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Задания для выполнения контрольных работ

Северо-Западный филиал | Введение | ДОСТИГАЕМЫЕ УРОВНИ ВЛАДЕНИЯ ИНОСТРАННЫМ ЯЗЫКОМ | МИНИМАЛЬНЫЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К УРОВНЮ ПОДГОТОВКИ СТУДЕНТОВ ПО ОКОНЧАНИИ ОБУЧЕНИЯ | Объём дисциплины и виды учебной работы | Программа курса | Here are some legal nouns. Match them with their definitions. | Примерные предложения на перевод |

Читайте также:
  1. He всем понравится то, что я делаю и это меня устраивает; если бы мои работы нравились каждому, то, видимо, я не сыграл бы ничего глубокого. Джошуа Рэдмэн
  2. I период работы
  3. I. Анализ воспитательной работы за прошлый год
  5. I. Работа над диссертацией
  6. I. Работа со справочной литературой.
  7. I. Учебная работа

Контрольное задание №1: перевод текста юридической тематики с последующим обсуждением содержания этого текста с преподавателем

№ вар. Название текста
  The Jury(part 2)
  The Jury(part 1)
  Compensation and Reparation
  Police service in Scotland
5 Magistrates’ courts
6 Criminal courts
7 Coroner’ court
8 The form of the British Constitution
9 Legal professions in Great Britain
10 The Crown
11 Parliamentary elections in Great Britain
12 How laws are passed
13 Probation(part 1)
14 Appeals
15 Detention, Treatment and Questioning
16 Outflow of capital in Russia
17 Aid in criminal proceedings
18 Civil courts
19 Probation(part 2)
20 Courts in Scotland
21 Discharge and after-care
22 Courts in Northern Ireland
23 The Code Napoleon
24 The British Parliament
25 The roots of American government
26 Outflow of capital in Europe



Контрольное задание №2:

Вариант 1


A criminal case is a legal action brought by one person against another one charged with committing a crime.

Criminal Law

Laws fall into two major groups: criminal and civil. Criminal laws regulate public conduct and set out duties owed to society. A criminal case is a legal action brought by the government against a person charged with committing a crime. Criminal laws have penalties, and offenders are imprisoned, fined, placed under supervision, or punished in some other way. Criminal offenses are divided into felonies and misdemeanors. The penalty for a felony is a term of more than one year in prison. For a misdemeanor, the penalty is a prison term of one year or less. Felonies are more serious crimes such as murder or robbery. Misdemeanors are less serious crimes such as simple assault or minor theft.



C)в тексте нет информации



Прочитайте текст" Civil Law". Исходя из содержания текста, определите, является ли утверждение истинным, ложным или в тексте нет информации для ответа на поставленный вопрос.

Courts may award the injured person money for the loss.


Civil Law

Civil laws regulate relations between individuals or groups of individuals. A civil action (lawsuit) can be brought by a person who feels wronged or injured by another person. Courts may award the injured person money for the loss, or they may order the person who committed the wrong to make amends in some other way. An example of a civil action is a lawsuit for recovery of damages suffered in an automobile accident. Civil laws regulate many everyday situations, such as marriage, divorce, contracts, real estate, insurance, consumer protection, and negligence.

Sometimes one action can violate both civil and criminal law. For example, if Joe beats up Bob, he may have to pay Bob's medical bills under civil law and may be charged with the crime of assault under criminal law.


B) ложно

C)в тексте нет информации

1.3Прочитайте текст "Magistrates Courts". Исходя из содержания текста, определите, является ли утверждение истинным, ложным или в тексте нет информации для ответа на поставленный вопрос.

Magistrates' Courts have powers to commit a convicted offender to the Crown Court.


Magistrates' Courts

The most common type of law court in England and Wales is the Magistrates' Court. The Magistrates' Court is the lower court of trial. It deals with summary offences. More serious criminal cases (indictable offences) then go to the Crown Court. Civil cases are dealt with in County courts.

Magistrates' Courts have limited powers penalty but may commit a convicted offender to the Crown Court if it is considered that the powers of the Magistrates' Court are insufficient. Approximately 95% of all prosecutions are dealt with in the Magistrates' Courts.


B) ложно

C)в тексте нет информации


2.1 Underline the clauses and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1) Please don’t touch anything until the police arrive.

2) If he breaks the rules he will be fined.

3) As soon as you affix the statement the matter will be considered settled.

4) We shall agree to your terms provided you agree to expedite delivery.

5) We shall compensate for your losses, if any, provided there is an appropriate clause in the Contract.

6) If the agreement is translated this week we shall be able to give a copy of it to you personally.

7) As soon as we find out their legal address we shall contact you.



Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the use of Tenses:

1) Если вы представите все необходимые документы, мы немедленно рассмотрим этот вопрос.

2) Как только мы получим новую инструкцию, мы направим вам копию.

3) Если у вас будут вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами.

4) Как только юристы завизируют Соглашение, мы передадим его вам на рассмотрение.

5) Если они увеличат плату за юридические услуги, мы обратимся к другим специалистам.

6) Если они понесут убытки, мы сможем компенсировать только часть этой суммы.


In English law a contract is formed when the offeree accepts the offer which the offeror has made.

1) According to English law, people are innocent until they are proved guilty. …

2) All defendants are entitled to legal representation which will be provided free if they cannot pay for it. …

3) A burglar alarm has been installed in the apartment. …

4) If he starts speaking the secret will be revealed. …

5) He was caught red handed. …

6) I asked him if the goods had been delivered in strict conformity with the Contract. …

7) It was understood that the police wanted to speak to Mr.Norton in connection with a number of his financial dealings. …


Вариант 2

Дата добавления: 2015-07-19; просмотров: 81 | Нарушение авторских прав

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