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Reading and speaking


Читайте также:
  1. Bank of tests for speaking practice
  2. Before reading
  3. Exercise 7 Speaking on the given topic. Match the words from column A with the words from column B to make phrases and then make up sentences
  4. Exercises in establishing phoneme-grapheme correlation, reading isolated words and word combinations, predicting a word form are
  5. I _______you this book when I ______ reading it.
  6. I. Reading
  7. I. Reading

1. In pairs, check the types of TV programmes below. Then think of a programme in your country for each type.

soap operas – сериалы;

documentaries – документальные фильмы;

talk shows – ток-шоу;

comedy series – комедийные сериалы;

game shows – игровые шоу;

debates and discussions – диспуты и дискуссии;

reality shows – реалити-шоу;

sports programmes – спортивные программы;

quizzes – викторины.

2. Complete the sentences with the types of programmes in Exercise 1. Then compare your answers with your partner.

1 On TV in my country there are too many debates and discussions and there aren’t enough sports programmes.

2 The most popular programmes in my country are debates and discussions, talk shows and Soap operas.

3 My favourite TV programmes are scientific program.


3. Read the text and match headings 1-6 with paragraphs A-D. There are two headings that you don’t need.

1 - A; 2 - C; 4 - D; 5 - B.


4. Read the text again. Tick the true statements and correct the false ones.

1 false; 2 true; 3 false; 4 false; 5 false; 6 true; 7 false.


5. In pairs, complete the table with arguments from the text. Can you add any more arguments?

Pros TV tells us what is happening in the world, it gives us something to talk about, it’s a simple way to rebax.

Cons TV is a passive activity, people don’t get enough exercise, people spend less time talking to each other, it’s a bad influence on young people, it is used as a babysitter.


6. In pairs, find nine different alternatives to watching TV in the text. Can you think of any more ideas?

1 Go to the library;

2 Learn a musical instrument;

3 Play with your pets;

4 Start a diary;

5 Learn about your family history;

6 Do some charity work;

7 Go to a museum;

8 Read a newspaper;

9 Listen to the radio.


7. Complete the survey for yourself and two other people. Decide who is the biggest TV addict.

When do you usually watch TV?

1 I watch TV before bed, I fall asleep to TV;
2 My sister watch TV when you eat Breakfast and lunch;
3 My mom watches TV every day after work.

My mom watches TV all more!




1. In pairs, look at the photo and answer the questions.

1 The girl in the picture reads the information on the Internet;
2 She is interested in certain things;
3 Maybe she spends her time, and perhaps reads useful information.

2. Listen to the radio programme and circle the correct answers.

1 - b; 2 - c; 3 - a.


3. Study Speak Out. Then listen again and tick the expressions you hear.


I am sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. Could you say it again, please?

Well, you see, the thing is…

Excuse me, can I just say …

That’s very/really interesting, but…

What do you mean by chat site?


4. Listen and choose the best replies.

1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - a; 4 - b.


5. In pairs, complete the dialogue with phrases from Speak Out. Then listen and compare.

1 That’s true, but …

2 I’m not sure I understand. What do you mean?

3 Well, you see … the thing is …

4 Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. Could you say it again, please?

5 I’m not sure really …


6. In pairs, read the dialogue from Exercise 5.

7. Work in groups of four. Read the statement and follow the instructions. Use Speak Out to help you.

‘Chat sites are bad for young people.’

The arguments in favor of the thesis:
1. Communication on the Internet saves money on mobile communication;
2. Through chat sites conveniently and quickly solved many issues with many people at once;
3. Chat sites give you the opportunity to communicate at a distance;
4. Chat sites have made communication much more;
5. Sometimes through chat sites, you can find love.
Arguments against the statement:
1. There is No guarantee the confidentiality of personal data;
2. Chat sites take a lot of free time;
3. There is No guarantee that everything written in chat sites though;
4. People Have a dependence on social networks;
5. Chat sites sometimes a bad influence on the psyche of people.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-20; просмотров: 635 | Нарушение авторских прав

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