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Filling and filling materials

Читайте также:
  2. Attitude to the Materials for Translation
  3. Chapter 3. Examples of Materials Covered in the Course
  4. Classes of materials (by bond types)
  5. Digital materials and interaction design
  6. Do not allow the coolant container to get too low when filling, to avoid air from being drawn into the cooling system.
  7. Engineering Components. Lathes and Machines. Materials




Exercise 1. Learn the following words:


restore [ri'sto:] відновлювати

appearance [ə'piərəns] зовнішній вигляд

eradicate [i'rædikeit] виривати з коренем insert [in'sə:t] вводити

match [mæt∫] відповідати

require [ri'kwaiə] вимагати

margin [`ma:d3in]] край

undermine [andə'main] руйнувати, підривати

chip [t∫ip] стружка, відламок

handpiece ['hændpi:s] наконечник

bur [bə:] бор

retention [ri'ten∫n] ретенція, утримування

inlay [in'lei] вкладка

lining ['lainiŋ] прокладка

irritant ['iritənt] подразнюючий, подразник


Exercise 2. Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

root canal therapy; to be preserved; temporary measure; to match; a permanent fixture; excavator, to provide; plastic fillings; pre-constructed restorations; undercutting; adhesive cement; adequate lining


Exercise 3. Read text 1 and translate it.



Conservative treatment of caries, when the pulp is vital and unexposed, is by filling. If the pulp is exposed or dead, root canal therapy is usually necessary before the filling is done. Fillings are inserted in teeth to replace the part destroyed by caries. The normal function of the tooth is thereby restored, pain is prevented, and the vitality of the pulp is preserved. In front teeth, fillings restore normal appearance; whilst1 in back teeth, the stagnation areas are eradicated and further caries prevented.

Temporary fillings are inserted as a temporary measure only. They are too soft to use as permanent fillings. The temporary fillings are:zinc oxide and eugenol cement, zinc phosphate cement, zinc polyacrylate cement,gutta-percha.2

Permanent fillings are also various.

For premolars and molars, amalgam or gold is used. In front teeth, where these fillings would show, silicate cement, acrylic or composite fillings are used instead as their colour matches the tooth.A permanent filling cannot be inserted directly into a carious cavity. Careful preparation of the cavity is required to ensure that all caries is removed; that the filling will be a permanent fixture; and caries will not recur at its margins. The general principles of cavity preparation are as follows:

1. Undermined enamel is chipped away with an enamel chisel.

2.The cavity is extended to remove the entire stagnation area, e.g. occlusal

fissures, on the carious surface. This is done with handpieces and burs.

3. Any remaining caries is removed with an excavator.

4.Burs and chisels are then used to finish off the cavity; according to the type of filling necessary.

Permanent fillings are meant to stay put permanently and the cavity must be specially prepared to provide maximum retention. Before explaining how this is done, it is necessary to consider the types of fillings used. There are only two types available: plastic and pre-constructed3.

Plastic fillings are soft and plastic on. insertion but set hard in the cavity. They include temporary cements, gutta-percha, amalgam, silicate cement, acrylic and composite fillings.

Pre-constructed restorations are gold inlays and crowns. These are made in the laboratory, after the teeth have been prepared, and are then cemented into place.

Before a permanent filling is inserted the cavity may need to be lined. A lining is an insulating layer of cement which protects the pulp against conduction of heat or cold through metal fillings; or against the irritant effect of certain other fillings, such as silicates and acrylic. Pain, and possibly death of the tooth, may occur through failure to insert an adequate lining. The technique of inserting a filling varies with the type of cavity and filling material used.


1whilst — в той час як (= while)

2gutta-percha — гуттаперча

3pre-constructed – попередньо виготовлена




Exercise 4. Answer the questions:


1. When are fillings inserted in teeth?

2.What do feelings restore?

3.Why are temporary fillings not used as permanent?

4.Why is careful preparation of the cavity required?

5.What are the general principles of cavity preparation?

6.How must the cavity be specially prepared for permanent feelings?

7.What plastic fillings do you know?

8. Where are pre-constructed restorations made?
9.What is a lining?

10. What does a technique of inserting a filling vary with?


Exercise 5. Explain the following terms in English:

Stagnation area, temporary filling, occlusal fissures, cavity preparation, inlay, crown.


Exercise 6. Give the antonyms to the following words:

Vital, preserve, soft, permanent, exit, front, remove, calming, heat.


Exercise 7. Insert prepositions or adverbs and translate the text:

The cavity must be dry... insertion. Almost all fillings cannot adhere... wet cavities. There are different methods... drying cavities. One of them is suction. The patient holds a saliva ejector attached... the unit or aspirator. Many different types are used but those with a flange to keep the tongue... are particularly helpful. The nurse assists... holding a wide bore aspirator tube or using a retractor to keep the tongue or cheek... Cotton wool rolls are also used. These are placed... the buccal or lingual sulcus to absorb saliva and keep the soft tissues away from the teeth. Napkins may also be used... the same purpose. The cavity itself is dried... cotton wool, followed... a short blast from the warm air syringe
on the unit.


Exercise 8. Translate into English:


1. Хірургічне лікування карієсу здійснюється видаленням ураженої емалі і дентині та реставрацією зуба.

2. Пломбуванням поновлюється нормальне функціонування зуба, усувається біль та поліпшується зовнішній вигляд зуба.

3. Тимчасова пломба — це тимчасовий засіб.

4. Постійна пломба вимагає спеціальної підготовки порожнини, яке залежить від виду пломбу вального матеріалу.

5. Пломби на основі смол, пластмас вносяться у порожнину у м’якому вигляді, а потім твердіють у ній.

6. Коронки виготовляються попередньо у лабораторії.

7. Прокладка — це шар цементу.що захищає пульпу.



Exercise 9. Translate the following words and word combinations:


Вносити у зуб; поновити природній вигляд, тимчасова пломба, занадто мякі, постійна пломба, приготування, край, у відповідності з типом пломбування, максимальна ретенція, твердіти у порожнині, прокладка, захищати пульпу, подразнюючий ефект, невдача.


Exercise 10. Match the following words logically:

a) vital, destroy, front, soft, entrance, pack in, heat

b) back, cold, come out, hard, dead, preserve, exit



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