Читайте также:
1. McLeod, D.C., "An analgesic for non-prescription pain reliever promotions", Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy, Vol 22, Jun 1988, p503.
2. Grichnik, K.P. and Ferrante, P.M., "The difference between acute and chronic pain", Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, Vol 58, No 3, May 1991, pp217-20.
3. Holland, A.J.A., Jackson, S.H.D. and Turner, P., "A survey of analgesic drug utilization within and between clinical units in a health district", International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology, Vol 26, No 9, 1988, pp465-7.
4. Greenwald, H.P., "Interethnic differences in pain perception", Pain, Vol 44, 1991, pp157-63.
5. Po, A.L.W., Non-Prescription Drugs, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific, (2nd edn) 1990, p9.
6. According to a 1989 report, Accelerated Growth in Pain Management Markets: Forecasts of Pharmaceuticals, Devices and Alternative Treatments, by the Market Intelligence Research Company, reported in: Anon., "New Publications", Scrip, No 1483, 26 Jan 1990, p4.
7. According to a 1991 Frost and Sullivan report, The European Market for Pain Management Products - Pharmaceutical: Pain Control Devices & Alternative Medicines, reported in: Anon., "European pain relief market set to rise", Scrip, No 1587, 1 Feb 1991, p27.
8. Laurence, D.R. and Bennett, P.N., Clinical Pharmacology, Edinburg, Churhill Livingstone, (6th edn), 1987, p301.
9. Ibid, p302.
10. Acs, G. and Drazner, E., "The incidence of postoperative pain and analgesic usage in children", Journal of Dentistry for Children, Jan-Feb 1992, pp48-52.
11. Liebeskind, J.C., "Pain can kill". Pain, Vol 44, 1991, pp3-4.
12. Grichnik and Ferrante, op cit, pp217-20.
13. Laurence and Bennett, op cit, p303.
14. Gaukroger, P.В., "Paediatric analgesia: Which drug? Which dose?", Drugs, Vol 41, No 1, 1991, pp52-9.
15. Maunuksela, E-L. and Oikkola, K.T., "Pediatnc pain management" International Anesthesiology Clinics, Vol 29, No 2, May 1991, pp37-55 (However, pain resulting from chronic diseases or surgery does demand sensitive and often prophylactic therapy as children typically do not request analgesics as adults do.).
16. Grichnik and Ferrante, op cit, pp217-20.
17. Lebovits, A.H., "Chronic pain: the multidisciplinary approach", International Anesthesiology Clinics, Vol 29, No 1, 1991, pp1-7.
18. Ibid; Turk, D.C. and Rudy, Т.Е., "Neglected topics in the treatment of chronic pain patients - relapse, non-compliance, and adherence enhancement", Pain, Vol 44, 1991, pp5-28.
19. Parish, P., Medicines: A Guide for Everybody, (6th edn, revised), London, Penguin, 1989, p187.
20. Katz, J. and Melzack, R., "Auricular transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) reduces phantom limb pain", Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Vol 6, No 2, Feb 1991, pp73-83.
21. Beecher, H.K., "The powerful placebo", Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 159, 1955, pp1602-6.
22. Scarani, G., Beghi, E. and Tognoni, G., "Pharmacological treatment of a primary headache: analysis of current practice from a drug utilization study", Headache, Vol 27, Jun 1987, pp345-50.
23. Laurence and Bennett, op cit, p307.
24. Henry, J.(ed.), The British Medical Association Guide to Medicines & Drugs, London, Dorling Kindersley (2nd edn) 1991, p77.
25. Parish, op cit, p188.
26. Wall, P.D. and Melzack R., (eds), Textbook of Pain, London, Churchill Livingstone, 1984, p505.
27. Gilman, A.G., Rail, T.W., Nies, A.S., and Taylor, P. (eds), Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, New York, Pergamon Press, (8th edn) 1990, p638.
28. WHO, "WHO Model List: revised in November 1991", WHO Drug Information, Vol 5, No 4, 1991, p182.
29. Chetley, A. and Gilbert, D., Problem Drugs, The Hague/Penang, Health Action International, 1986.
30. Hartog, R. and Schulte-Sasse, H., German and Swiss drug supplies to the Third World, Amsterdam/Zurich/Lausanne/Bielefeld, HAI-Europe/Berne Declaration Group/ BUKO Pharma-Kampagne, 1990, p32.
31. Gillies, H.C., Rogers, H.J., Spector, R.G. and Trounce, J.R., A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology, (2nd edn), London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1986, p308.
32. AMA, Drug Evaluations, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., (6th edn) 1986, p76.
33. Henry, op cit, p77.
34. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, British National Formulary, London, BMA and The Pharmaceutical Press, No 22, Sep 1991, p161.
35. Analgesic Guidelines Sub-Committee, Victorian Drug Usage Advisory Committee, Analgesic Guidelines, (1s1 edn), Toorak, Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation, 1988, p22.
36. Anon., "New Swiss analgesic prescribing rules", Scrip, No 1607, 12 Apr 1991, p9.
37. Analgesic Guidelines Sub-Committee, op cit, p192.
38. Parish, op cit, p192.
39. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p18.
40. Ibid, p161.
41. Laurence and Bennett, op cit, p307.
42. Po, op cit, p535.
43. Gilman, et al, p629.
44. Schachtel, B.P., Fillingim, J.M., et al, "Caffeine as an analgetic adjuvant: a doubleblind study comparing aspirin with caffeine to aspirin and placebo in patients with sore throat", Archives of Internal Medicine, Vol 151, Apr 1991, pp733-7.
45. Ward, N., Whitney, C., Avery, D. and Dunner, D., "The analgesic effects of caffeine in headache", Pain, Vol 44, 1991, pp151-5.
46. Forbes, J.A., Jones, K.F., et al, "Evaluation of aspirin, caffeine, and their combination in postoperative oral surgery pain", Pharmacotherapy, Vol 10, No 6, 1990, pp387-93.
47. Bennett, W.M. and DeBroe, M.E. "Analgesic nephropathy - a preventable disease", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 320, No 19, 11 May 1989, pp1269-71.
48. Hoskin, P.J. an Hanks, G.W., "Opioid agonist-antagonist drugs in acute and chronic pain states", Drugs, Vol 41, No 3, 1991, pp326-44.
49. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p132.
50. United Nations, Consolidated List of Products Whose Consumption and/or Sale Have Been Banned, Withdrawn, Severely Restricted or Not Approved by Governments, 2nd issue, Doc No ST/ESA/192, New York, 1987, pp105, 107, 118.
51. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, p159.
52. Wall and Melzack, op cit, p507.
53. Jones, M.P. and Schubert, M.L., "What do you recommend for prophylaxis in an elderly woman with arthritis requiring NSAIDs for control?", American Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol 86, No 3, 1991,
54. Graedon,J. and Graedon, Т., Graedon’s Best Medicine: from herbal remedies to high-tech Rx breakthrough, New York, Bantam Books, 1991, p79.
55. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p159.
56. Lesser, F., "Aspirin: the slow gestation of a warning", New Scientist, 19 Jun 1986, p23.
57. Lopez, R. and Kroeger, A. (eds), Morbilidad у Medicamentos en Peru у Bolivia, Lima/ Heidelberg/Chimbote, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia/Universidad de Heidelberg/Accion para la Salud, 1990, p146.
58. MaLAM letter to Nicholas, March 1990.
59. Wall and Melzack (eds), op cit, p507.
60. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p159.
61. Parish, op cit, p195.
62. Nelson, S.D., "Molecular mechanisms of the hepatotoxicity caused by acetaminophen", Seminars in Liver Disease, Vol 10, No 4, 1990, pp267-78.
63. Levy, M., "Adverse reactions to over-the-counter analgesics: an epidemiological evaluation", Agents Actions Supplement, Vol 25, 1988, pp21-31.
64. Diamond, J., "They'll never swallow that", Sunday Times Magazine, 17 May 1987, pp824.
65. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p18.
66. Sandier, D.P. and Weinberg, C.R., "Analgesic use and chronic renal disease", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 321, No 16, 19 Oct 1989, pp1126-7.
67. Burk, R.F., "N-acetylcysteine in the treatment of acetaminophen overdose", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 320, No 21, 25 May 1989, p1418.
68. AMA, op cit, p75.
69. Gilman, et al, op cit, pp665-6.
70. Physicians' Desk Reference, Oradell, N.J., Medical Economics Company, 44th edn, 1990, p2293.
71. Anon., "Junifen suspension-ibuprofen for febrile children", Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, Vol 29, No 3, 4 Feb 1991, pp11-12.
72. Reynolds, J.E.F. (ed.), Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopoeia, London, The Pharmaceutical Press, (29th edn) 1989, p1321.
73. Anon., "Grunenthal pursues tramadol", Scrip, No 1509, 27 Apr 1990, p34.
74. Offerhaus, L., "Glafenine: Kiespijn of kiespijn?" (Glafenine: toothache or toothache?), Nederlands Tijdschr Geneeskd, Vol 132, No 40, 1988, pp1853-57.
75. Anon., "Glafenine withdrawn in Belgium", Scrip, No 1581, 11 Jan 1991, p34. In 1991, glafenine was marketed in 78 countries, according to an article in The Lancet (Vol 339, 8 Feb 1992, p357).
76. Offerhaus, op cit, pp1853-57.
77. Dukes, M.N.G. and Beeley, L. (eds), Side Effects of Drugs Annual 12, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1988, p90.
78. Offerhaus, op cit, pp1853-57.
79. Stricker B.H.Ch., de Groot, R.R.M. and Wilson, J.H.P., "Anaphylaxis to glafenine", Lancet, Vol 336, No 8720, 13 Oct 1990, pp943-4.
80. Herxheimer, A., "Belgium: Withdrawal of glafenine", Lancet, Vol 337, No 8733, 12 January 1191, p102.
81. BUKO Pharma-Kampegne, Hoechst: A Cause of Illness?, Bielefeld, BUKO Pharma-Kampange, 1987, pp21-2
82. MaLAM letter to Roussel, June 1990.
83. Anon., Scrip, No 1581, op cit, p34.
84. Anon., "Glafenine withdrawal recommended", Scrip, No 1685, 22 Jan 1992, p23.
85. Anon., "Withdrawal of glafenine", Lancet, Vol 339, No 8789, 8 Feb 1992, p357.
86. Anon., "Glafenine: voluntary withdrawal", WHO Drug Information, Vol 6, No 2, 1992, p57.
87. Sanberg, P. and Krema, R.M.T., Over-the-counter Drugs: harmless or hazardous?, London, Burke Publishing, 1988, p49.
88. Dubach, U.C., Rosner, B. and Stunner, Т., "An epidemiological study of abuse of analgesic drugs: effects of phenacetin and salicylate on mortality and cardiovascular morbidity (1968 to 1987)", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 320, No 19,11 May 1989, pp155-60.
89. Sandier, D.P., Smith, J.C., et al, "Analgesic use and chronic renal disease", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 320, No 19, 11 May 1989, pp1238-43.
90. Stolley, P.D., "The risks of phenacetin use", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 324, No 3, 17 Jan 1991, pp191-3.
91. Graedon.J., The People's Pharmacy-2, New York, Avon Books, 1980, p41.
92. United Nations, op cit, p77.
93. Ibid, pp76-8; Anon., "FRG voluntary phenacetin withrawals", Scrip, No 1081, 3 Mar 1986, p3; Consumers' Association of Penang, Drugs and the Third World: Phenacetin risks, benefits and marketing in Malaysia, Penang, CAP, 1986, p4.
94. Gilman, et all, op cit, pp654-5.
95. Anon., "Hoechst in 1987 and 1988", Scrip, 23 Mar 1988, p14.
96. Anon., "Good growth for Hoechst Pharma", Scrip, No 1702, 20 Mar 1992, pp8-9.
97. Reynolds, op cit, p15.
98. Laurence and Bennett, op cit, p168.
99. Fuellgraff, G. and Palm, D. (eds), Pharmakotherapie - Klinische Pharmakologie, (6th edn), Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1986, p194.
100. AMA, Drug Evaluations, (2nd edn), Chicago, 1973, pp262-7.
101. AMA Drug Evaluations, (3rd edn), Chicago, 1977, p341.
102. United Nations, op cit, p62.
103. United Nations, op cit, p115.
104. United Nations, op cit, pp62-3.
105. United Nations, op cit, p89.
106. United Nations, op cit, p90.
107. Bennett and DeBroe, op cit, pp.1269-71.
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