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Task 1. Read and translate the text. The British people have always prided themselves on their electoral system believing it to be one of the most democratic

Task 13. Read and translate the text. | Part II | Task 1. Read and translate the text. | Part II | Task 1. Read and translate the text. | Westminster Palace | State Opening of Parliament | Task 11. Read and translate the text. | Part II | Task 17. Divide the text into parts and give them names. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Learn the information below to get a handle on some economic terms used in the text.
  2. A) Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the use of modal verbs.
  3. A) translate the illustrative examples into Russian;
  4. Answer the questions after the text.
  5. Answer the questions on the text.
  6. Answer the questions on the text.
  7. Answer the questions on the text.


The British people have always prided themselves on their electoral system believing it to be one of the most democratic. It is known as a majority system. The foundation of the British electoral system is the single-member constituency. The United Kingdom is divided into 650 parliamentary constituencies, each one of which elects a Member of Parliament (MP) to sit in the House of Commons. Each MP represents 66000 electors. A person may represent a constituency even if he does not live there.

Any number of candidates can stand for election in each constituency. The winner is the candidate who gets more votes than any other single candidate, even if the difference is only one vote. This system is simple and clear, but it means that sometimes the elected candidate represents only the third of those who voted and the candidate who comes second, even very close to the winner, gets nothing.

The weakness of the electoral system was revealed in the 1980s, when the conservatives enjoyed a large majority in the Commons although at the elections of 1979, 1983 and 1987 more people voted against the Conservative Party than for it. In 1987 the Liberal Alliance received 23,1 % of the total vote but won only 22 seats (3,5 %) in Parliament. This is the reason why all the smaller parties continue their campaign for proportional representation, which would give them far more seats in Parliament.

General Electionsin Britain are held every 5 years, as every Parliament (and Government accordingly) is elected for this term. The Prime Minister chooses the date of the next General Elections, but does not have to wait until the end of the 5 years. A time is chosen that will give as much advantage as possible to the political party in power.

About a month before the election the Prime Minister meets a small group of close advisers to discuss the date, which would best suit the party. The date is announced to the Cabinet. The Prime Minister asks the Queen to dissolve the Parliament. Once it is dissolved, all MPs are unemployed.

Party manifestos are published and campaigning begins throughout the country lasting for about 3 weeks with large-scale press, radio and television coverage.

Voting takes place on Polling Day (usually a Thursday). MPs are elected by direct and secret ballot. Citizens of 18 and over have the right to vote (except prisoners, lords and mentally ill). Voting is not compulsory and about 75 % of the electorate take part in General Elections. On election day the voters go to the polling-station, and record their votes by placing a cross against their candidate's name on the list, and place the paper in a ballot-box. Some people may vote by proxy.The election officials count the number of votes and the Returning Officerannounces the elected candidate. The candidate in a constituency who gains most votes is returned as Member to the Commons.

If an MP resigns, dies or is made a peer during the lifetime of a Parliament, a by-electionmust be held in the constituency (which he represented) to elect a new member.


Notes to the text:

by direct and secret ballot – прямым тайным голосованием

to vote by proxy – голосовать за другого (по доверенности)

Returning Officer – уполномоченный по выборам (осуществляет контроль над проведением всеобщих или дополнительных выборов)

by-election – дополнительные выборы


Task 2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: избирательная система, избирательный округ, член парламента, представлять, баллотироваться на выборах, обнаруживать, обладать значительным большинством, проводить всеобщие выборы, избираться на какой-либо срок, распустить парламент, день голосования, право голоса, обязательный, принимать участие во всеобщих выборах, избирательный участок, избирательная урна, подсчитывать число голосов, получить наибольшее число голосов, уходить в отставку.

Task 3. Find what nouns in the text have the ending -er/-or and explain how they are formed, then make nouns from the following words using the same ending and translate them: to support, to rule, to work, to speak, to found, to lead, to direct, to govern, to visit, to follow.


Task 4. Answer the questions:

1. What is the main principle of the British electoral system?

2. Who is considered the winner?

3. What is the weakness of the British electoral system?

4. How often are General Electionsheld in Britain?

5. How is the date of General Elections chosen?

6. How does the election campaign usually go on?

7. When and how does voting take place?

8. Who has the right to vote?

9. When must a by-electionbe held?

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 75 | Нарушение авторских прав

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