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Studying the words. 1. An appeal (n) – просьба, обращение

ДЕЛОВЫЕ ПЕРЕГОВОРЫ | Introduction | The Negotiation Process | Studying the words | Syn. to participate | Syn. order | Studying the words | Bargaining Behaviors | Studying the words | The Use of Dirty Tricks in Negotiating |

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  1. B) Think of situations or microdialogues consisting of a statement (or a question) and a reply to it using the words mentioned above.
  2. B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.
  3. B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.
  4. B. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.
  5. Build sentences from the given words bellow.
  6. C. Match the words in the left-hand and the right-hand columns into combinations. Give their Russian translation.
  7. C. Match the words with the corresponding definitions.

1. An appeal (n) – просьба, обращение

To make an appeal to smb for smth – обращаться к кому-либо за чем-либо

To make an appeal for help – молить о помощи

2. Argumentative (adj) – любящий спорить

Ex. When he drinks, too much he becomes argumentative

Syn. quarrelsome

Ex. Paul has always had a quarrelsome nature.

3. To bind (bound - bound) (v) – обязывать (законом), связывать (договором)

e.g. His word binds him to good behaviour – данное им слово обязывает его хорошо себя вести.

e.g. The court’s decision binds them to pay the fine – по решению суда они обязаны уплатить штраф.

To bind smb to an agreement – подвести кого-либо к заключению соглашения.

Binding (adj.) – обязывающий, обязательный.

Ex. These are guidelines only and are not binding on any party.

4. A commitment (n) – обязательство,

Treaty commitments – договорные обязательства

To meet commitments – выполнять обязательства

Commitment to smb./smth – преданность, верность, самоотверженность, рвение кому – либо / чему – либо.

Ex. Thanks to your energy and commitment, the project was a great success.

5. Conciliation (n) –примирение

6. Crucial (adj)-решающий

A crucial question (test, experiment)

Syn. vital /significant

7. A deadline (n) – предельный, конечный срок.

To meet the deadline – уложиться в срок

To miss the deadline – не успеть, не уложиться в срок

8. To influence smth / smb (v) – влиять, оказывать влияние, воздействие на что – либо, кого – либо.

Ex. The Revolution of 1789 influenced events far beyond France.

Influence (n) – влияние, воздействие

Under the influence of smb. – под влиянием кого – либо

To have an influence over / on smb. – иметь влияние на кого – либо

9. To lack smth. (v) – испытывать недостаток в чем – либо, нуждаться в чем – либо.

to lack courage – не иметь достаточного мужества

To lack wit – не хватает ума

He lacks words to express his than ks – ему не хватает слов для выражения благодарности

He lacks nothing - у него есть все

Lack (n) – недостаток, нехватка

Lack of money – недостаток денег

To feel the lack of smth. – ощущать недостаток в чем – либо

10. Litigation (n) – судебный процесс, тяжба

11. An obstacle (n) – препятствие, помеха, преграда

To be an obstacle to smth. – быть помехой чему – либо

To overcome obstacles – преодолевать препятствия

Ex. The greatest obstacle to economic progress has been mass unemployment

12. To reciprocate (v) – отвечать взаимностью

To reciprocate smb’s feelings – отвечать чьим – либо чувствам

To reciprocate hostility – испытывать взаимную вражду

To reciprocate good wishes – обмениваться добрыми пожеланиями

Ex. We asked them over for dinner, hoping they world reciprocate.

Reciprocal (adj) – взаимный, обоюдный

Reciprocal concessions – взаимные уступки

To seek (sought - sought) to do smth. (v) пытаться, стараться что-либо сделать, стремиться к чему-либо

To seek smth. добиваться чего-либо


13. Subtle (adj) – едва различимый, трудно уловимый, тонкий

A subtle distinction – тонкое различие

Subtle charm – неуловимое обаяние

Ex. At first, we did not notice the subtle changes in his character

14. Ultimate (adj) – a) последний, окончательный

An ultimate result – окончательный результат

An ultimate decision – окончательное решение

15. Valid (adj) – a) обоснованный, веский

A valid argument – убедительный вывод

A valid reason – веская причина

A valid claim – обоснованная претензия

б) имеющий законную силу

A valid argument – соглашение имеющее законную силу

Ex. Is your passport still valid?

16. To value smth. (v) – оценивать, давать оценку

Ex. Vitamins and minerals are valued for their protective and energy – giving qualities.

Value (n) – ценность, важность, полезность, стоимость

Ex. The value of land is rising all the time.

To set a high value on smth. – высоко ценить что – либо

To set a low value on smth – не придавать большого значения чему – либо

Valuable (adj) – ценный, дорогостоящий

A valuable diamond – брильянт большой ценности

Valuable advice – полезный совет

Ex. Do not lose this ring – it’s very valuable.


I. Comprehension check.

Practice 1.

Answer the following questions.

1. Whose negotiation style is characterized by a slow approach to decision-making?

2. What is the ultimate aim in negotiation for North Americans?

3. How are South Americans likely to responds to the idea of going through the documents once again to brush every thing up?

4. What is the difference in the approach to face-saving in decision-making with the Japanese/North Americans/South Americans?

5. Why do Americans typically find it easier to negotiate with Arabs that with representatives from many other regions of the world?

6. When should the most important matters be introduced with the Americans?

7. What type of reciprocity should be expected from the Arabs?

8. How quickly are Americans likely to make concessions?

9. How do the Japanese/the North Americans/the South Americans manifest their national traits in negotiation?

10. What degree of commitment to employer is typical for the Japanese/the North Americans/the South Americans?

Practice 2.

Having an idea of negotiation styles from a cross-cultural perspective decide on the mode of negotiation behavior for the 1) Japanese, 2) the North Americans, 3) the South Americans from a), b), c).

a) Attentive to documentation, quiet and reserved, committed to employer, friendly, respectful, substantial in decision-making

b) Committed to employer, impulsive, passionate, argumentative, respecting the leading role of one individual

c) Impersonal, ready to make early concessions, argumentative, well-organized attentive to documentation, punctual, factual

II. Language work.


Practice 3

Find in the text English equivalents for the following word combinations:

Использовать обращение к эмоциям, групповое принятие решений, «сохранение лица», идти на уступки, заключить сделку, иметь полномочия, стиль переговорного процесса, завершить переговоры строить долгосрочные отношения, решить вопрос быстро, общее руководство, постепенный (пошаговый, поэтапный), подход к принятию решений., отсутствие лояльности по отношению к работодателю.

Practice 4

Match the words (1-8) with their definitions in the bubbles (a-j)

1. Binding, 2. Valid, 3. Commitment, 4. An appeal, 5. An obstacle, 6. Valuable, 7.Argumentative, 8. Influence, 9.Subtle, 10. A deadline



Practice 5

Think of suitable words for the following definitions.

1. Willingness to give time / energy to smth

2. To finish some work within the time that you have been allowed to do it, especially when it is very important that it is done by that time.

3. To not have any or enough of something you need of want

4. To try to achieve something, especially something which may take a long time but which you think is important.

5. A process that is intended to end an argument between two groups of people

6. To react to someone’s feelings or actions to wards you by showing the same things for them.

Practice 6

Suggest the English for:

1. выполнять финансовые обязательства,

2. не закончить что-либо вовремя,

3. повлиять на процесс принятия решений,

4. не испытывать ни в чём-либо недостатка,

5. стремиться к заключению сделки,

6. добиться успеха в преодолении помех,

7. чувствовать обоюдную неприязнь,

8. взывать к эмоциям,

9. научиться ценить обычные вещи в жизни.

Practice 7.

Explain what you understand by:

An argumentative person;

A binding argument;

A crucial concession;

A subtle difference;

An ultimate aim;

A valid claim.



Practice 8.

Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. A particularly argumentative section of the committee kept raising objections to the proposals.

2. His contract is legally binding; he must stay here for the next two years whether he wants to or not.

3. The Wednesday deadline passed without any communication from the leader of the opposition.

4. Experience is, of course, a crucial factor in deciding who would be the best person for the job.

5. They are appealing to local businesses for sponsorship money.

6. We could not find his passports but it was not for lack of trying.

7. I do not want to take on any more commitments.

8. The public relations experts seek to influence public opinion with clever advertising campaigns.

9. People who arrive in this country without valid immigration papers may be send home.

10. Homework is negatively valued as a retreat from a disliked alternative – employment work.

11. Lack of money has proved an almost insurmountable obstacle.

12. Health education programmers are starting to influence people’s eating habits.

Practice 9.

Complete the following sentences using necessary prepositions.

1. A national newspaper yesterday made an appeal … the government … information regarding a journalist who went missing in Iraq.

2. By now, we had begun to realize that her commitment … the teams had gone and she was losing interest.

3. The future level … fuel prices will have a major influence … energy policy.

4. The huge distances involved have proved an obstacle … communication … villages.

5. They lost the game, but not … lack … trying.

6. Secrecy is crucial … this police operation.

7. It’s herd to set a value … a company … large assets and turnover but low profits.

8. The decisions of the European Court are binding … the United Kingdom.

Practice 10.

Insert missing words. Try to use your active vocabulary.

1. Ministers set a …… of 5 April for Serbia to accept the peace plan

2. Teachers have considerable ……… on what is taught in the classroom.

3. Perhaps you simply ……. the intelligence to realize just how serious this is.

4. I would like to…….. your fine hospitality.

5. Their ……… destination was Paris.

6. It was the community in which people respected their elders and ………. their knowledge and experience.

7. We believe the question being investigated by the Commission is one of ………. Importance to the country.

8. Tiredness was the biggest ………… in the way of their attempt to rescue the climbers.

9. The government still has not produced a ……… argument in favour of its policies on immigration.

10. For over two decades the USA ………. to prevent the spread of communism in South-East Asia.

11. Rail passengers travailing without a ………. tickets will have to pay a fine of 100.


Practice 11.

Replace the underlined words with the most suitable ones from your active vocabulary.

1. The important factor in their relationship was their unshakeable faith in each other.

2. Paul has always had a quarrelsome and violent nature.

3. The decision-making process will be free from outside effect.

4. We have a strict system of tests to select the best candidates.

5. The law must try to protect the democratic rights of citizens.

6. I think your assessment of the current economic situation is pretty accurate.

7. He admitted that his failure was caused by not enough determination.

8. Although he valued her friendship, he wasn’t capable of reacting to her feelings of love similarly.

9. I detected a small change in his attitude to wards us.


Practice 12.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Автор пытается продемонстрировать влияние звёзд на жизнь людей

2. К сожалению, у нас обязательное соглашение с правительством, которое не может быть нарушено

3. Мы будем хорошо вам платить, а в ответ ожидаем от вас лояльности и полной самоотдачи

4. Нам не предложат другой контракт, если мы не уложимся в срок

5. Я не могу выполнить эту работу сейчас из-за (в силу) других обязательств

6. Они обратились непосредственно к правительству за финансированием

7. Переговоры имеют решающее значение для успеха нашего плана

8. Договор обязывает каждую страну снизить уровень загрязнения окружающей среды

9. Мы обменялись приглашениями

10. Совершенно естественно, что идеи родителей влияют на детей

11. Ему не хватало умений, требуемых для такой работы

12. Я рассказал ей все о себе, но она не была готова ответить взаимностью

13. Наша экономическая политика направлена на (стремиться к) создание рабочих мест и увеличению производительности труда

14. Он был настроен преодолеть все препятствия на своем пути

15. Это предложение действительно до конца апреля

16. Я ценю ее очень высоко как друга




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