Читайте также:
1. Anon., "Who is responsible for these unnecessary typhoid deaths?", ACASH News, Dec 1990, p1.
2. Australian microbiologist Dr Ken Harvey, quoted in: de Bruxelles, S. and Ferriman, A., "Deadly "super bug" spreads through wards" Observe (London), 31 Aug 1986.
3. Murray, B.E., "New aspects of antimicrobial resistance and the resulting therapeutic dilemmas", Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol 163, Jun 1991, pp1185-94.
4. Geddes, A.M., "Antibiotic therapy - a resume", Lancet, 6 Feb 1988, pp286-9.
5. Neu, H.C., "Antimicrobial agents: the old and the new", American Journal of Infection Control, Vol 17, No 5, Oct 1989, pp276-85.
6. O'Brien, T.F., et al, "Resistance of bacteria to antibacterial agents: report of Task Force 2" Reviews of Infectious Diseases, Vol 9 (Suppl. 3), May-Jun 1987, ppS244-60.
7. Lester, S.C., Pla, M.dP., et al, "The carriage of Escherichia coli resistant to antimicrobial agents by healthy children in Boston, in Caracas, Venezuela, and in Qin Pu, China", Neva England Journal of Medicine, Vol 323, No 5, 2 Aug 1990, p285-9.
8. de Groot, R., Antibiotic Resistance in Haemophilus influenzas, Rotterdam, Erasmus University, 1991, p13.
9. Jacoby, G.A. and Archer, G.L., "New mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 324, No 9, 28 Feb 1991, pp601-12;
Halliday, J., Antibiotics: The Comprehensive Guide, London, Bloomsbury, 1990, pxviii; de Groot, op cit, pp24-7.
10. Jacoby and Archer, op cit, pp601-12;
Halliday, op cit, pxviii; Henry, J. (ed.), The British Medical Association Guide to Medicines & Drugs, London, Dorling Kindersley, (2nd edn) 1991, p124.
11. Levy, S.B., "Starting life resistance-free", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 323, No 5, 2 Aug 1990, pp335-7.
12. O'Sullivan, N. and Wise, R., "Macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin antibiotics", Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases, Vol 3, 1990, pp743-50; de Groot, R., op cit, p20.
13. Reed, B.D., Huck, W. and Zazove, P., "Treatment of beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis with cefaclor or penicillin: efficacy and interaction with beta-lactamase-producing organisms in the pharynx", Journal of Family Practice, Vol 32, No 2,1991, pp138-44.
14. Hamilton-Miller, J.M.T., "The emergence of antibiotic resistance: myths and facts in clinical practice", Intensive Care Medicine,Vol 16 (Suppl. 3), 1990, ppS206-11.
15. Anon., "WHO/ATH on the misuse of antibiotics", Scrip, No 1272/3, 8/13 Jan 1988, p26;
O'Neill, P. and Mclntosh, S., "Bacteria resistant to antibiotics spread concern", New Scientist, 27 Aug 1987, p16.
16. Marton, A., Gulyas, M., et al, "Extremely High Incidence of Antibiotic Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Hungary", Journal of Infectious Diseases, 163, 3, Mar 1991, 542-8.
17. Fenoll, A., Bourgon, C.M., et al, "Serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates causing systemic infections in Spain, 1979-1989", Reviews of Infectious Diseases, Vol 13, No 1, Jan-Feb 1991, 56-60.
18. Anon., "WHO on multiresistant bacteria", Scrip, No 1290, 11 Mar 1988, p20.
19. Barnes, R.C., Holraes, K.K., "Epidemiology of gonorrhea: current perspectives", Epidemiology Review, Vol 6, 1984, pp1-30.
20. Czachor, J.S. and Gleckman, R.A., "Third-generation cephalosporins: a plea to save them for specific infections", Postgraduate Medicine, Vol 85, No 4, Mar 1989, pp169-176;
van Klingeren, В., Dessens-Kroon, M., Verheuvel, M., "Increased tetracycline resistance in gonococci in The Netherlands", Lancet, 25 Nov 1989, p1278.
21. Salam, M.A. and Bennish, M.L., "Antimicrobial therapy for shigellosis", Reviews of Infectious Diseases, Vol 13, Suppl. 4, Mar-Apr 1991, pS336.
22. de Groot, op cit, pp46-7.
23. Pecoul, В., Varaine, F., et al, "Long-acting chloramphenicol versus intravenous ampicillin for treatment of bacterial meningitis", Lancet, Vol 338, No 8771, 5 Oct 1991, pp862-6.
24. Brumfitt, W. and Hamilton-Miller, J., "Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus", New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 320, No 18, 4 May 1989, pp1188-96.
25. Maple, P.A.C., Hamilton-Miller, J.M.T. and Brumfitt, W., "World-wide antibiotic resistance in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus", Lancet, 11 Mar 1989, pp537-40.
26. Levy, op cit, pp335-7.
27. Jacoby and Archer, op cit, pp601-12.
28. de Groot, op cit, p19.
29. Anon., "Antibiotic usage in Uruguay", Scrip, No 1276, 22 Jan 1988, p24;
Anon., "Importance of training in EDP", Scrip, No 1355, 26 Oct 1988, p20;
Anon., "Kuwait's antibiotic consumption", Scrip, No 1335, 17 Aug 1988, p21;
Anon., "Misuse of antibiotics in Pakistan", Scrip, No 1339, 31 Aug 1988, p21;
Anon., "Inappropriate use of antibiotics in New Zealand", Scrip, No 1313, 1 Jun 1988, p20;
Anon., "Combination antibiotics questioned in Brazil", Scrip, No 1296, 1 Apr 1988, p18;
Anon., Scrip, No 1272/3, 8/13 Jan 1988, op cit, p26;
Anon., Scrip, No 1290, 11 Mar 1988, op cit, p20.
30. Anon., "Swedish antibiotic use in 1988", Scrip, No 1479, 12 Jan 1990, p8.
31. Henry, op cit, p124.
32. Harvey, K., "Antibiotic use in Australia", Australian Prescriber, Vol II No 4,1988, pp74-7.
33. Jackson, D.M. and Soothill, R., Is the Medicine Making You ill?, North Ryde, Australia, Angus & Robertson, 1989, p12.
34. Chilnick, L.D. (ed.), The Pill Book, New York, Bantam Books, (4th edn) 1990, p946.
35. Levy, op cit, pp335-7.
36. Kunin, C.M., "The responsibility of the infectious disease community for the optimal use of antimicrobial agents", Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol 151, No 3, Mar 1985, pp388-98.
37. Black, G.J. (ed.), Physician's 1990 Drug Handbook, Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Corporation, 1990, px.
38. Wolfe, S.M., Fugate, L., et al, Worst Pills Best Pills, Washington, Public Citizen Health Research Group, 1988, p343.
39. Parish, P., Medicines: a guide for everybody, London, Penguin (6th edn, revised), 1989, p284.
40. Frieden, T.R. and Mangi, RJ., "Inappropriate use of oral ciprofloxacin", Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 264, No 11, 19 Sep 1990, pp 1438-40.
41. O'Neill and Mclntosh, op cit, p16.
42. Hamilton-Miller, op cit, ppS206-11.
43. Lexchin, J., "Doctors and detailers: therapeutic education or pharmaceutical promotion?", International Journal of Health Services, Vol 19, No 4,1989, p675.
44. Anon., "Indiscriminate&qout; antibiotic use in Italy", Scrip, No 1616, 15 May 1991, p8.
45. Harvey, 1988, op cit, pp74-7.
46. Anon., Scrip, No 1313, 1 Jun 1988, op cit, p20.
47. Jones, R.N., "Role of new cephamycins in the management of obstetric and gynecologic infections", Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Vol 35, No 11, (suppl.) Nov 1990, pp1070-7.
48. WHO, The Use of Essential Drugs, (Technical Report Series No 770), Geneva, WHO, 1988, ррЗЗ-4. (The figure excludes drugs for parasitic infections, for leprosy and for tuberculosis.).
49. Parish, op cit, p283.
50. Schlegel, P.N., Chang, T.S.K. and Marshall, F.F., "Antibiotics: potential hazards to male fertility", Fertility and Sterility, Vol 55, No 2, Feb 1991, pp235-42.
51. Steele, R.W. and Kearns, G.L., "Antimicrobial therapy for pediatric patients", Pediatric Clinics of North America, Vol 36, No 5, Oct 1989, pp1321-49.
52. Schorling, J.B., de Souza, M.A. and Guerrant, R.L., "Patterns of antibiotic use among children in an urban Brazilian slum", International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol 19, No 4, 1991, pp293-9.
53. Salam and Bennish, op cit, pS335.
54. WHO, The treatment and prevention of acute diarrhoea: Practical guidelines, Geneva, WHO, (2nd edn) 1989, p3.
55. Anon., Scrip, No 1276, 22 Jan 1988, op cit, p24.
56. Obaseiki-Ebor, E.E., AkereleJ.O. and Ebea, P.O., "A survey of antibiotic outpatient prescribing and antibiotic self-medication", Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 1987, pp759-63.
57. Anon., Scrip, No 1355, 26 Oct 1988, op cit, p20.
58. Anon., Scrip, No 1335, 17 Aug 1988, op cit, p21.
59. Antibiotic Guidelines Sub-Committee, Health Dept of Victoria; Antibiotic Guidelines (5th edn), Toorak, Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation, 1987, p11.
60. Enenkel, S. and Stille, W., Antibiotics in the Tropics: antibacterial therapy with limited resources, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1988, p34.
61. Obaseiki-Ebor, et al, op cit, pp759-63.
62. Misago, C. and Fonseca, W., "Antimicrobial drugs advised in pharmacies in Brazil for children with acute respiratory infections", Lancet, Vol 338, No 8768, 14 Sep 1991, p702.
63. Pratt, W.B. and Fekety, R., The Antimicrobial Drugs, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1986, p14.
64. Erlichman, J., Gluttons for Punishment, London, Penguin, 1986, p44.
65. Spika, J.S., Blake, P.A. and Cohen, M.L., "Chloramphenicol-resistant Salmonella newport traced through hamburger to dairy farms", New England Journal of Medicine, 3 Sep 1987, p632;
Ryan, C.P. and Steele, J.H., "Chloramphenicol-resistant Salmonella newport traced through hamburger to dairy farms", New England Journal of Medicine, 3 Sep 1987,p632.
66. de Groot, op cit, pp20-1.
67. Erlichman, op cit, pp58 and 47.
68. Okolo, M.I., "Bacterial drug resistance in meat animals: a review", Int J Zoonoses, Vol 13, No 3, Sep 1986, pp143-52.
69. Piddock, L.J.V., Wray, C., et al; "Quinolone resistance in Salmonella spp: veterinary pointers", Lancet, 14 Jul 1990, p125.
70. Anon., "8% growth for anti-infective market", Scrip, No 1791, 2 Feb 1993, p25.
71. Scrip's 1991 Antibacterial Report, London, PJB Publications, 1991 (One source estimates that the market will be worth more than $25 billion by 1995; see: Anon., "Searle launches Maxaquin in Mexico", Scrip, No 1598, 13 Mar 1991, p22.
72. Geddes, op cit, pp286-9; Liss, R.H. and Batchelor, F.R., "Economic evaluations of antibiotic use and resistance - a perspective: report of Task Force 6", Reviews of Infectious Diseases, Vol 9 (Suppl. 3), May-Jun 1987, ppS297-312.
73. Frieden and Mangi, op cit, pp1438-40; also reported in: Anon., "Overuse ofciprofloxacin in US?", Scrip, No 1558, 17 Oct 1990, p26.
74. Hemminki, E., "Adverse reactions to antibiotic drugs: the present scope of the problem in outpatient care and possibilities for improvement", International Journal of Health Services, Vol 11, No 2, 1981, pp283-301.
75. Wyatt, Т.О., Passmore, C.M., et al, "Antibiotic prescribing: the need for a policy in general practice", British Medical Journal, Vol 300, 17 Feb 1990, pp441-4.
76. Carlson, J.A., "Antimicrobial formulary management: meeting the challenge in a health maintenance organization", Pharmacotherapy, Vol 11, No 1 (suppl.), 1991, pp32S-35S.
77. Lappe, M., When Antibiotics Fail, Berkeley, Calif., North Atlantic Books, 1986, p96.
78. Anon., "Drug promotional problems", Medical Journal of Australia, Vol 150, 17 Apr 1989, p463.
79. Scrip's 1990AntibacterialReport,London, PJS Publications, 1990.
80. Anon., "Top 20 branded products of 1988", Scrip, No 1481, 19 Jan 1990, p24 (based on estimates reported in Flemings Research's Pharmaceutical Products Worldwide);
Anon., "Ten "key" drugs to boost SB", Scrip, No 1614/15, 8 & 10 May 1991, p10.
81. Parish, op cit, p286.
82. IFPMA, IFPMA Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices, Geneva, IFPMA, 1989, p6.
83. Liu, H.H., "Antibiotics and infectious diseases". Primary Care, Vol 17, No 4, Dec 1990, pp745-74.
84. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, British National Formulary, London, BMA and The Pharmaceutical Press, No 22, Sep 1991, p196.
85. Scrip's 1990 Antibacterial Report, op cit.
86. Anon., "European antibiotic mkt projections", Scrip, No 1591, 15 Feb 1991, p6 (citing a 1991 Frost & Sullivan report, The European market for antibiotic products).
87. Gentry, L.O., "Newer concepts in antimicrobial therapy", Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, No 261, Dec 1990, pp23-6.
88. AMA, Drug Evaluations, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., (4th edn) 1980, p1230.
89. AMA, Drug Evaluations, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., (6th edn) 1986, p1344.
90. Smith, G.H., "Oral cephalosporins in perspective", DICP, The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, Vol 24, Jan 1990, pp45-51.
91. Czachor and Gleckman, op cit, pp169-176.
92. Antibiotic Guidelines Sub-Committee, op cit, p15.
93. Karam, G.H., Saunders, C.V., and Aldridge, K.E., "Role of newer antimicrobial agents in the treatment of mixed aerobic and anaerobic infections", Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, (suppl. to vol 172) 1991, pp57-64.
94. Chapman, S.T. and Walsh, Т.Н., "Which Antibiotic for Surgical Nosocomial Infection?" British Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol 45, No 2, Summer 1991, pp141-4.
95. Rodriguez, WJ. and Wiedermann, B.L., "Progress in antibacterial therapy: cephalosporins and quinolones", Advances in Pediatric Infectious Diseases,, Vol 4, 1989, pp183-210.
96. AMA, 1986, op cit, p1369.
97. Advertisement in Thailand Index of Medical Specialities, Vol 17, No 3, Nov 1988, facing р212.
98. Anon., "Hoechst pharma analysed", Scrip, 25 Nov 1985, p7.
99. Anon., "Hoechst's 1990 pharma sales up 2%", Scrip, No 1619, 24 May 1991, p10.
100. Advertisement in Quereshi, A.H. (ed.), Quick Index of Medical Preparations, Nos 1 & 2, Mar-Aug 1990, facing p2A.
101. Ibid, facing p93.
102. Neu, op cit, pp276-85.
103. DiNubile. MJ., "Antibiotics: the antipyretics of choice?", American Journal of Medicine, Vol 89, Dec 1990, pp787-8.
104. Liu, op cit, pp745-74.
105. Anon., Scrip, No 1598,13 Mar 1991, op cit, p22.
106. Аnon., Scrip, No 1591, 15 Feb 1991, op cit, p6.
107. Frieden and Mangi, op cit, pp1438-40; reported in: Anon., Scrip, No 1558, 17 Oct 1990, op cit, p26; and in: Anon., "Quinolones: costs and benefits", Drug Monitor (Philippines), Vol VI, No. 4, Apr 1991, p42.
108. Tan, M.L., Dying for Drugs: Pill power and politics in the Philippines, Manila, Health Action Information Network, 1988, pp142-3.
109. Advertisement in Thailand Index of Medical Specialities, op cit, facing p234.
110. Advertisement in MIMS Africa, Vol 31, No 4, Jul 1991, p73.
111. Anon., "Top 50 branded products worldwide", Scrip, Review issue 1990, p21 (based on Barclay de Zoete Wedd's Pharmaceutical Industry Perspectives).
112. Steele and Kearns, pp1321-49.
113. Rodriguez and Wiedermann, op cit, pp183-210.
114. Hooper, D.C. and Wolfson, J.S., "Fluoroqumolone antimicrobial agents", Neva England Journal of Medicine, Vol 324, No 6, 7 Feb 1991, pp384-94.
115. Advertisement in MIMS India, Vol 8, No 2, Feb 1988, p83.
116. Neu, op cit, pp276-85.
117. Yeung, K.H. and Dillon, J.R., "Norfloxacin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae in North America", Lancet, Vol 336, No 8717, 22 Sep 1990, p759;
Jephcott, A.E. and Turner, A., "Ciprofloxacin resistance in gonococci", Lancet, Vol 335, No 8682, 20 Jan 1990, p165.
118. Hedin, G. and Hambraeus, A., "Multiply antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis in patients, staff and environment - a one-week survey in a bone marrow transplant unit", Journal of Hospital Infection, Vol 17, 1991, pp95-106.
119. Trucksis, M., Hooper, D.C. and Wolfson, J.S., "Emerging resistance to fluoroqui-nolones in staphylococci: an alert", Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol 114, No 5, 1 Mar 1991, pp424-6.
120. Anon., "Emerging ciprofloxacin resistance", Scrip, No 1566, 14 Nov 1990, p28.
121. Muder, R.R., Brennen, C., et al, "Association with prior fluoroquinolone therapy of widespread ciprofloxacin resistance among gram-negative isolates in a Veterans Affairs medical center", Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Vol 35, No 2, Feb 1991, pp256-8.
122. Steele and Kearns, op cit, pp1321-49.
123. Liu, op cit, pp745-74.
124. Moellering, R.C., "Introduction: Revolutionary changes in the macrolide and azalide antibiotics", American Journal of Medicine, Vol 91 (Suppl. ЗА), 12 Sep 1991, p3A-2S.
125. Rodnick, J.E. and Gude, J.K., "Diagnosis and antibiotic treatment of community-acquired pneumonia", Western Journal of Medicine, Vol 154, Apr 1991, pp405-9.
126. Hampson, N.B., Woolf, R.A. and Springmeyer, S.C., "Oral antibiotics for pneumonia", Clinics in Chest Medicine, Vol 12, No 2, Jun 1991, pp395-407.
127. Advertisement in Drug Index for Malaysia & Singapore, Vol 15, No 2, Jun 1986, facing p16.
128. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p205.
129. AMA, 1986, op cit, p1405.
130. Advertisement and product listing in Philippine Index of Medical Specialities, Vol 17, No 3, Dec 1988, pp217-18.
131. Ibid, p216.
132. Scrip’s 1990 Antibacterial Report, op cit.
133. Parish, op cit, pp290-1.
134. Hu, D.-N., Qiu, W.-Q., et al, "Genetic aspects of antibiotic induced deafness: mitochondrial inheritance", Journal of Medical Genetics, Vol 28, 1991, pp79-83.
135. Wilson, S.E., "Aminoglycosides: assessing the potential for nephrotoxicity", Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Vol 171 (Suppl.), 1990, pp24-30.
136. AMA, 1986, op cit, p1434.
137. Steele and Kearns, op cit, pp1321-49.
138. Neu, op cit, pp276-85; Bergogne-Berezin, E., "Current trends and new perspectives in antibiotic therapy", Journal of Chemotherapy, Vol 1, No 5,1989, pp285-92.
139. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p202.
140. WHO, 1988, op cit, p35.
141. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p203.
142. Parish, op cit, p291.
143. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p36.
144. AMA, 1986, op cit, p1446.
145. Reynolds, J.E.F. (ed.), Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopoeia, London, The Pharmaceutical Press, (29th edn) 1989; BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit; AMA, 1986, op cit.
146. Cawson, R. and Spector, R., Drugs and Medicines: a consumers' guide, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1990, p37.
147. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p206.
148. Parish, op cit, p292.
149. Dunne, M., et al, "Indications and warnings about chloramphenicol", Lancet, 6 Oct 1973, pp781-3.
150. Wolfe, et al, op cit, p343.
151. Advertisement and product listing in Philippine Index of Medical Specialities, Vol 17, No 3, Dec 1988, p175.
152. Pecoul, et al, op cit, pp862-6.
153. Enenkel and Stille, op cit, p14.
154. BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, op cit, p200.
155. Parish, op cit, p290.
156. Advertisement in Drug Index for Malaysia and Singapore, Vol 15, No2, Jun 1986, facing p189.
157. A.G., Rail, T.W., Nies, A.S., and Taylor, P., Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, New York, Pergamon Press, (8th edn) 1990, p1122 (quoting a 1977 study by Fanning, W.L., et al, "Side effects of minocycline: a double-blind study", Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Vol 11, 1977, pp712-17).
158. Advertisement in Thailand Index of Medical Specialities, Vol 17, No 3, Nov 1988, facing p230.
159. Liu, op cit, pp745-74.
160. Letter from MaLAM to Lederle Laboratories, Feb 1991.
161. Hollister, L.E. (ed.), 1988 Year Book of Drug Therapy, Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1988, p191.
162. de Groot, op cit, pp35-7, 53-4.
163. WHO, The World Drug Situation, Geneva, WHO, 1988, p19.
164. de Groot, op cit, pp35-6.
165. Pauly, D.J., Musa, D.M., et al, "Risk of nephrotoxicity with combination vancomycin-aminoglycoside antibiotic therapy", Pharmacotherapy, Vol 10, No 6, 1990 pp378-82.
166. WHO, 1988, op cit.
167. Steele and Kearns, op cit, pp1321-49.
168. French, G. and Ling, Т., "Amoxycillin/clavulanic acid resistant Escherichia coli", Lancet, 26 Mar 1988, p704.
169. Anon., Scrip, No 1296, 1 Apr 1988, op cit, p18.
170. Wyatt, et at, op cit, pp441-4.
171. Geddes, op cit, pp286-9.
172. Anon., "WHO proposes Oreserve antibiotics", Scrip, No 1493, 2 Mar 1990, p28.
173. Friedman, R.B. and Katt,J.A., "Cost-benefit issues in the practice of internal medicine", Archives of Internal Medicine, Vol 151, Jun 1991, pp1165-8.
174. Bergeron, M.G., "The future of new oral antibiotics including the quinolones", Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol 138, 1 Jan 1988, pp35-42.
175. Midtvedt, Т., "Increasing worldwide microbial resistance: a worldwide responsibility for all, including the pharmaceutical industry and the World Health Organisation", in Dukes, M.N.G. and Beeley, L. (eds), Side Effects of Drugs Annual 12, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1988, pp206-8.
176. Jacoby and Archer, op cit, pp601-12.
177. Wise, R., "Antimicrobial agents: a widening choice", Lancet, 28 Nov 1987, pp1251-4.
178. Hamilton-Miller, op cit, ppS206-11.
179. Levy, op cit, pp335-7.
180. Hamihpn-Mlller, op cit, ppS206-11.
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