, to get, to develop, to bring, to discover, to calculate, to change, to found.


11. Translate the following word-combinations in accord to the given models:


Model 1: студент, посещающий лекции – the student attending lectures

план, содержащий много деталей___________________________________

рабочие, строящие новый дом______________________________________

инженер, использующий новые методы______________________________

завод, выпускающий автомобили___________________________________


Model 2: разрабатывая новые методы – developing new techniques

работая на стройке________________________________________________

получая новую информацию________________________________________

строя новый городской театр_______________________________________

повторяя материал_______________________________________________

Model 3: полученные результаты – the results achieved / the achieved results

университет, основанный в 19 веке__________________________________

развитые страны__________________________________________________

автострада, построенная в прошлом году_____________________________

запланированное строительство_____________________________________


Model 4: поступив в университет – having entered the university

сдав вступительные экзамены_______________________________________

закончив строительные работы______________________________________

внедрив новые методы_____________________________________________

разработав план__________________________________________________

12. Translate the following words with the Participles I and II:


1. well-known, well-read, well-armed, well-bred, well-done, well-educated,

well-tried, well-founded, well-grounded.

2. well-becoming, well-being, well-liking, well-meaning, well-seeming, well-doing, well-wishing, well-sinking, well-boring.

13.Translate the sentences and state the functions of the Participles:


1. There are embassies, cycling and walking tracks and lakes in many parts of Canberra.

2. Opera House with its striking architecture is the symbol of Sydney together with the bridge across the natural harbour.

3. Concrete being a brittle material has practically no strength in tension.

4. Being widely distributed stone is available as a building material.


14. Translate the sentences with the Objective Participle Construction:

1. I want the construction be finished by May.

2. I watched them yesterday installing the new French window.

3. We found him looking through a Home Plan Ideas magazine.

4. We watched the new car being examined.

5. Joy got her Roman holiday photos taken.

6. We want our translations corrected as soon as possible.

7. I have the data of my research published in one of the scientific magazines.




cumulative Review Exercises


15. Translate the sentences into Russian:


1. The floor consists of squares which are supported on thin steel beams.

2. Semi — detached houses are built in pairs with one house joined to the other along one side.

3. Wren's buildings combined the baroque style with the classical style.

4. The expansion of existing towns needs more comprehensive methods of control and higher standards of design.

5. The timber frame resting on a stone base was filled in with lathing and plaster.

6. Steel frames covered in concrete were used to build skyscrapers.

7. The Lower Bridge is the first met by the ships coming into the port.

8. Complete houses are made in a large workshop and then conveyed on trailers to the site already prepared to receive them.

9. Heat can be easily transferred through copper but not through wood.

10. The foundation will be made of ferro-concrete.


16. Read some additional information about construction works:

Turnkey construction is the type of assistance in building different facilities. In this case the employer engages the contractor to design, manufacture, test, deliver, install, complete and commission a certain project and the contractor undertakes full responsibility for the project construction and commissioning.

The contractor then undertakes endeavors to conduct a survey and design work, as well as to work out basic and detailed engineering and supply equipment. As a rule, the contractor's highly qualified specialists are made responsible for doing part or full construction works, carrying out installation, start-up and adjustment operations.

After the construction is completed the precommissioning starts, that is testing, checking and meeting other requirements, which are specified in the technical handbooks.

As soon as all works in respect of the precommissioning are completed and the project is ready for the commissioning, the contractor notifies the engineer (Project manager) with the message. The contractor begins the commissioning immediately after the engineer does the issue of the Completion Certificate.

The contractor carries out the guarantee test during the commissioning to make sure that the project will reach the designed performance.

Operational acceptance of the project takes place when the guarantee test has been successfully completed and the guarantees met. As a rule the contractor supplies spare parts so that the project could normally operate during the maintenance guarantee period.

Turnkey contracts are always long-term undertakings involving several parties, among them foreign and local subcontractors. They are usually won as a result of tenders where the bidders compete for the contract on the terms most favourable for the customer.

Time for fun

1. Compile as many words as you can with the letters of the word:



Remember: this is not a burden, but a great opportunity to revise your active vocabulary!



2. Read and try to retell the anecdote changing Direct Speech into Indirect:

A train arrived at a border station. The passengers opened their suitcases and waited for the inspection of their things. One of the passengers had a lot of packets of cigarettes in his suitcase. He knew they were not duty-free and he decided to put all of them into his pockets. When his pockets were already full of cigarettes he asked a man at the window, “Will you please take some of these packets and put them into your pockets?” “Why don't you leave them in your suitcase?» asked the passenger. “They must be liable to duty and I wouldn't like to pay duty on them,” answered the man. “All right, I'll take the cigarettes but I shall not give them back to you.” "Why?” - ”I am a Customs official.”


3. Write the name of the country next to its currency. Then write the nationality:

Currency Country Nationality
dollar pound rand ruble won yen yuan euro U_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U_ _ _ _ _ K_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S_ _ _ _ K_ _ _ _ J_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E_ _ _ _ _ _U_ _ _ _ am- - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ South African _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ean _ _ _ _ _ ese _ _ _ _ _ ese

But: euro is a common European currency for all European countries of Shengen zone.

Lesson 8.

1. Read and translate the text:

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Construction works| However, timber is still employed as a building material in the form of boards. For the interior of buildings plywood and veneer serve a number of purposes.

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