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Electoral results

Part II | Task 1. Read and translate the text. | Part II | Task 1. Read and translate the text. | Westminster Palace | State Opening of Parliament | Task 11. Read and translate the text. | Part II | Task 17. Divide the text into parts and give them names. | Part II |

Читайте также:
  1. Manuscript Search Results
  2. Results
  3. Results and Discussion


The two party dominance has existed since the 18th century. But for more than one hundred years Britain has had two party state with Labour and the Conservatives taking turns in government. And both dominating parties have constant supporters. About 1/3 of the people vote for the labour party candidates all the time, another third for the Conservatives. The traditional voting changed in the end of the last century. The electorate chose the Conservatives in four consecutive General Elections and Labour seemed consigned to the dustbin of history. They realized that it would help to move to the centre if it was ever to be elected again. So the growth of the middle class and the changes and the policy of the Labour Party resulted in a shift in favour of Labour, bringing overwhelming majority of votes in the next two General Elections (1997, 2001) – they won 63 % seats in the House of Commons.

Today the examination of the electoral results shows a growing north-south division in the people's support of the parties. The Labour Party has always been supported overwhelmingly by Wales, Scotland and North England. Those are people concerned with survival and security, who value loyalty and solidarity. They are generally people of lower income.

The Conservatives are supported by South England. Those are people ambitious for success, wealth or power, for whom outward appearances are important. They are "self-made", natural Conservative voters. By 1990 they were about 34 % of the population, but their number has declined to 25 % by 2001.

There is the third category of voters which is markedly growing. Those are people concerned with personal development and individual freedom, with strong moral motivation such as concern about world ecology, nuclear power or weapons, or civil liberties. Such people constitute 36 % of the population and are increasing. Most of them are supporters of the Liberal Democrats.

Notes to the text:

to take turns – сменяться

to consign – отправлять

in favour of – в пользу

concerned – озабоченный, обеспокоенный

to decline – уменьшаться

concern – забота, беспокойство, интерес

Task 6. Match each word in the left column with two words having the same meaning in the right column:

to value   personal   supporter   to constitute   examination   constant   to decline   important   income   consecutive essential to decrease study significant successive defender to comprise analysis individual to appreciate permanent to compose private earnings following endless to respect follower wages to diminish


Task 7. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: последовательный, подавляющее большинство, в подавляющем большинстве случаев, ценить верность, люди с более низкими доходами, стремящийся к успеху, богатству и власти, личная свобода, беспокойство о всемирной экологии.

Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. What are the two dominating parties in Britain?

2. How did the traditional voting change in the end of the last century?

3. In what parts of the country does the Labour Party have an overwhelming majority of votes? What people support this party?

4. Where are the Conservatives supported? What kind of voters do they have?

5. Who constitutes the third category of voters?



Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 49 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Task 1. Read and translate the text.| Conservative Party

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