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Basic theory of personality. | Descriptive Psychology W. Dilthey (1833-1911) and E. Spranger (1882-1963) | Cognitive Approach | Hierarchy of needs Maslow | Theory motivations Makkelanda-Atkinson (David Makkeland, John Aktkinson, Harvard University). | Field Theory (German psychologist Kurt Lewin) |

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  1. III. Literature Review

The concept of personality and its structure. Theories of personality.

1. The concept of personality in psychology.

2. Personality in the light of theories and trends and their significance for communicative practice.

3. "Self-concept" of personality.



1. Psychology, ed. Y. L. Trofimov. - K. Lybid, 1999.

2. O.V. Skripchenko. General Psychology - K., 1997.

3. P. A. Myasoid. General Psychology. K., High School, 2000.

4. Stolyarenko O. B. Personality Psychology: Handbook. - "Center of educational literature" - 2012. - 280 p.

5. Eysenck G.Y. The structure of personality. - St. Petersburg.: Juventa, M.: PCB +, 1999. - 464 p.

6. Asmolov A.G. Psychology of personality: Tutorial. - Moscow: Publishing, Moscow State University, 1990. - 367 p.

7. Bala G.A. The concept of self-actualization in humanistical personality psychology. - K. - Donetsk, 1993. – 32 p.

8. Variy M.I. Psychology of personality. Textbook. - K. Center educational literature, 2008. - 592 p.


1. Category of personality occupies a central place in modern scientific research and public consciousness. Thanks to this category the possibility for a holistic approach, system analysis and synthesis of psychological processes, functions, condition, human qualification emerge.

In psychological science there is no universally accepted definition of the nature of personality. The era of active scientific study of personality is divided into two periods:

1) the end of the nineteenth and mid of the twentieth century. And it is in phase with the period of classical psychology formation.

2) started in the second half of the twentieth century.

Personality is a particularized individuum, which we regard as embodiment of the most significant socially significant properties. This is a man who has life philosophy that firmly established as a result of long and painstaking conscious work. Individuum has proper free will, the ability to choose, responsibility. The depth and richness of personality due to its link with the world and other people, self-conception, his "I".

Personality - a social system due to mental qualities of the individual, which is determined by human involvement to specific social, cultural and historical relations. It is also formed in the process of conscious activity and communication. Personality mediates and determines individual relationship level with the social and natural environment. This is an object and a subject of the historical process and their lives.

To understand the nature of the individuum should clarify the relationship of this concept to other used both classical and modern psychology.

Man is born with a genetically inherent in its potential to become a very human. Infant inherents anatomical and physiological properties of the body and brain, that belong to man. They provide mastering bipedalism, tools, language, development of intelligence, consciousness in prospect. But this system of biological, genetic, anatomical, physiological factors involves the formation of man only in the social, cultural and historical conditions of civilization. To emphasize biologically conditioned by membership of a newborn child and an adult to human...... and differs from the animals, the concept of "individual" is used as the opposite to the concept "individual" of animal.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-03; просмотров: 60 | Нарушение авторских прав

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ақылау жұмысы. Кеден ісі. Өткен грамматикалық тақырыптарды қайталау.| Individuum - a human biological basis of personality development in certain social conditions (Trofimov).

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