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The House of Lords

От автора | Task 1. Read and translate the text. | Ancient institution | Functions and powers | The Queen and the Prime Minister | Monarchy and democracy | Expensive institution | History and structure | Part II | Task 1. Read and translate the text. |

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The House of Lords appeared first as king's council consisting of lords and barons. The House is decorated with coats of arms of peers, with 6 large frescos and 18 bronze statues of the barons' who forced King John to sign Magna Carta (the Great Charter) in 1215.

Now the House is a non-elected, hereditary upper chamber. It comprise 26 Lords Spiritual (2 of which are archbishops of Canterbury and York, the rest – senior bishops of the Church of England), 91 hereditary peers, 568 life peers and peeresses, rewarded for specially good service. The title is not inherited by their children. 1/4 of life peers are women, Margaret Thatcher among them. The total number of persons in the House of Lords is more than 703.

The Queen belongs to the House of Lords so there is a throne in the Lords' Chamber from where she makes her State Opening Speech.

There is also a woolsack – the seat of the Lord Chancellorwho presides in the House of Lords. Unlike the Speaker in the House of Commons the Lord Chancellor is not impartial, as he is a government officer, responsible for the administration of justice, and an automatic member of the Cabinet. Although he presides over the House he is not concerned with order. Any peer has the power to rise in his place and move thus demonstrating his disapproval to a fellow peer having the floor. No one calls to order. Woolsack was introduced at the beginning of the 14th century by Edward III as a symbol of prosperity, it is packed with wool from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, symbolizing unity of the four parts of the country.

Almost a century ago the Lords had the power of absolute veto over any legislation passed by the House of Commons. After a great struggle this was finally abolished by the Parliament Act of 1911. But it left the Lords with the power to delay a bill for two years and since 1949 the period reduced to one year. After one year the bill is passed even without the Lords agreement.

The House of Lords is of Tory majority composed largely of company directors, landlords, bankers, steel and oil magnates, newspaper proprietors and so on. Its main function is to defend the interests of the propertied people, to criticize the Labour Government, to delay, amend or bury the bills which went contrary to their interests. For its utterly conservative character it is often called "the House of obstruction" or "a hangover from a past age". That's why from time to time Labour Governments and working people demanded abolition of the House of Lords.

The power of delaying a bill for a year is still a great privilege of the Lords. During a year the political situation may change in favour of the Conservatives, the propaganda work may divert the attention from the uneasy bill, it may be forgotten or amended. So this privilege may play into the hands of the ruling class.

In 1958 the idea of elevating to the peerage certain people who have rendered political or public service to the nation was launched. Such people are awarded the title of life peer and elevated to the House of Lords (Life peers do not pass on the titles when they die.) At some periods the idea was effectively used to get rid of dangerous, revolutionary-minded people within the House of Commons. Their efforts in fighting against social injustice were appreciated and rewarded by the title of life peer. Many former trade-union leaders have thus become Lords of the House and lost their revolutionary spirit.

Of all the parliaments in the world, the lowest quorum needed to adopt a decision is the British House of Lords. Three Lords present will make a quorum and will be capable to take any decision. Lords are far freer to vote according to their own convictions rather than party policy than are Members of the Commons.

A peer who attends a debate receives salary in addition to travelling expenses. Average daily attendance is only about 300 and most of these are life peers, who retain interest in the state affairs.

In 1998 the Government introduced legislation to deprive hereditary peers (by then numbering 750) of their 700-year-old right to sit and vote in the upper chamber. A compromise, however, allowed 92 of them – who were elected by their fellow peers – to remain as temporary members. The legislation went into effect in late 1999. The removal of the hereditary principle means that the second chamber becomes more democratic, more broadly representative of modern Britain.

Notes to the text:

coat of arms – герб

Magna Carta – Великая хартия вольностей (грамота, подписанная королем под давлением восставших баронов в 1215; ограничивала королевскую власть и предоставляла более широкие права крупным феодалам; крепостному крестьянству не дала никаких прав)

woolsack – набитая шерстью подушка, на которой сидит лорд-канцлер

Task 10. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: брать слово (выступать), отложить законопроект, принять законопроект, имущие классы, вносить поправку в законопроект, идти вразрез с чем-либо, помеха (препятствие), пережиток прошлого, отмена, в чью-либо пользу, отвлекать внимание, сыграть на руку кому-либо, оказать услугу, несправедливость, лишить кого-либо права, вступать в силу.promoteотвлекать кого-либо,бо, опроект, the words belowству не дала никаких прав)ничивала королевскую власть и предоставляла более ши

Task 11. Find synonyms from the text to the following words: consist of, disinterested, richness, to stop, completely, to promote, every day, greater part, to value, presence.

Task 12. Answer the questions:

1. Who does the House of Lords consist of?

2. Who presides in the House of Lords and what is he responsible for?

3. What is a woolsack?

4. What are the main functions of the House of Lords?

5. What is the difference between hereditary peers and life peers? Which of these titles can be awarded and what for?

6. How many Lords can make up a quorum?

7. Is the House of Lords a democratic institution?

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 117 | Нарушение авторских прав

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The House of Commons| Task 13. Read and translate the text.

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