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Источники. 1. Meyers, A., Siegel, В., and Vinci, R., Economic barriers to the use of Oral Rehydration Therapy: a case report

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1. Meyers, A., Siegel, В., and Vinci, R., "Economic barriers to the use of Oral Rehydration Therapy: a case report", Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 265, No13, 3 Apr 1991, p1724.

2. WHO, The rational use of drugs in the management of acute diarrhoea in children, Geneva, WHO, 1990, p1 WHO, A manual for the treatment of diarrhoea, (WHO/CDD/ SER/80.2 Rev.2 1990), Geneva, WHO, 1990, p1.

3. WHO/UNICEF, Lessons learned: management of childhood diarrhoea, paper prepared for Joint UNICEF/WHO CDD Strategy Meeting, 15 Apr 1991, p1.

4. UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children 1991, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 1990, p12 Anon., "$1 b wasted on useless drugs, says WHO", Scrip, No 1633, 12 Jul 1991, p22.

5. WHO, "Rational management of diarrhoea in children", Essential Drugs Monitor, No 11, 1991, p10.

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18. UNICEF, WHO and UNESCO, Facts for Life: A Communication Challenge, New York, UNICEF, 1989, p19.

19. Elarabi, I.I., "Where drugs don't help", World Health, Apr 1986, pp10-11.

20. Laurence, D. and Bennett, P.N., op cit at note 14, p633.

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23. Heymann, D.L., Mbvundula, M., Macheso, A., et al, "Oral rehydration therapy in Malawi: impact on the severity of disease and on hospital admissions, treatment practices and recurrent costs", Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, Vol 68, No 2, 1990, pp 193-7.

24. Phillips, M., Kumate-Rodr’guez, J., and Mota-Hernandez, F., "Costs of treating diarrhoea in a children’s hospital in Mexico City", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Vol 67, No 3, 1989, pp273-280.

25. Hatch, D.L., Vreuls, C., Toole, M.J., et al, "The effective case management of childhood diarrhoea with oral rehydration therapy in the Kingdom of Lesotho", International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol 19, No 4, 1990, pp1066-71.

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27. Carriere, C., "India; ORT survey", Dialogue on Diarrhoea, No 29, June 1987, p2.

28. Soman, C., "Oral rehydration and the medical profession", Dialogue on Diarrhoea, No 29, June 1987, p8.

29. Cruz, H., Paredes, P., and Haak, H., Medicamentos Inapropiados en Diarrea: la magnitud del problema, Lima, Peru, Pan-American Health Organisation, Nov 1989.

30. Ibid., pp41-2.

31. Phillips, M., Kumate-Rodriguez, J., and Mota-Hernández, F., op cit, pp276.

32. Bhardwa, C., "Iran: attitudes to treatment and use of antibiotics", Dialogue on Diarrhoea, No 33, June 1988, p2.

33. Nastasi, A., Massenti, M.F., Scarlata, G., et al, "A study on oral rehydration therapy of diarrheal disease in western Sicily", European Journal of Epidemiology, Vol 3, No 2, June 1987, pp151-4.

34. Tomson, G., Sterky, G., "Self-prescribing by way of pharmacies in three Asian developing countries", Lancet, 13 Sep 1986, pp620-1.

35. Yudkin, J.S., "Dispensing of inappropriate medicines for diarrhoea", Lancet, 31 Mar 1990, p803.

36. Goodburn, E., Mattosinho, S., Mongi, P., et al, "Management of childhood diarrhoea by pharmacists and parents: Is Britain lagging behind the Third World?", British Medical Journal, Vol 302, 23 Feb 1991, pp440-3.

37. Berih, A.A., McIntyre, L., Lynk, A.D., "Pharmacy dispensing practices for Sudanese children with diarrhoea", Public Health, Vol 103, 1989, pp455-8.

38. WHO, The treatment and prevention of acute diarrhoea: Practical Guidelines, Geneva, WHO, (2nd edn) 1989.

39. UNICEF, WHO and UNESCO, op cit at note 18, p47.

40. UNICEF, The State of the World's Children 1991, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 1990, p12.

41. WHO, The rational use of..., 1990, op cit, pp13 & 20.

42. WHO, 1989, op cit, p4.

43. Chetley, A., Antibiotics: the wrong drugs for diarrhoea. The Hague: HAI, 1987.

44. Parish, P., Medicines: a guide for everyone, London, Penguin, (6th edn, revised), 1989, p144.

45. WHO, 1989, op cit, p3.

46. Balistreri, W.F., "Oral rehydration in acute infantile diarrhea", American Journal of Medicine, Vol 88 (Suppi 6A), 20 June 1990, pp6A:30S-33S.

47. Gorbach, S.L., op cit at note 12, p1381.

48. de Zoysa, I. and Feachem, G., "Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: chemoprophylaxis", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Vol 63, No 2, 1985, pp295-315.

49. Based on a world market of US $438 million (a 1983-84 figure) for all antidiarrhoeal products, derived from industry sources, and from a calculation made by an industry representative at a 1983 workshop on diarrhoea held in Frankfurt, that 34% of the total world market in antidiarrhoeals was made up of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents.

50. AMA, 1986, op cit at note 9, p964.

51. Claeson, M.E. and Clements, M.L., op cit at note 21, pp527-8.

52. WHO, 1989, op cit, p3.

53. AMA, 1986, op cit at note 9, p971.

54. Bhutta, T.I., "Agents for diarrhoea in children", Lancet, 337:8746, 13 Apr 1991, p925.

55. Reynolds, J.E.F. (ed.), Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopoeia, London, The Pharmaceutical Press, (29th edn) 1989, p1582.

56. Medawar С. and Freese, В., Drug Diplomacy, London, Social Audit, 1982, p51.

57. Lanza, O. and Kerkvliet, E., Ojo con los antidiarreicos: el abuso de antidiarreicos en America Latina, Montevideo, AIS/IOCU, 1991, pp35-40.



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