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Exercise 11. Give a summary of the text 1.

Читайте также:
  2. A synopsis is a brief summary of a written work or a movie. Read the movie synopses below and try to guess the title of the movie.
  3. A) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences to make a summary of what Carl says.
  4. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  5. Action I, Exercise 6
  6. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  7. Additional Language Exercises



Exercise 1. Learn the words:

intact [in'tækt] цілий

band [bænd] зв’язка, пов’язувати

first-aid [eid] перша допомога

mix [miks] суміш, змішувати

safe [seif] безпечний

harden [ha:dn] твердіти

adhesive [əd'hi:siv] адгезивний

withstand [wið'stænd] витримувати

prefer [pri'fə:] віддавати перевагу

stain [stein] забарвлення, пляма

decompose [di.kəm'pəuz] гнити

shrinkage ['∫riŋkid3] скорочення

alloy ['æloi] сплав

resin ['rezin] смола, пластмаса

capsule ['kæpsju:l] капсула

insulate [‘insjuleit] ізолювати

bind [baind] зв’язувати


Exercise 2. Word building:


Префікс inter- перекладається як між-, проміж-, серед-, взаємо-: interaction - взаємодія

Префікс sub- відповідає в український мові префіксу під: acute гострий; subacute підгострий

Read and translate;

a) interspace, interproximal, international, intermediate, interdependent b) subdivide, subconscious, subclass, substandard, subordinate


Exercise 3. Read and translate the text:



The temporary filling materials most commonly used are zinc oxide and eugenol cement, zinc phosphate cement, zinc polyacrylate cement and gutta­percha. They are not used as permanent fillings as they are too soft and would not remain intact for long periods. Temporary fillings are used:

1.As a first-aid measure to relieve pain.

2.When there is insufficient time to complete the cavity and insert a permanent filling in one visit.

3. For permanent fillings requiring more than one visit, e.g. inlays and crowns, a temporary restoration is necessary between visits.

Zinc oxide and eugenol cement are non-irritant to the pulp and can be safely used in the very deepest cavities.

It is too soft and slow-setting to use as a foundation for a permanent filling in one visit. But this can be overcome by using a quick-setting proprietary brand which hardens rapidly enough to make a satisfactory lining for permanent fillings. It cannot be used as a lining for acrylic fillings.

Preparations containing eugenol may cause a burning sensation if they come in contact with the lips. Amalgam is the most widely used permanent filling in dentistry and is prepared by mixing the alloy with mercury. The alloy contains silver, tin, copper and zinc; well over half consists of silver, whilst tin forms just over a quarter. It is supplied1 in the form of powder for hand mixing, or as pre-packed capsules or pellets for mechanical mixing.

As amalgam is a plastic filling and a good conductor, cavities are undercut for retention and lined to insulate the pulp.

The colour precludes its use in front teeth where it would show3. As it is a good conductor, a lining is necessary in all but the shallowest cavities to prevent pain from sudden temperature changes, such as occur with very hot or cold drinks.

Acrylic is used as a permanent filling for front teeth as it matches them perfectly and equals silicate in this respect. However, it has many other important uses in dentistry. Both silicate cement and acrylic have serious shortcomings as permanent filling materials for front teeth. Silicate fillings are really only semi-permanent4 and, unless a meticulous5 technique is used, may discolor and lose their perfect appearance. Similarly, acrylic fillings may undergo marginal staining due to shrinkage. In an attempt to overcome disadvantages, new filling materials have recently been introduced which combine the best properties of both materials and avoid their worst defects. These new materials are known as composite fillings and several types are available.

Basically they consist of an inorganic strengthener6 in a resin binder. The inorganic strengthener may resemble silicate cement or consist of glass beads or quartz. This is incorporated into the resin binder.


1to be supplied — випускатися

2 pellet — гранула

3where it would show — де вона (пломба) буде помітна

4semi-permanent — постійні не повністю

5meticulous — ретельний (= careful)

6 strengthener — ініціатор полімерізації




Exercise 4. Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

remain intact; insert a permanent filling; to harden rapidly; the most widely used; hand mixing; to insulate the pulp; the shallowest cavities; to match perfectly; shrinkage; to be available


Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

Найбільш часто використовувані; занадто мякий; здолати; достатньо швидко; уникнути; мічтити у вигляді порошку; у цьому відношенні; втратити гарний зовнішній вигляд; недостатнє крйове прилягання; існує декілька видів


Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

1. What temporary filling materials do you know?

2. Why aren't they used as permanent fillings?

3. When are temporary fillings used?

4.Can zinc oxide and eugenol cement be used as a foundation for a permanent filling?

5.What is amalgam?

6.In what form is it supplied?

7. Why are cavities undercut for retention with amalgam?

8.Why can't it be used in front teeth?

9.What new materials have been recently introduced?

10.What disadvantages have silicate cement and acrylic? 11. What do they consist of?


Exercise 7. Give synonyms to the words:

To treat, pain, gum, to take out, to protect, to rot, front teeth, false tooth, to insulate, to resemble.


Exercise 8. Translate into English:


1. Тимчасові пломби ставлять у тих випадках, якщо необхідно зняти біль, перевірити ефект лікування, якщо недостатньо часу для встановлення постійної пломби за одне відвідування або якщо для постійної пломби необхідно більш ніж одне відвідування.

2. Постійні пломби часто вимагають прокладки.

3. Амальгами широко використовуються для пломбування бокових зубів..

4. Акрилова пластмаса використовується як пломбувальний матеріал для пломбування передніх зубів.

5. Акрилова пластмаса має багато недоліків: зміна кольору, недостатнє крайове прилягання.

6. В останній час з’явився новий пломбувальний матеріал композит, які чудово підходять для пломбування передніх та бокових великих порожнин зубів.

7. Композити набагато більш тверді нід акрилові пластмаси..

8. Працювати з композитами легше, а результати значно краще..


Exercise 9. Fill the blanks with the words below. You may need to change the form of the words. Each word can be used only once.

cavity cement dentist dentures disease equipment

examine fill gums interval lose nerve

pain practice preventive tooth treat treatment


General dental ….. includes mouth examination, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of…... There ….. frequently uses X-rays and other ….. to ensure correct diagnosis and …….

Treatment may include filling ….., removing the ….. of teeth, treating diseases of the ….., removing ……, and replacing ….. teeth and bridges and …... Anesthesia is often used in any treatment that might cause …... Teeth may be ….. with amalgam, or …….

Perhaps one of the most important part of a dentist’s work is ….. dentistry. If a dentist ….. a patient’s teeth at regular ….., he may find and ….. a disease before it becomes serious.


Exercise 10. Give summary of the text.




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