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Text 2. The Largest Software Companies

In the corporate world – в корпоративному світі | Text 2. Software Engineering | Exercise 30. Translate words and word combinations. Memorize them. | Text 4. Current trends in software engineering | Text 1. The difference between a Programmer and a Software Engineer | Text 2. Degrees in Software Engineering and Computer Science | Text 3. Specialty Areas | Text 4. How to Become a Software Engineer | Text 5. How to Interview for a Software Engineering Position | TOPIC 4. Software Development Companies |

Читайте также:
  1. Agile software development
  2. Application Software Architecture
  3. For reception of desirable properties by means of special software products we analyze the received results.
  4. For reception of desirable properties by means of special software products we analyze the received results.
  5. Hardware and System Software Architecture and Computer Communication and Networking Architecture
  6. How can new Software QA processes be introduced in an existing
  7. Is the existence of the ISO 29119 software testing standard justified?

The largest software companies in the world together generated software revenues of over $235 billion in 2010, an increase of 7% compared to 2009 ($220 billion). The top 10 companies, lead by Microsoft (#1), accounted for over 60% of that huge amount. Microsoft is by far the largest software company in the world, as it has been ever since the first publication of the Global Software Top 100 list in 2003. Last year, Microsoft alone increased its software revenues another $5 billion to a world record of $54.3 billion.

While Microsoft fortified its leading position with strong results, Oracle (#3) posted a growth percentage of 12.8%, the highest in the top 10, further strengthening its 3rd place. Sun Microsytems was added to its long series of acquisitions and Oracle now challenges IBM's second place in the Global Software Top 100. IBM is still an all-round IT company with leading positions in software, IT services and hardware.
Ericsson is still the fifth largest software company in the world, despite 4% lower software revenues in 2010. Other telco software companies like Nokia Siemens Networks and Alcatel-Lucent experienced similar software revenue decreases due to lower investments. Nokia Siemens Networks dropped out of the top 10. Storage giant EMC took over its position in the top 10.
Gaming company Nintendo lost a few places and is now 8th on the list. Nintendo saw the largest revenue decline of all companies, this was however not unexpected and not uncommon in the highly cyclical gaming market. Nintendo grew amazingly in 2008 and 2009 because of the Wii successes. This trend could not be continued, but Nintendo remains the largest gaming company in the world.

The largest software companies are headquartered in the USA, 63 companies in this year's Global Software Top 100 are US based. But non-US software companies are on the rise – big time. Last year, the list counted 35 non-US companies (now 37), and two years ago only 26 companies were headquartered outside of the US. Japan and France are 2nd and 3rd on the list of software-producing countries. Canada now has two companies in the top 100 with the entry of Constellation Software (the other one is RIM, the blackberry maker).

Companies from developing economies play a minor role in the global software industry, but signs of fast growth are clearly visible in China, Russia and Brazil. South Korean software companies also made great strides on the path towards Global Software Top 100 recognition.

Giant technology companies Intel (#58) and Google (#79) use their large resources to diversify activities. Even with software accounting for less than 2% of total revenues, Intel and Google have quickly established a prominent place in the software top 100.

Intel is of course primarily a hardware company. The company entered the software top 100 last year as a result of the Wind River acquisition. This year, Intel is the fastest growing company in the top 100. The acquisition of security software maker McAfee (closed on February 28th 2011) will boost software revenues even further.

Google has also expanded the activities beyond internet search. Advertising provides the bulk of total revenues, other revenues, including software revenues have risen sharply in the last 3 years. NetEase.com has been one of the fastest growing software companies in recent years, as online gaming became very popular, especially in Asia. Last year, growth halted for NetEase, and the company did not make the threshold for the top 100. In 2010, NetEase got back on the growth path and re-enters the fast growth list and the global software top 100 as #100.



Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

1. What revenues did the largest software companies in the world together generate in 2010?

2. What revenues do the top 10 companies, lead by Microsoft (#1), account for?

3. What company posted the highest growth percentage in the top 10?

4. What company is still an all-round IT company with leading positions in software, IT services and hardware?

5. What companies experienced software revenue decreases due to lower investments?

6. What is the largest gaming company in the world?

7. What countries are the largest software companies headquartered?

8. What companies from developing economies show visible growth in the global software industry?

9. What company is the fastest growing company in the top 100?

10. What are the other fast growing companies in recent years?


Exercise 10. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations.

To generate software revenues; to account for over 60% of th huge amount; to be by far the largest software company in the world; to fortify the leading position with strong results; to post a growth percentage of 12.8%; long series of acquisitions; to challenge IBM's second place in the Global Software Top 100; to experience similar software revenue decreases due to lower investments; drop out of the top 10; take over smb’s position on the list; the largest revenue decline; to grow amazingly; grew amazingly; play a minor role; to make great strides on the path towards Global Software Top 100 recognition; to diversify activities; to establish a prominent place in the software top 100; to expanded the activities beyond internet search; to provide the bulk of total revenues; growth halted for NetEase, to make the threshold for the top 100.


Exercise 11. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations.

Давати річний дохід; відповідати за понад 60% цієї величезної суми; безперечно бути найбільшою компанією-розробником програмного забезпечення в світі; зміцнити позицію лідера; ряд придбань; робити виклик IBM; зазнати зниження доходів від продажу програмного забезпечення; втратити місце у списку 10 найбільших компаній; зайняти чиєсь місце у списку; найбільше зменшення доходів серед усіх компаній; дивовижно зрости; знаходитися у стані підйому; відігравати другорядну роль; досягати великих успіхів; визначне місце; навіть більше підвищить доходи від продажу програмного забезпечення; більша частина сукупного доходу; утворити поріг (бути останнім у списку).


Exercise 12. Use the following table to tell about the largest software companies in the world.

Rank Company
  Activision Blizzard



Country Number of companies
United States  
United Kingdom  
South Korea  


Company Growth
Intel Corporation 54.8%
NetEase.com 51.8%
Misys 45.3%
Google 42.5%
F5 39.5%


Exercise 13. Memorize the following types of conditional sentences.

I. Real situation in the future. 1) If I am not busy, I will help you. 2) If we debug the program, it will work correctly. 1) Якщо я не буду зайнятий, то допоможу тобі. 2) Якщо ми налагодимо програму, то вона буде правильно працювати.
II. Unreal situation in the present/ future. 1) If I were (was) not busy tomorrow, I would help you. 2) If we debugged the program, it would work correctly. 1) Якби я не був завтра зайнятий, то допоміг би тобі. 2) Якби ми налагодили програму (сьогодні), то вона б працювала правильно.
III. Unreal situation in the past. 1) If I had not been busy yesterday, I would have helped you. 2) If you had worked systematically, you would not have failed the exam. 1) Якби я не був зайнятий вчора, то допоміг би тобі. 2) Якби ти систематично працював, то не провалив би екзамен.
IV. Mixed type (combination of unreal situation in the present and in the past). 1) If I were (was) as clever as you, I would not have failed the exam. 2) If we had debugged the program yesterday, it would work correctly (today). 1) Якби я був такий розумний, як ти, то не провалив би екзамен. 2) Якби ми налагодили програму вчора, то вона б працювала правильно (сьогодні).

Exercise 14. Follow the table of Exercise 11 and use all possible types of conditionals with each of the following sentences. Translate them.

1. If you (to know) English well, you (to work) abroad. 2. If you (to study) well, you (to be) a good specialist. 3. If you (to be) an experienced worker, you (can make) a good career. 4. If you (to have) a good memory, you (can learn) easily many programming languages. 5. If you (to know) a lot of programming languages, you (to find) a good job. 6. If you (to install) a virus scanner, you computer (to be) protected. 7. If antivirus software periodically (to receive) virus definition updates the software's effectiveness (to be maintained). 8. If the resulting software (to comprise) well defined, independent components, that (to lead) to better maintainability.


Exercise 15. Open the brackets using the verbs in the proper form. Translate the sentences.

1. If the problem (to be) not well-defined, it (to result) in poor design. 2. If you (to work) harder, you (to make) more progress. 3. If people (not to use) so much paper, there (to be) more rainforests. 4. If people (to share) their cars, there (to be) fewer cars on the roads. 5. If we (to use) bicycles, we (to have) less air pollution. 6. If he (to work) harder yesterday, he (to make) fewer mistakes. 7. If he (to go) to the party last weekend, he (to have) a nice evening. 8. If he (to go) on a diet, he (to lose) more weight. 9. We (can go) for a walk, if it (not to be) hot today. 10. If I (to be) you, I (to get married) last year. 11. If I (to have) a dictionary, I (to translate) the article yesterday.


Exercise 16. Learn the following examples.


1. I wish I were (was) rich. 1.Шкода, що я не багатий. (Добре було б, коли б я був багатий.)
2. I wish I lived in the country. 2. Шкода, що я не живу в селі. (Добре було б, коли б я жив у селі.)
3. I wish you had translated the article yesterday. 3. Шкода, що ви не переклали статтю вчора. (Добре було б, коли б ви переклали статтю вчора.)
4. I wish she would come home tomorrow. 4. Шкода, що вона не приїде додому завтра. (Добре було б, коли б вона приїхала додому завтра.)
5. I wish you could give it to me next month. 5. Шкода, що ти не даси це мені завтра. (Добре було б, коли б ти дав це мені завтра.)


Exercise 17. Open the brackets using the verbs in the proper form. Translate the sentences.

1. I wish I (can) give up smoking. 2. I wish I (pass) my driving test last month. 3. He wishes he (not to break) the window. 4. I wish it (to be) summer. 5. I wish you (to read) more in future. 6. I wish I (to know) Spanish. 7. She wishes she (to live) in the Crimea. 8. I wish I never (to suggest) this idea. 9. He wishes he (to earn) more money. 10. I wish he (to come) tomorrow. 11. I wish it (to be) not late to go there. 12. I wish you (to know) Physics better. 13. My friend wishes he (to enter) the University. 14. I wish you (not to drink) so much coffee in the evening.


Exercise 18. Translate the following sentences.

1. Було б добре, якби зараз були канікули. 2. Якби я був на вашому місці, то порадився б з батьками. 3. Якби ви допомогли мені розв’язати цю задачу, то я був би вам дуже вдячний. 4. Шкода, що ви запізнилися на концерт. 5. Якби я довідалася про це раніше, то не сиділа б зараз вдома. 6. Якби я знав французьку мову, то уже давно б поговорив з нею. 7. Якби ви тоді послухалися моєї поради, то не були б в такому скрутному становищі зараз. 8. Шкода, що нам раніше не спало на думку прошукати книгу в бібліотеці. 9. Якщо я розбагатію, то куплю собі дорогу машину. 10. Шкода, що вона не прийде завтра. 11. Якби ви його зустріли, то ви б його не впізнали.

Exercise 19. Play a game. Look at this sequence of sentences, then use the prompts below to act out similar hypotheses.

S1: If I were rich, I would go on holiday.

S2: If I went on holiday, I’d go to London.

S3: If I went to London, I’d visit Buckingham Palace.

S4: If I visited Buckingham Palace, I would meet the Queen.

S5: If I met the Queen …


· If I won &1,000,000 …

· If I met my favourite film star …

· If I got lost in the mountains …


Exercise. Memorize the following words and word combinations.

Exercise. Read and translate the text.


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