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Источники. 1. Khanthong, Т., Hoechst asserts its drug not harmgul, The Nation, 22 Oct 1987, p19.

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Читайте также:
  1. ODBC-источники
  2. Quot;Статья 79. Источники формирования накопительной системы пенсионного страхования и использования ее средств
  4. Альтернативные источники материально-технических ресурсов для села
  5. Важнейшие источники по истории раннего средневековья.
  6. Внешние источники угрозы безопасности национальной экономики
  7. Внутренние источники угрозы безопасности национальной экономики

1. Khanthong, Т., "Hoechst asserts its drug not harmgul", The Nation, 22 Oct 1987, p19.

2. Zijlmans,J.M., Class, F.H.J. and Overbosch, D., "Baralgin, pijn оf-реnie?", Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, Vol 131, 1987, pp500-1.

3. BUKO Pharma Kampagne, Hoechst, A Cause of Illness? The Pharmabusiness in the Third World, Germany, May 1986, p19.

4. Anon., "Federal Health Office decides on dipyrone", Lancet, 20-27 Dec 1986, pp1450-1; Anon., "BGA's metamizole comb suspension", Scrip, No 1208/9, 27-29 May 1987, p6.

5. Anon., "Hoechst in 1987 and 1988", Scrip, No 1293,23 Mar 1988, p14.

6. Anon., "Good growth for Hoechst Pharma", Scrip, No 1702, 20 Mar 1992, pp8-9.

7. Ahmad, S.R., Bitter Facts About Drugs, Karachi, HAI-Pakistan, 1990, p9.

8. Anon., "Indian branded drug sales", Scrip, No 1650, 11 Sep 1991, p19.

9. Anon., "German and Swiss companies' drug supplies to the Third World: how rational?", Drug Monitor, Vol V, No 11, Now 1990, p141.

10. Personal communication from O.Lanza, LaPaz, 1 Sep 1992.

11. Vlahov, V. and Bacracheva, N., "Agranulocytosis and dipyrone", Lancet, No 8673, 18 Nov 1989, p1215.

12. Anon., "S Korean consumers highlight banned drugs", Scrip, No 1457, 20 Oct 1989, p23.

13. Anon., "Top drugs in Yugoslavia", Scrip, No 1665, 1 Nov 1991, p22.

14. Laurence, D.R. and Bennett, P.N., Clinical Pharmacology, (6th edn), Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 1987, p168.

15. Fuellgraff, G. and Palm, D. (eds), Pharmakotherapie - Klinische Pharmakologie, (6th edn), Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1986, p194.

16. Dukes, M.N.G., (ed), Side Effects of Drugs Annual 4, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1980, pp634.

17. AMA, Drug Evaluations, (2nd edn), Chicago, 1973, pp262-7.

18. AMA, Drug Evaluations, (3rd edn), Chicago, 1977, p341.

19. Letter from Hoechst to the Medical Lobby for Appropriate Marketing, 21 Sept 1984.

20. International Agranulocytosis and Aplastic Anemia Study, "Risks of agranulocytosis relation to drug use with special reference to analgesics", Journal of the American Medical Association, 256, 3 Oct 1986, pp1749-57.

21. See for example: Faich, G.A., "Analgesic use and pharmacoepidemiology", Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 256, No 13, 3 Oct 1986, p1788;
van Dijke, C.P.H., "Analgesic use, agranulocytosis, and aplastic anemia", Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 257, No 19, 15 May 1987, p2590 (letter). Additional letters in the same issue and with the same heading were from: Feldman, U., et al; Kumana, C., and a reply from Levy, M., et al.;
Anon., "Analgesics, agranulocytosis and aplastic anaemia: a major case-control study", Lancet, 18 Oct 1986, pp899-900;
Levy, M. and Shapiro, S., "Stafety of dipyrone", Lancet, 1 Nov 1986, pp1033-4;
Doll, R., Lunde, P.K.M. and Moeschlin, S., "Analgesics, agranulocytosis and aplastic anaemia", Lancet, 10 Jan 1987, p101;
del Favero, A., "Analgesic use and risks of agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia", in: Dukes, M.N.G. (ed.), Side Effects of Drugs Annual 11, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1987, pp89-91;
Offerhaus, L., "Metamizol: een honderdjarige treurnis" (Dipyrone: the sadness of a centenary), Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, Vol 131, No 12, 1987, pp479-81;
Levy, M., and Shapiro, S., reply to Offerhaus, Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, Vol 131, No 38, 1987, pp1680-1;
Offerhaus, L., rejoinder to Levy and Shapiro, Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, Vol 131, No 38, 1987, pp1681-3.

22. Anon., Lancet, 18 Oct 1986, op cit, pp899-900.

23. del Favero, op cit, p91.

24. Anon., "Hoechst, dipyrone and agranulocytosis - the ISAAA study", Scrip, No 1128, 13 Aug 1986, p22.

25. Dukes, 1987, op cit, p9126

26. Herxheimer, A. and Yudkin, J.S., "Agranulocytosis and pyrazolone analgesics" (letter), Lancet, 31 Mar 1984, p730.

27. Calculated by assuming at least 50% of consumption of fatality rate results in some 1750 deaths, plus another 350 deaths in industrialised countries. If anything, that figure is liable to be an underestimate, given the difficulty (as the IAAAS itself demonstrated) of collecting reliable epidemiological data in developing country settings on the incidence of dipyrone-induced agranulocytosis.

28. Anon., "Dipyrone: Hearing by the German Drug Authority", Lancet, 27 Sep 1986, p737.

29. Anon., "Federal Health Office decides on dipyrone", Lancet, 20/27 Dec 1986, p1450.

30. MIMS Africa, Vol 31, No 4, July 1991.

31. MIMS Caribbean, Vol 21, No 1, Jan 1991.

32. MIMS Middle East, Vol 21, No 3, June 1990.

33. Chetley, A. and Gilbert, D., Problem Drugs, The Hague/Penang, HAI, 1986.

34. BUKO, Dipyrone: a drug no one needs, 1989, Bielefeld/Amsterdam, BUKO Pharma Campaign/HAI, pp11-12.

35. Analgesic Guidelines Sub-Committee, Victorian Drug Usage Advisory Committee, Analgesic Guidelines, (1st edn), Toorak, Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation, 1988, pp32-3.

36. Letter from Diane F. Walker, Consumer Safety Officer at the FDA to the Thai Drug Study Group, 21 March 1988, reproduced in: Junkyard Thailand-Dumping of drugs and double standards in drug information: the case of dipyrane, Bangkok, Drug Information for Action Centre, 1988, pp40-1.

37. Martindale states, on page 251, that the use of dipyrone "is justified only in serious or life-threatening situations where no alternative antipyretic is available or suitable."

38. Silverman, M., Lydecker, M. and Lee, P.R., Bad Medicine, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1992, p96, quoting a letter from Jenkins to the Chairperson of the Thai Study Group.

39. Anon., Lancet, 18 Oct 1986, op cit.

40. Khanthong, Т., "Hoechst asserts its drug not harmful", The Nation (Thailand), 22 Oct 1987, p19.

41. Junkyard Thailand, 1988, op cit; BUKO, Pharma-Brief, "Wie werden Medikamente in der Dritten Wel vermarktet? Zum Beispiel: Baralgan in Thailand", April 1988, pp2-3.

42. Anon., "Germans prefer "soft-sell" in patent protection issue", Bangkok Post, 3 Dec 1987.

43. Rummel, W., "Metamizol: Kommentar zu Berichten liber lebensbedrohliche Kreislaufer-krankungen" (Dipyrone: commentary on reports of life-threatening circulatory disorders), - Deutschen Arzteblatt, Vol 84 (В), No 50, 10 Dec 1987, pp2408-11.

44. United Nations, Consolidated List of Products Whose Consumption and/or Sale Have Been Banned, Withdrawn, Severely Restricted or Not Approved by Governments, 2nd issue, ST/ESA/ 192, NewYork, 1987, pp62-3; Anon., Scrip, No 1128, 1986, op cit; Anon., "Fiji bans import of certain products", Scrip, No 1529, 6 July 1990, p22; Balasubramaniam, op cit, p4; Anon., "Health ministry bans dipyrone combinations", Lancet, 17 Oct 1987, p905.




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