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Introductory exercises

Criticism of the logging industry | Topics in woodworking | Of sustainable forestry in Russia | Tsar Timber expands its territories | Step 2. Company shall use timber only from well-managed forests | Terms and expression | Engineering Materials | Engineering Components. Lathes and Machines. Materials | Advantages of Welded Work over Riveted Work | Efficiency and export concerns dominate CLA meeting |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  2. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  3. Additional Language Exercises
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Advanced exercises in conversion
  6. Answers to Exercises
  7. Belarus (exercises)

Chapter Y

Mechanical Engineering

In Forestry

Lesson 1

Logging and Woodworking

Terms and expressions

logging – лесозаготовки
wood – древесина, лесоматериалы
woodworking – деревообработка
growth ring – годовое кольцо
heartwood – ядровая древесина
sapwood – заболонь древесины
renewable – восстановленный
softwood – хвойная древесина
hardwood – лесоматериалы лиственных пород
lumber – пиломатериалы
plywood – фанера
fell trees – рубить лес
timber harvest – лесозаготовки
logs – бревна
sawmills – лесопильные заводы
pulp wood – древесная целлюлоза
pulp and paper industry – целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность
a selection cut – выборочная рубка леса
vernal pools – весенние заводы
riparian zones – прибрежные зоны
tree – length logging – лесозаготовки с трелевкой хлыстов
full – tree logging – лесозаготовки с трелевкой (вывозкой деревьев)
harvester – лесозаготовительная машина
cut–to-length logging – лесозаготовки длинномерных сортиментов
feller buncher – валочно-пакетирующая машина
forwarder – форвардер (трактор для трелевки лесоматериалов)
soil compaction –уплотнение почвы
to reduce ruts – уменьшать борозды
caterpillar tracks – гусеничный конвейер
unsustainable logging – неустойчивые лесозаготовки
carpentry – плотницкое ремесло
joinery – столярное ремесло
turning – токарная работа
carving – резьба по дереву
measuring and marking tools – измерительные инструменты
cutting tools – режущие инструменты
shaping tools – инструменты для строгальных работ
assembly tools – инструменты для сборки
finishing tools – инструменты для отделки
timber bucking – раскряжевка хлыстов


Introductory exercises

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Wood is hard, fibrous material formed by the accumulation of secondary XYLEM produced by the vascular CAMBIUM.

2. It is the principal strengthening tissue found in the stems and roots of trees and shrubs.

3. Wood forms around a central core (pith) in a series of concentric layers called growth ring.

4. A cross section of wood shows the distinction between heartwood and sapwood.

5. Heartwood, the central portion is darker and composed of xylem cells that are no longer active in the life processes of the tree.

6. Sapwood, the lighter area surrounding the heartwood, contains actively conducting xylem cells.

7. Wood is one of the most abundant and versatile natural materials on earth, and unlike cool, ores, and petroleum, is renewable, with proper care.

8. The most widely used woods come from two groups of trees: the CONIFERS, or SOFTWOODS (e.g., pine, spruce, fir) and the broadleaves, or HARDWOODS (e.g., oak, walnut, maple).

9. Trees classified as hardwoods are not necessarily harder than softwoods (e.g., BALSA, a hardwood, is one of the softest woods).

10. Density and moisture content affect the strength of wood; in addition to load–bearing strength, other variable factors often tested include elasticity and toughness.

11. Wood is insulating to heat and electricity and has desirable acoustical properties.

12. Some identifying physical characteristics of wood include color, odor, texture, and grain (the direction of the wood fibers).

13. Some 10,000 different wood products are commercially available, ranging from lumber and plywood to paper, from fine furniture to toothpicks.

14. Chemically derived products from wood and wood residues include cellophane, charcoal, dyestuffs, explosives, lacquers, and turpentine.

15. Wood is also used for fuel in many parts of the world.

2. Найдите в тексте и переведите словосочетания:

To fell (cutdown) trees; to supply raw material; wood products; logs for sawmills; the logging contractor; silvicultural system; to plan a selection cut; to mark the trees; to delimb trees; to transport to the landing; to buck logs; large piles of slash; at the stump area; to place logs in bunks; to be brought by the forwarder; to be moved from the stump to the landing; cable systems; a floating log raft; burning logging debris; to release nutrients; manual planting of seedlings; mechanical tree harvesters and forwarders; to cause nutrient depletion; boatbuilding for access to timber, ground based logging operations; the use of heavy machinery; damaged or diseased trees; the long-term productivity of the forest; a source of sediment; the risk of erosion and landslides; woodworking projects; metal fastness; to turn a piece of wood on a lathe; woodworking machinery; to produce a satisfactory finish.

3. Переведите письменно (рекомендуется для зрительно-письменного перевода и пересказа на английском языке):


Logging is the process in which trees are felled (cut down) usually as part of a timber harvest. Timber is harvested to supply raw material for the wood products industry including logs for sawmills and pulp wood for the pulp and paper industry. Logging can also remove wood for forest management goals. Logging is a controversial due to its environmental and aesthetic impacts.

Logging and forestry. The two main stakeholders in most logging operations are the landowner and the logging contractor. Prior to a large harvest a landowner will often hire a consulting forester. Owners of large industrial tracts may employ their own foresters. During planning for the harvest the forester will determine how best to meet the landowners objectives, including the silvicultural system to be used, even-aged or uneven-aged management, layout of roads and landings. If a selection cut is planned the forester will mark the trees intended to be cut or if a clear cut which blocks are to be harvested. A well-managed forest will be harvested according to a forest management plan. This plan should include areas off-limits to cutting such as sensitive habitat, vernal pools and riparian zones.

Harvest methods. The above operations can be carried out by different

methods, of which the following three are considered industrial methods:

· Tree-length logging. Trees are felled and then delimbed and topped at the stump. The log is then transported to the landing, where it is bucked and loaded on a truck. This leaves the slash in the cut area.

· Full-tree logging. Trees are felled and transported to the roadside with top and limbs intact. The trees are then delimbed, topped, and bucked at the landing. This method can leave large piles of slash rotting near the road. Full-tree harvesting also refers to utilization of the entire tree including branches and tops.

· Cut-to-length logging. Trees are felled, delimbed, bucked, and sorted (pulpwood, sawlog, etc.) at the stump area, leaving limbs and tops in the forest. Harvesters fell the tree, delimb and buck it, and place the resulting logs in bunks to be brought to the landing by the forwarder.

Operations. A timber harvest can consist of the following operations, although not necessarily in the following order.

· Pre-logging:

Planning- Identifying optimal timing, access, and layout of harvest.

Permitting- Regulatory review can include public notification, environmental assessment, taxes, and fees.

Sale - Many timberland owners employ their own loggers, while others hire or sell the right to log to a logging company.

Accessing - Logging roads, logging camps, and weighing stations are built or repaired as needed.

Marking - The area or individual trees to be harvested are clearly identified.

· Logging:

Felling - The standing tree is cut down or felled by chainsaw, harvester, or feller buncher.

Processing - The tree is turned into logs by removing the limbs (delimbing) and cutting it into logs of optimal length (bucking).

Stump to landing - The felled tree or logs are moved from the stump to the landing. Ground vehicles can pull, carry, or shovel the logs. Cable systems can pull logs to the landing. Logs can also be flown to the landing by helicopter.

Landing to mill - The logs are commonly transported to the mill or port by truck, but in the past, this has been done by train, by driving the logs downstream, or by pulling them as a floating log raft.

· Post-logging:

Burning - Burning logging debris and other woody material on the site can reduce future fire risk and release nutrients.

Herbicide - Eliminating competing seedlings and brush to speed growth of the planted seedlings.

Ground preparation - Cultivation of the soil to create suitable planting positions. This operation may include some element of land drainage in wet areas if soil saturation affects seedling survival / growth potential.

Replanting - Dropping seeds or manual planting of seedlings.

Road deconstruction - Subsequent erosion and land sliding from old roads can be reduced by installing waterbars, pulling fill from stream crossings, and putting excavated materials back to reform the original topography.

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