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Part II. The procedure of passing a bill is similar in both Houses

От автора | Task 1. Read and translate the text. | Ancient institution | Functions and powers | The Queen and the Prime Minister | Monarchy and democracy | Expensive institution | History and structure | The House of Commons | The House of Lords |

The procedure of passing a bill is similar in both Houses. The first stage of the bill's progress is still known as "reading", although the bill is no longer read aloud. This is a remainder of the days when printed copies were not generally available and the two Houses had to be informed of the contents of the bill by hearing a clerk read it aloud. Nowadays the first reading stage is a formality. It is during the second reading that crucial debates take place about a week later. The Minister or MP in charge of the bill explains to the House the whole purpose of the bill and the means proposed for putting it in effect. Then the main debates begin. Some MPs may support the bill, others may oppose it.

When various speeches have been made for and against the bill, the Speaker will then ask whether the bill is to pass the second reading and to go on to the next stage. If the House is not unanimous, if there is disagreement the Speaker (or the Lord Chancellor) calls for a division. The members leave their seats and pass into the lobbies through "Yes" or "No" doors thus showing which way they are voting. Two tellers – one on each side – count the votes as the MPs go through the doors and secretaries put down their names. Before the lobby doors close, a bell rings throughout the House 6 minutes to enable MPs, wherever they may be in the House, to vote. Party Whips stand outside the door of the lobby into which they expect their MPs to pass. Unless it is a free vote, members who ignore party policy risk the strong displeasure of the party leadership.

When the numbers have been taken, the members return to their seats and the Speaker (the Lord Chancellor) reads out the results of the voting. If the bill has a majority of votes, it has passed the second reading. It is then usually sent to a committee for detailed, clause by clause, word by word examination. Large committee rooms on the upper floor of Westminster Palace (the Committee Corridor) constitute one of the busiest parts of the palace. After days or weeks in a committee the bill then comes back to the House. When the committee reports to the House the conclusion of its work, there may be further discussion.

On the third readingthe final text of the bill – perhaps rather different from that originally printed – is then approved or rejected. After that the bill goes through the same stages in the House of Lords. There it can be delayed but not rejected. Then it returns to the House of Commons and if the Commons accept the amendments, in case there are any, the bill is ready for its last stage. The final approval of the Queen and her signature will enact the bill, i.e. turn it into an Act of Parliament.

Besides the Government bills, there are the Opposition and Private Members' bills. Any MP has the right to propose his bill. Mostly they are business bills. Only 10 days in each session are allowed for the debates on these bills. And those 10 days are Fridays, short working days. So putting forward private bills is not encouraged. There are 20 opposition days each session which allow the opposition to choose the subject for debate.

Parliament is not only a law-making body, it is also a law-enforcing body, i.e. it has judicial functions.The main judicial work of Parliament today is that carried out daily by the House of Lords. This House serves as the final Court of Appeal for Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Appeals may be heard either in the Chamber of the House or in the Appellate Committee. Judgement is always given in the House itself. Only peers who hold high judicial office sit to hear appeals, and they are sometimes presided over by the Lord Chancellor, who is the head of the English judicial system.


Notes to the text:

Appellate Committee – апелляционный комитет

judgement – приговор, решение суда


Task 17. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: процедура принятия законопроекта, приводить в действие, единогласный, детальной рассмотрение, дальнейшее обсуждение, отклонить законопроект, отложить законопроект, принимать поправки, представить законопроект на рассмотрение, выносить приговор, занимать должность.


Task 18. Find synonyms from the text to the following words: alike, very important, aim, to pay no attention, to introduce a bill, discussion, to perform work.

Task 19. Answer the questions:

1. What does the first reading stage consist of?

2. What takes place during the second reading?

3. Why do the members of the House have to pass through" Yes" or "No" doors?

4. Where is the bill sent if it passes the second reading?

5. What is going on during the third reading?

6. When does the bill become an Act of Parliament?

7. What other types of bills besides the Government bills do you know?

8. Which of the Houses carries out the main judicial functions?





Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 76 | Нарушение авторских прав

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