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Find active words in the text, read, and translate the sentences.

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12. Agree or disagree with the statements:

1. Nowadays one can live without any education easily.

2. We study at the Higher State College of Communication.

3. Our college was founded in 1953 as Minsk Electro-Technical School.

4. In 1993, it was reorganized into the Higher State Radio-Engineering College.

5. At the first level you can get a secondary special education.

6. If you want you will be allowed to enter the higher level without any exams.

7. Our college is supplied with all modern equipment and fresh information.

8. So in our college we have all the opportunities to get good education and to become skilled specialists.

9. There is no need to carry out experiments using the latest equipment to become a skilled specialist.

10. The students of our college have no chance to get practical training.

11. It is very easy to do much homework and to study well.


13. Complete the following sentences:

1. Education helps young people to be successful …

2. Two years ago I entered the …

3. Its foundation was caused by …

4. With the development of latest …

5. The system of education in …

6. At the first or middle level …

7. At the second level …

8. College graduates can continue …

9. Our college is patronized by …

10. There are many well- equipped …

11. The opportunities of carrying out …

12. Students sometimes complain …

13. The college provides a hostel …

14. It is very difficult to …


14. Make up questions to the given answers:

1. Education is very important for those who want to develop his personality and make his way in society.

2. In our country compulsory secondary education, vocational and special secondary education, and higher education are available.

3. I entered the Higher State College of Communication.

4. I am proud of our college.

5. It was founded in 1930.

6. It was called then Minsk Electro-Technical School.

7. It was reorganized into the Higher State College of Communication in 1993.

8. There are two levels in our college where you can get secondary special or higher education.

9. In our college we have all the opportunities to get good education and to become skilled specialists.

10. We carry out experiments and make our research work in well-equipped laboratories.

11. We get practical training twice a year.

12. The teaching staff gives lectures, conducts seminars and has tutorials with the students in various subjects.

13. We have different subjects but I like philosophy best of all.

14. I think it is quite difficult to study at our college.


15. Translate into English:

Будучи школьником, я решил получить профессию в области радиотехники. Связь – одна из самых важных отраслей, где применяются новейшие технологии. Для того, чтобы быть успешным в профессии необходимо получить хорошее образование.

После окончания 9 класса я поступил(а) в Высший государственный колледж связи. Наш колледж основан в 1930 г. и имеет богатую историю. Сначала он назывался Минский электротехнический техникум. Развитие компьютерных и телекоммуникационных технологий требовало нового подхода к подготовке квалифицированных специалистов. В 1993 г. Он был реорганизован в Высший колледж связи. Изменения произошли, прежде всего, в системе образования. В колледже предусмотрены два уровня – средний и высший. Продолжить образование по выбранной профессии можно не только на высшем уровне колледжа, но и в одном из университетов.

В нашем колледже есть все необходимое для получения хорошего образования. Имеются два учебных корпуса с аудиториями, хорошо оснащенными лабораториями и компьютерными классами, библиотека, актовый зал, три общежития. В аудиториях преподаватели читают нам лекции и проводят семинары. Для проведения разных экспериментов и исследовательской работы у нас есть лаборатории. В библиотеке ты можешь воспользоваться читальным залом или взять книги с собой.

Мне нравится учиться в колледже. Позже я собираюсь продолжить свое образование.


16. Read the text and see which of the following headlines are is appropriate to each of the paragraphs:

A. Opportunities to get a good education.

B. I am satisfied being a student of our college.

C. History of our college.

D. Education is very important nowadays.

E. The system of education in our college.


17. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you think education is important nowadays? Why?

2. Where do you study?

3. What facts from your college history do you know?

4. What education can one get at the first level?

5. How can one get to the second level?

6. What opportunities to study are there at the college?

7. What subjects do you have?

8. Which of them are more interesting to you?

9. What kinds of studies do you have during the academic year? Which of them do you like best?

10. Do you visit the college library?

11. Do you manage to fulfill all the homework every time?

12. Do you live at a hostel or not?

13. Are you planning to continue your education? Where?

14. Are you satisfied with the education you get at the college you study? Why?


18. Pick out the sentences from the text describing:

a) importance of education;

b) history of our college;

c) educational opportunities at the college.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 81 | Нарушение авторских прав

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