Glossary. Intention- намерение
Intention- намерение
Verbal- вербальный
Consider- рассматривать
Estimate- оценивать
Appeared- появившийся
Frowned- нахмурился
Convey- передавать
Determined- определенный
Involve- включать
Aesthetic- эстетический
Related- связанный
Formality- формальность
Hold- держать
Hugging- обнимать
Intermed- промеж
Intimacy- близость
Direct- прямой
Lead- вести
Dynamic- динамик
Basically- в основном
Gestures- жесты
Continually- бесспрестанно
Participants- участники
Constantly- постоянно
Respond- реагировать
Expression- выражение
Attitude- отношение
Fright- испуг
Lawyer- адвокат
Review- обзор
Provide- обеспечивать
Poaching- браконьерство
verbal cues- словесные сигналы
determination- определение
trust- доверие
modesty- скромность
2. Physical nvc-body language/kinesics
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f.exp;eye cont; turn voice; b. movem;&etc
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Non verbal communication-nvc.
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BirdwhistleAmerican ecologiest study nvc in 1950
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“!” nvc behavior depend context;w it was used.
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E.g f.exp. e.g: smile,frowned, rase eye-brow
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Same f.exp-different meaning.
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e.g:smile-agreements;”I like you”;feel comfortable; say smth funny
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a)Physical -f.exp;turn a voice; touch; smell; b. movem.
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Symbolic nvc-religiost,studies.
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E.g: wearing croses;in cristian religion&special pens for membership in particular club like apportunity.
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Distance -person’s stance from another sense universal message;in some situations it’s kind of attractions; i.e it’s reflection of social status;i.e it shows the intransitive the estrange.
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Personal space-bubble. Places between self& border/limit.Affect how close we stand; where we sit in a room etc. Affect; comfortable we feel;speak;high status;invite et. al space
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Orientation -to do the way,w position ourselves&related
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Physical contact- toching,holding,hugging etc.Convey how intirmed we feel;&meaning between cultures. Hand’s touch-intimacy in 1 country than another. Fact-touch&physical intimacy can send direct message. Lead the course “problems&actually show down commun”.
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Aesthetic feautures-distance,body language,orientation,physical contact.
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Depends context, whole context of nvc behavior; have& where types of nv behavior appeared:¬ just particular behavior on eye solution.
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Gesture -N.B parts of guest-least understood by scientist.> not universal.same guest-different meaning&different countries.
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F.exp- change during conv. Particapants constantly watch&respond expressions. Expressions communicate emotions&speaker’s attitude. Eyes: happy,sad,fright,fear,fun.Eyes respond when hear smth.surprise,fright/sad. Smile-happy,surprise. Upper face- eyebrow’s-review-anger. F.exp provide 55%meaning of this message. Verbalcues p.volume-provide 38%;verbalcues-7% person’s expression’s seem to be better indicator meaning than words.
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Aesthetic feautures-distance,body language,orientation,physical contact.
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| E.g; “ circle finger ”-:US-“OK”; Japan-“money’; S. America-“sexual meaning’. Be careful with gestures in culture.
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Abbreviations, symbols, and contractions
1) Nvc- non verbal communication
2) F.exp- facial expression
3) Eye cont- eye contact
4) B. movem- body movement
5) etc- and so on
6) w- which
7) E.g- for example
8) smth- something
9) exp- expression
10) i.e- in other words
11) and others
12) S. America- South America
13) &- and
14) “!”- main idea
15) ?>- divide
16) /- or
17) %- percent
18) >- most
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