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Exercise 457. Translate into English.

IMPERATIVE MOOD | Meet win phone read wash | Be buy clean hurry lose stick take tell wait | Modal Verbs: Revision | Gerund/Infinitive | Exercise 382. Replace the Object Clause with the Complex Object. | A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following. | Exercise 405. Translate into Ukrainian using Complex Subject. | Exercise 408. Replace the following groups of sentences by a sentence with a for-phrase subject. | Exercise 412. Add a sentence with “too” or “enough” and: difficult, high, loud, warm. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read and translate the text.
  2. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  3. A) Read, translate and dramatise the interview about admission into the U.S.
  4. A. Read and translate the text.
  5. A. Read and translate the text.
  6. A. Read and translate the text.
  7. A. Translate the following letters to a teen magazine and express your attitude toward the two opposing views of the conflict most university students face.

1. Оскільки було дуже пізно, збори були закриті. 2. Якщо погода дозволить, ми підемо на каток. 3. Оскільки все було готово, вона вирішила відпочити. 4. Оскільки було вже пізно, вони нікуди не пішли. 5. Оскільки було холодно, Джек заховав руки в кишені. 6. Оскільки швидко темніло, вона поспішила додому. 7. Коли сонце зайшло, відразу стало темне. 8. Оскільки наша розмова була закінчена, я пішов додому. 9. Коли лист був написаний, вона швидко побігла на пошту відправити його. 10. Оскільки залишалося ще півгодини до відправлення поїзда, ми вирішили повечеряти на вокзалі. 11. Якщо погода буде сприятливою, спортсмени зможуть показати добрі результати. 12. Ми довго розмовляли: він задавав мені питання, а я охоче на них відповідав. 13. Якщо обставини дозволять, я приїду до вас на літо. 14. Оскільки було дуже тепло, діти спали на відкритому повітрі. 15. Коли всі приготування були закінчені, ми відправилися в похід. 16. Корабель повільно плив уздовж берегів Білого моря; сотні птахів крутилися над ним. 17. Було дуже темно, оскільки на небі не було жодної зірочки.


Exercise 458. Choose the right answer.

1) Mother ______ us play video games all day.

A) had

B) made

C) let


2) Father _____ the plumber fix the sink.

A) had

B) made

C) let


3) My brother ______ me wash his car after I spilled coffee on him.

A) had

B) made

C) let


Exercise 459. Look at the following structure and example.

subject | modal auxiliary verb | causative verb | object | past participle

He | should | have | his suit | cleaned.

Here are a few sentences to practice using passive causatives:

My car doesn't run so well anymore.


I have a big job interview and my suit is wrinkled.


We want to sell our house next year but the front yard looks like a jungle.


My wisdom teeth have been killing me.


I've been having trouble seeing clearly at night.


The toilet is clogged again!


Someone stole my credit card!


Exercise 460. Match a word from 1-8 with something that is done by that person or in that place. Then make sentences using all the information and the verb in brackets. You may have to change the words or add new ones. An example is given.

1. hairdresser’s

2. optician’s

3. dentist’s

4. doctor’s

5. vet’s

6. garage

7. architect

8. accountant

vaccinate dogs (have)

do annual accounts (have)

service cars (get)

test eyes (have)

design new houses (have)

cut hair (get)

take out teeth (have)

take blood pressure


1. Tomorrow I’m going to the hairdresser’s to get my hair cut.

2. Yesterday…

3. This afternoon…

4. Last week…

5. Next Saturday…

6. The day before yesterday…

7. Last year…

8. Next week…


Exercise 461. Choose the right answer.

Q1 -I'm going............ at the new hairdresser's

a) to get my hair cut
b) to cut my hair

Q2 -She needs to........

a) have her car repairs
b) have her car repaired

Q3 -I really must get....... the central heating

a) somebody to fix

b) somebody fix

Q4 -They ought to have........ replace the broken windows

a) somebody to
b) somebody

Q5 -He......... while he was away on holiday

a) had his flat burgled
b) burgled his flat

Q6 -I.......... my phone repaired after I dropped it

a) had
b) had to

Q7 -She didn't have time to get to the shops and.......

a) get her film developed
b) develop her film

Q8 -It took ages to get...........

a) somebody do it
b) somebody to do it

Q9 -I'll....... John to do it when he arrives

a) get
b) have

Q10 -She......... on the underground last week

a) had her purse stolen
b) got her purse stolen

Q11 -He.......... tickets sent to his home address yesterday

a) has had
b) had

Q12 -You should.......... a long time ago

a) have it fixed
b) have had it fixed

Q13 -They couldn't.......... anyone to fix their burst pipes

a) get
b) have

Q14 -They had it....... by the same person who decorated their old house

a) to do
b) done

Q15 -After winning a fortune, she....... her family to do everything for her

a) gets
b) has

Q16 -I......... the house redecorated if I could afford it

a) would have
b) would have had

Q17 -He got a friend........ him at the airport

a) meet
b) to meet

Q18 -The teacher...... him do all the work again

a) had
b) got

Q19 -He....... his bags loaded onto the train by a porter

a) had
b) get

Q20 -I had my car......... a fortnight ago

a) service
b) serviced

Q21 -I'm going to have them ____ it

a) fix
b) fixed


Exercise 462. Choose the right word.

Have cashed changed cut made made to

painted repaired to have to pay


1. Did you get your hair _____?

2. _____ you had your hair permed and colored?

3. My watch is like new because I had it _____.

4. This weekend I am going to get my car tuned and the oil _____.

5. I went to the bank to get my pay cheque _____.

6. We need _____ our sink fixed because the water's not draining.

7. Next summer we are going to have our house _____.

8. Were you _____ to wash your own clothes when you were young?

9. I will be made _____ a fine if I don't clean up this mess in the street.

10. Being _____ wake up early is such a pain!


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Exercise 428. Transform the following sentences using Participle Phrases instead of the subordinate clauses.| Exercise 463. Complete the gaps, using the words in brackets and the structure “have something done”.

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