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TOPIC 5. Practical Software Engineering Procedures

Text 2. Degrees in Software Engineering and Computer Science | Text 3. Specialty Areas | Text 4. How to Become a Software Engineer | Text 5. How to Interview for a Software Engineering Position | TOPIC 4. Software Development Companies | Text 1. Software Industry | Text 2. The Largest Software Companies | Text 3. 10 Top Software Companies | Part II | Text 5. The Largest Gaming Companies in the World |

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  7. ENGLISH/TOURISM topic: CUSTOMS/IMMIGRATION - Questions and answers 1


Exercise 1. Memorize the following words and word combinations.


impactful – ефективний

endeavour – намагання, зусилля

apply – застосовувати, вживати

roughly – приблизно

“hard skills” – діяльнісні характеристики

“soft skills” – особистісні характеристики

possess - володіти

imply – мати на увазі, натякати

emphasize – підкреслювати, надавати особливого значення

decomposition – декомпозиція, розбиття

liaise – підтримувати зв'язок

brief – підсумок, резюме

assess – оцінювати, давати оцінку

suitability – придатність, відповідність вимогам

draw up – складати, укладати

feasibility – здійсненність (проекту), реалізованість (проекту)

compatibility – сумісність

oversee – контролювати (роботу)

fuzzy – неясний, непевний

imprecise – неточний, невизначений

discern – розрізняти, розпізнавати

innovative – здатний до нововведень, технічно прогресивний

scenario – план дій, сценарій

storyboard – «розкадровка», розбивка на елементи

collaborate – співробітничати

iterate – повторювати, виконувати цикл

ensure – забезпечити, гарантувати

align – вирівнювати,налагоджувати

revise – перевіряти, виправляти

bid – пропонувати ціну


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.


Text 1. Practical Procedures of Main Software Occupations

Part 1

Software engineering has been one of the most impactful professions of the last 30 years and will continue to expand its boundaries into the next decades. Software development has been considered a socio-technical endeavour for some time. Over the last three decades, the engineering of software has become a very broad field, consequently the skills necessary to successfully work in this area thirty years ago may no longer apply. Software engineering has been roughly characterized as set of activities comprising system analysis, design, programming, testing, and maintenance. Logically, they are different tasks which are put together to achieve the objective of software construction and operation. The micro-level interpretation of these activities demands a set of abilities to carry them out effectively. The area of software engineering generally divides the skill requirements into two categories: “hard skills” and “soft skills”. Hard skills are the technical requirements and knowledge a person should possess to carry out a task; these skills include the theoretical foundations and practical experience that a person should have to comfortably execute the planned task.

Even though soft skills incorporate the psychological phenomena that include the personality types, social interaction abilities, communication, and personal habits, it is apparent that people imply that soft skills should complement the hard skills. Consequently, we should relate the job requirements or “hard skills” to personality requirements or “soft skills” for different positions such as system analysts, designers, programmers, testers, and maintainers, which reflect the various software life cycle phases.

System Analysis

The system analysis phase emphasizes the identification of high-level components in a real-world application and involves the de-composition of the software system into its main modules. The main product of the system analysis phase is a graphical and/or textual description, either informal or formal, of an abstract model of the application. System analysis demands a great deal of human interaction with users and clients. System analysts must be able to empathize with the users’ problems in order to fully understand their needs, hence interpersonal skills are highly desirable.

The main System Analyst soft skills requirements are:

- communication skills;

- interpersonal skills.

The main System Analyst hard skills requirements are:

- liaising extensively with external or internal clients;

- analyzing clients' existing systems;

- translating client requirements into highly specified project briefs;

- identifying options for potential solutions and assessing them for both technical and business suitability;

- creating logical and innovative solutions to complex problems;

- drawing up specific proposals for modified or replacement systems;

- producing project feasibility reports;

- working closely with developers and a variety of end users to ensure technical compatibility and user satisfaction;

- overseeing the implementation of a new system;

- planning and working flexibly to a deadline;

- keeping up to date with technical and industry sector developments.


Software Design

Software designers should have the ability to see the big picture. They should be able to isolate relevant items from large quantities of fuzzy and imprecise data, which require the intuition to discern patterns.

The main Software Designer soft skills requirements are:

- strong analytical and problem solving skills;

- innovative.

The main Software Designer hard skills requirements are:

- having the ability to craft scenarios, storyboards, information architectures, features and interfaces;

- collaborating closely with management, engineers and fellow designers to evaluate and iterate on ideas and designs;

- prototyping user experience and design ideas;

- keeping up to date with technical and industry sector developments;

- understanding business opportunities and assisting project team with respect to architecture of the design solution;

- creating an architectural design with the necessary specifications for the hardware, software, and data;

- working closely with system users to ensure that implementation meets customer requirements and is aligned to the system’s technical architecture;

- developing, documenting and revising system design procedures;

- participating in testing and evaluating the systems functionality to ensure successful integration;

- determining hardware, software and network requirements of the software system;

- assisting systems analyses, costing and bidding activities.


Exercise 3. Answer the following questions. Discuss the answers.

1. Why has software engineering been one of the most impactful professions of the last 30 years?

2. How has software development been considered for some time?

3. How has software engineering been roughly characterized?

4. What skills are required to achieve the objective of software construction and operation?

5. What are “hard skills”? What do they include?

6. What do “soft skills” incorporate?

7. What does the system analysis emphasize and involve?

8. What is the main product of the system analysis phase?

9. What must system analysts be able to?

10. What are the main system analyst soft skills requirements?

11. What are the main system analyst hard skills requirements?

12. What should software designers be able to?

13. What are the main software designer soft skills requirements?

14. What are the main software designer hard skills requirements?

Exercise 4. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations.

Досягти мети, найефективніша професія, ряд якостей, технічні вимоги та знання, теоретичні основи, тип особистості, здатність до соціальної взаємодії, особистісні звички, доповнювати діяльнісні характеристики, багато взаємодії з користувачами та клієнтами, деталізований проект, відповідність технічним вимогам, звіт про реалізованість проекту, в ногу з часом, відповідні елементи, неясні та неточні дані, розпізнавати моделі, розробляти план дій, тісно співробітничати, необхідні технічні вимоги, дії по оцінюванню та пропонуванні ціни.


Exercise 5. Find in the text the equivalents of the following words:


to require; aim (goal, purpose), to estimate (to judge), to guarantee, efficient, attempt (try, effort), approximately, to include, to recognize (to perceive), to accomplish (to attain), basis, to perform, to supervise (to superintend), a time limit.

Exercise 6. Memorize the following words and word combinations.


entail – спричиняти, викликати

stepwise – покроковий, поступовий

refinement – деталізація, уточнення

breadth – ширина, об’єм

acute – сильний, різкий; крайній, критичний

elaborate – детально (старанно) розробляти

flow chart – блок-схема

confer – порівнювати

random – зроблений (обраний) наздогад, випадковий, безладний

haphazard – випадковий, необдуманий, безсистемний

log – реєструвати (за допомогою комп’ютера)

asset – позитивна якість, перевага

script – скрипт; файл, який містить послідовність операторів SQL

medium – середнє число, засіб

timelines – строки

triage – сортування

mitigate – пом’якшувати, послабляти, зменшувати

stakeholder – зацікавлена сторона, акціонер

enhancement – покращення, посилення, розширення

with regard to – стосовно, відносно

comply – погоджуватися

omit – нехтувати, опускати

helpdesk – служба технічної підтримки

myriad – незліченна кількість


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 45 | Нарушение авторских прав

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