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Studying the words

ДЕЛОВЫЕ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ | Introduction | The Negotiation Process | Studying the words | Syn. to participate | Syn. order | Cultural Differences Affecting Negotiations | Studying the words | Studying the words | The Use of Dirty Tricks in Negotiating |

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  1. B) Think of situations or microdialogues consisting of a statement (or a question) and a reply to it using the words mentioned above.
  2. B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.
  3. B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.
  4. B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.
  5. Build sentences from the given words bellow.
  6. C. Match the words in the left-hand and the right-hand columns into combinations. Give their Russian translation.
  7. C. Match the words with the corresponding definitions.

1. Access to smth (n) – доступ к чему-либо.

ex. The new computer provides access to all the files.

To gain/get access to smth – получить доступ к чему-либо.

Accessible (adj) – доступный, достижимый.

Ex. The beach should be accessible to everyone.

Ex. Their goal was to make adult education more accessible.

2. Aware of smth – (о)сознающий, знающий, осведомленный о чем-либо.

To be aware of danger – сознавать опасность.

To be aware of complete failure – отдавать себе отчет о полном провале.

To make smb aware of smth – познакомить кого-либо с чем-либо, рассказать кому-либо о чем-либо.

Unaware – не знающий, не подозревающий, не осознающий.

Ex. He is unaware of it

Ex. They are unaware of danger

3. A constraint (n) – ограничение

Financial budget constraint – финансовые бюджетные ограничения.

A time constraint – ограничение во время, временные рамки.

To be under a time constraint – быть ограниченным во времени.

To put/place constraints on smth. – установить ограничения на что-либо

Ex. To put constraints on presidential power

Syn. limits/restrictions.

To constrain (v) – сдерживать, ограничивать.

Ex. We are always constrained by our budget.

4. Deceptive (adj) – обманчивый, вводящий в заблуждение.

Deceptive weather – обманчивая погода

Deceptive looks – обманчивая наружность

To deceive (v) – обманывать, вводить в заблуждение.

Ex. During the war both sides sent false code messages to deceive the enemy.

5. To ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать.

To ensure success – гарантировать успех.

To ensure independence – обеспечить безопасность

6. A favour – одолжение, любезность, милость, уступка.

To do smb a favour – сделать кому-либо одолжение.

Ex. As a personal favour to me, please don’t release my story to the press.

Favour (u) – поддержка, помощь, содействие.

Ex. Her political views haven’t found favour in recent years.

In favour of smth/smb – в защиту чего-либо/кого-либо; в пользу чего-либо/кого-либо.

Ex. He is strongly in favour of capital punishment.

7. Forthright (adj.) книжн. – откровенный, прямолинейный, честный.

Ex. She was by nature forthright and impatient.

Syn. honest.

8. To point smth out (v) – указывать на что-либо; выделять что-либо.

To point out mistakes – указать на ошибки.

To point out that…. – обращать внимание, указывать, подчеркивать.

Ex. He pointed out the best beaches on the map.

Ex. His wife pointed out that none of them were exactly starving.

9. Prone to smth (adj.) – склонный, предрасположенный к чему-либо.

Prone to hasty conclusions – склонный к поспешным заключениям.

Prone to anger – вспыльчивый.

Ex. Some people are prone to accidents – есть люди, с которыми вечно что-то случается

10. Obliged – обязанный, вынужденный, принужденный.

Ex. We are obliged to remind you… - мы вынуждены напомнить вам…

I don’t want to be obliged to him for anything – я не хочу ни в чем быть ему обязанным.

To oblige (v) – обязывать, заставлять.

Ex. The law obliges parents to send their children to school.

11. A benefit (n) – преимущество, привилегия.

Ex. This could bring real benefits for teachers.

Benefit (u) – выгода, польза, прибыль.

Ex. The book wasn’t of much benefit.

To me – книга не принесла мне особенной пользы.

To derive/get/obtain/receive benefit – извлекать, получать пользу/прибыль.

For the benefit of smb/smth – на благо/в пользу кого-либо/ чего-либо.

For the benefit of children – ради детей.

To benefit from smth (v) – получать пользу, помощь.

Ex. We benefited directly from the reorganization.

Beneficial (adj.) – полезный, благотворный.

A beneficial effect – благотворное воздействие.

I. Comprehension check.


Practice 1.

Answer the following questions.

1. Why will most parties choose a neutral site in case of important negotiations?

2. How can time limits put one of the parties at a disadvantage?

3. What are the main motives for concluding negotiations as quickly as possible?

4. What is different in Japanese and American approaches to buyer-seller relations?

5. What is different in Brazilian and American approaches to buyer-seller relations?

6. Whose approach – American – Brazilian – Japanese to buyer-seller relations do you find more acceptable for doing business?

7. If a service-oriented US firm decided to discuss a joint venture with a client in France, would it be advisable for the two to meet in Paris during the week of December 18th to discuss the matter and strike a final agreement?


Practice 2.


Complete the following sentences on the basis of the information given in the text.

1. One of the benefits from using a neutral site for negotiations is that…

2. Because of a high cost of staying at a negotiation site both sides are inclined to…

3. One of the motives to conclude an agreement is that…

4. Time limits can be used tactically when…

5. In terms of buyer-seller relations Americans belive that…

6. Unlike the Americans and the Japanese the Brazilians are…

7. The Brazilians are closer to the Americans in…


Practice 3.


Find in the text English equivalents for the following word combinations:

Получить преимущество над другой стороной, обсудить совместное предприятие, иметь ограниченный доступ к информации, находиться в невыгодном положении, встретиться на нейтральной территории, быть обобранным дочиста, выйти победителем в споре/состязании, обоюдные уступки, быть неосведомленным о переговорной тактике другой стороны.


II. Language work.

Practice 4.


Match the words (1-8) with their definitions in the bubbles (a-j)

1. Favour, 2. Unaware, 3. Deceptive, 4. Accessible, 5. Obliged,

6. Access, 7. A benefit.



Practice 5.

Think of suitable words for the following definitions.

1. facts or conditions that limit what you can do, for example not having enough time, money.

2. something that you do for someone in order to help them.

3. likely to do something or be affected by something.

4. to make certain that something happens or is done.

5. so honest when telling your opinions or feelings that some people think you’re rude.

6. easy for anyone to obtain and use.

7. knowing about a situation or a fact.

8. to force someone to do something because it is the law, a rule, or a duty


Practice 6.

Suggest the English for:

1. иметь обманчивый вид

2. обеспечить безопасные условия работы

3. подчеркнуть преимущества и недостатки проекта

4. быть подверженным плохому влиянию

5. быть обязанным по закону оплатить долги

6. иметь доступ к секретной информации

7. быть хорошо осведомленным об имеющихся проблемах

8. потерять поддержку среди большинства населения

9. воспользоваться преимуществами нового метода

10. получать значительную прибыль от сделки

11. иметь благотворное влияние на ход переговоров.


Practice 7.

Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. The charity aims to create a new generation of environmentally aware consumers and producers.

2. It’s important to ensure that delegates have been properly briefed.

3. The cartoon strips are designed to make Shakespeare accessible to children.

4. This piece of software has two points in it’s favour: it’s fast and inexpensive.

5. The M40 through Oxfordshire is notoriously prone to fog.

6. Their search for the place to live was constrained by limited time and money.

7. He was finally granted access to proper medical care.

8. Appearances can be deceptive – dangerously deceptive.

9. Thanks very much. I’ll return the favour one day.

10. Cigarette advertisements in magazines carry a health warning because they are obliged to.

11. The motor industry will be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the recovery.


Practice 8.

Complete the following sentences using necessary prepositions.

1. Sam was unaware … the fact that they were laughing … him.

2. He pointed … that we had two hours … free time … dinner.

3. Access … up-to-date financial information is important … our success.

4. There are major financial constraints … all schools.

5. We shall do this … the benefit … the parents.

6. There are no good roads … the area so most … the ruches are only a accessible … jeep or other off-road vehicles.

7. Early … his musical career he abandoned blues … favors.. jazz.

8. The disease had left her weak and prone … all kinds … infections.


Practice 9.

Insert missing words. Try to use your active vocabulary.

1. Research is often … by lack of sufficient dates.

2. The sea here is very … it looks rate but is in fact very dangerous.

3. The costs involved will outweigh any … gained.

4. One or two glasses of wine a day can be ….

5. As far as I am …, he didn’t say anything of the kind.

6. The city is easily … by road, rail or air.

7. You were right to … that this is only one of the difficulties we face.

8. Part of the school was closed because of financial ….

9. As an examiner, she showed no … to any candidate.

10. They felt … to offer him hospitality.

Practice 10.

Replace the underlined words with the most suitable ones from your active vocabulary.

1. Let’s just say that we know the problem and that we are trying to do smth about it.

2. I was able to do something for him by recommending him for the job.

3. Tim carried on reading, not knowing about my presence.

4. He is likely to gain weight.

5. We are limited to 22 days holiday a year, so I don’t think a three-weeks safari in the summer will be possible.

6. Because of the heavy rains many parts of the countryside can be reached only by boat.

7. Senator Gray’s speech was an extremely ho nest criticism of the government.

8. Doctors are required to keep their patients’ records secret.

9. This scheme has many additional advantages.

10. There has been considerable debate on whether or not jogging is actually healthy.


Practice 11.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я не знал, что она уже поговорила с вами.

2. Правительство установило жесткие ограничения на расходы в этом году.

3. Мужчины и женщины должны иметь равный доступ к образованию и трудоустройству.

4. Наша новая стратегия исследования гарантирует, что мы получим наилучшие результаты.

5. Этот подход получил больше поддержки в Великобритании, чем в США.

6. Если у вас есть проблемы, вы должны поставить о них в известность руководство.

7. Гостиница выглядела хорошо, но внешность может быть обманчивой.

8. Он подчеркнул, что необходимо соблюсти некоторые формальности.

9. Работодатели обязаны по закону платить минимальную заработную плату.




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