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Task 12. Translate the following sentences into English.

Task 2. Translate the following words and phrases into English.Compose your own sentences to show that you understand the meaning of the words above. | Task 6. Complete the following text with the words from the box below using them in the appropriate form. | Task 7. Make a presentation on one of the following topics | Task 12. Translate the following statements into Ukrainian and decide if they are true or false. | Unit 9. | Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English. | WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE TRIAL | Manslaughter | Task 1. Read and render the following text. | Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English. |

Читайте также:
  1. A hurtful argument usually has a basic anatomy. Maybe you can relate to the following example.
  2. Be sure you know the translation of the following groups of words into
  3. Categorise the sentences as type А, В, С or D.
  4. Cause, damage, hold, include, invite, make, overtake, show, translate, write
  5. Classification of simple sentences
  6. Comment on the meaning of the modal verbs and translate the sentences into Russian;
  7. Communicative types of sentences

1. Якщо особу визнано винною у скоєнні злочину, її буде покарано відповідно до кримінального закону у вигляді штрафу, ув’язнення або смертного вироку.

2. Явка з повинною, щире каяття, активне сприяння розкриттю злочину є обставинами, що пом’якшують покарання.

3. Чи є у Вас судимість?

4. Учасники кримінального процесу – обвинувачений, підозрюваний, захисник, а також потерпілий, цивільний позивач, відповідач та їхні представники.

5. Вирок – це рішення суду першої інстанції про винність чи невинність особи.

6. Кримінальне право – це галузь права, що визначає, які діяння є злочинами та які покарання застосовуються до осіб, що їх вчинили.

7. Цей злочин ще не розкритий.


Task 13. ROLE PLAY. Enact a role play “Trying a criminal case”. You are the jury and must decide whether to acquit the accused or sentence them to a term of imprisonment (minimum 3 months / maximum life). Or could you think of a more appropriate punishment?

Case 1. A driver while speeding hit a cyclist off her bike. She was badly injured and confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. The driver didn’t stop so he’s charged with hit and run.

Case 2. The accused is a doctor who gave an overdose to an 87-year-old woman. She had a terminal illness, was in constant pain and had asked for the overdose. Her family is accusing the doctor of murder.


Case 3. A. and B. mug Mr. X., take his money and leave him for dead. B. later returns alone and pushes the body in the river. An autopsy reveals that the man was still just alive when pushed in the water and subsequently drowned.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 50 | Нарушение авторских прав

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HOW A CRIMINAL CASE BEGINS| Task 1. Read and render the following text.

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