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Section 3: Vocabulary exercises


Читайте также:
  1. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  2. Academic Vocabulary
  3. Active vocabulary
  4. Active Vocabulary
  5. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active Vocabulary

1. Look through the following word combinations, translate them into Russian, make sentences using the vocabulary:


1) To take a stand on an issue

2) To ensure accurate reporting

3) Loss of credibility

4) A redress for libel

5) To bring a suit against smb, to initiate a legal action

6) An injury to one’s reputation

7) To allow equal time (to candidates in a pre-election campaign)

8) Advertising space

9) To hold smb fully responsible for smth

10) To cover a news event (coverage of news events)

11) To present news objectively and unambiguously

12) A tabloid newspaper

13) A terse style

14) A target audience

15) To furnish (to provide) news


2. Check yourself trying to find the Russian equivalents:

1. освещать к-л событие

2. представлять новости объективно и в ясном изложении

3. малоформатная газета со сжатым текстом и многими иллюстрациями

4. аудитория, имеющая одинаковые возрастные и социальные характеристики

5. место в газете, отводимое рекламе

6. занимать позицию по какому-либо вопросу

7. обеспечивать объективное освещение событий

8. предоставлять одинаковое время (на радио и телевидении)

9. подать в суд на к-л

10. предоставить к-л информацию, новости

11. сжатый краткий стиль

12. считать к-л ответственным за что-л

13. потеря веры, доверия

14. возмещение в судебном порядке за клевету, дискредитацию

15. нанесение ущерба ч-л репутации


3. Paraphrase the following using the vocabulary given above:

a) an area in a newspaper or magazine used for advertising

b) to consider smb deserving of blame or condemnation for smth said or printed

c) to apply to court for retribution

d) to give equal opportunities on the air

e) a newspaper with pages half the size of an ordinary newspaper page having many pictures and items of a sensational nature

f) a style with no superfluous words, brief and concise

g) a group of people which radio or TV programs hope to reach

h) to supply, to provide information

i) to correct or compensate for a wrong done

j) to act as a reporter, to get the details of smth happening

k) to reveal, to show one’s attitude to smth; to express one’s opinion of smth


4. Substitute one of the word combinations from the text for the words in bold type:

1. Surveys reveal that most American adults consider themselves well informed about the affairs of the nation and the world, which enables them, they claim, to form their own opinion of major events. However when asked where they obtain most of the information the largest percentage of people reply that they get it from television which provides information on what is happening. Around 60 percent of respondents choose TV over other media as their major source of information. But even a casual study reveals that television generally supplies mostly news headlines and rarely presents an all-round picture of what is taking place.

2. Traditionally, the newspaper’s basic roles have been to inform, influence, entertain and foster the development of the nation’s economy through allotting a few pages of different kinds of commercial announcements promoting a product or service.

3. Dissemination of information is considered the most vital of all newspaper functions. Accurate information is essential to clear thinking and clear thinking is necessary to making sound judgments. So newspapers, and particularly editors and reporters, should be considered fully responsible for not providing adequate information.

4. New newspapers need to learn more about the persons with whom they are seeking to communicate and adjust their presentations accordingly.

5. Sensational events such as crimes and natural or other disasters, and also unusual events of all kinds have been and are emphasized by many newspapers, particularly by those of a small format and overall sensational character. Many editors, even of “serious” newspapers contend that most readers’ interest in such events is always high. However, now many American newspapers are looking more to situations than single events to report; more editors are placing greater weight on the significant than the sensational and trying to display current events truthfully and without bias; of course, it is evident that most newspapers hope to influence their readers through informing them.

6. Information that is not classified as news because it lacks timeliness is usually referred to as feature material. Such features may involve advice columns on human relation, health and other topics; human interest stories of various kinds, reviews of books, comics and other items. Since all of them, like editorials, political cartoons column and letters to the editor contain opinions, they are usually placed together on an opinion or editorial page and the editor realizes that inaccurate (or offending) information may lead to a legal retribution for morally or otherwise injuring a person or a group of persons.


5. Write the number of the right choice


1. a local paper

1) a paper circulating in a small town

2) a paper circulating all over the country

3) a paper circulating abroad

2. internal affairs

1) international affairs

2) foreign affairs

3) home affairs

3. a weekly

1) a magazine or a paper coming out on week days

2) a magazine or a paper coming out once a week

3) a magazine or a paper coming out many times a week



  1. to inform the reader … smth (1. of, 2. about, 3. on)
  2. to comment … smth (1. -, 2. about, 3. on)
  3. to give full attention … smth (1. to, 2. about, 3. on)
  4. to carry an article … smth (1. of, 2. about, 3. on)
  5. to follow … the events (1. -, 2. for, 3. after)


6. Translate the sentences below:


1. Мой отец всегда читает ежедневные местные газеты. Иногда он покупает газеты, выходящие по всей стране, потому что следит за событиями в нашей стране и за рубежом. Сначала он просматривает передовые статьи, а затем читает только то, что ему особенно интересно. Что касается меня, то я не читаю газет, но подписываюсь на различные периодические издания.

2. «Московские новости» - еженедельная газета. Как правило, она выходит каждый понедельник. Здесь публикуются последние события в стране и за рубежом и местные новости, а также различные интервью, комментарии, реклама.

3. Недавно я прочитали интересную статью в одной из местных газет под заголовком «образование – наша проблема». Она касается важных вопросов, связанных с получением высшего образования в нашей стране. Основная мысль заключается в беспокойстве наших преподавателей о том, кто пойдет учиться в высшие учебные заведения через несколько лет.

7. Supply words or word-combinations which paraphrase the following:

1) reparation for something wrongly said or printed;

2) to adopt a firm attitude to something;

3) to influence somebody’s dispositions;

4) to prevent important news from being heard, seen or known;

5) to misrepresent the information;

6) to be restricted by the rules set by the Government;

7) to provide an accurate and comprehensive news event coverage;

8) interference with one’s private life;

9) a loss of status in the eyes of the public;

10) to stimulate and strengthen dormant attitudes.

11) newspapers of a small format and overall sensational character;

12) a few pages in the newspaper allotted to different types of commercial announcements;

13) to display current events truthfully and without bias;

14) a legal retribution for something wrongly said or printed;

15) an exciting or important news story that one news organization publishes or broadcasts before anyone else;

16) the ideas and opinions of ordinary people on a particular issue, collected by journalists.


8. Translate the sentences:

Нельзя отрицать, что СМИ занимают огромное место в нашей повседневной жизни. А так как распространение информации является главной функцией всех СМИ, можно сказать, что телевидение, радио, пресса и интернет – непременные (повсеместные) атрибуты современности.

Следует также отметить, что СМИ предоставляют потенциальные источники образования. Немаловажно и то, что, отражая современные ценности и моральные принципы, принятые в обществе, СМИ оказывают влияние на наше восприятие действительности, на наш образ жизни и на наши склонности.

Именно потому, что роль СМИ в нашей жизни так велика, они являются предметом жарких дискуссий. СМИ часто критикуют за неадекватность и неаккуратность в представлении новостей, за сокрытие важной информации и ее искажение. А такая политика, как известно, ведет к потере доверия со стороны общественности.

Еще одним основанием для критики является то, что во время предвыборных кампаний с целью активизировать и усилить скрытые настроения средствами массовой информации часто используются новые технологии. Подобные технологии не всегда законны. И даже когда подлежат запрету, как, например, 25-й кадр, далеко не всегда действительно оказываются предметом санкционированных законом ограничений.


9. Here are 8 headlines. Write leads for each of them keeping in mind that a lead should cover the story’s essential facts.

1) The Election Season Begins

2) Needed: An International Security Alliance

3) Joining WTO (World Trade Organization): Do We Gain Or Lose?

4) Will the UST (Unified State Test) Prove To Be a Springboard for Talented Pupils?

5) When Your House Starts Talking

6) Solving the Next Genome Puzzle: Testing Potential Winners

7) Future Fashions: Utilitarian But None-Too-Expensive Or Expensive But None-Too-Utilitarian Clothes

to give the party of power an unquestionable lead

to increase investments in our industry; to boost the competitiveness of our products; to improve performance in banking, insurance and customs (the spheres affected by WTO).

to combat terrorism in a comprehensive manner; to fight terrorism by military means, legal means, law enforcement and intelligence means; to enhance international requirements for security; to keep close watch on people suspected of ties with terrorism.

to draw up the genetic map of, to put a human into a genetic straight jacket


Lexical Test (The Mass Media)


1. Match the equivalents:


1. censorship 1. ведущий

2. a target audience 2. доход

3. to broadcast 3. утечка информации

4. a redress for libel 4. ответ в судебном порядке за клевету

5. a revenue 5. час пик

6. the prime time 6. детальный доклад, репортаж

7. a venture 7. цензура

8. an anchorman 8. рискованное предприятие

9. an information leak 9. целевая аудитория

10. an in-depth reporting 10. транслировать



2. Paraphrase the expressions and use them in sentences of your own:


1. to transmit signals

2. to be restricted by

3. media tastes (interests)

4. to provide news

5. a commercial announcement

6. to display current events truthfully and without bias

7. prime viewing hours

8. state-run television

9. to buy a program

10. a financial support

11. well-educated citizens


3. Translate into Russian:


1. Advertising agencies familiar with television techniques have been brought into political arena to plan campaign and develop their clients’ images.

2. The role of newspapers, periodicals and television in influencing political opinion is fairly well established in the voting behaviour of the so-called undecided voters.

3. Television in France and the United States has been regarded as a powerful force strengthening the presidential system, since the president can easily appeal to a national audience over the heads of elected legislative representatives.

4. Newspapers and magazines subsist mainly on the revenue generated by the advertising space that they sell.

5. The best-written lead not only satisfies the reader’s curiosity, but whets his appetite for more.

6. At present, every national regime asserts that its national sovereignty gives it the right to conduct any propaganda it cares to, however untrue such propaganda may be and however contradictory to the requirements of the world system.

7. The increased use of the media has directly contributed to the increasing costs of election campaign.


4. Explain the following notions:


1. the prime time

2. an invasion of privacy

3. word of mouth

4. undecided voters

5. a target audience

6. a terse style

7. rival politicians

8. media network

9. communication overload

10. “desire of escapism”

11. “equal conditions”

12. high-tech politics

13. “v-chip”

14. an investigative journalism

15. the yellow press

16. “point-and-click” graphical manipulations


5. Translate into English:


1. В Советском Союзе радио и телевидение с момента своего появления жестко контролировались партийным аппаратом и использовались исключительно в пропагандистских целях.


2. В настоящее время средства массовой информации выполняют несколько функций, среди которых можно отметить такую функцию, как формирование общественного мнения по различным политическим и другим вопросам.


3. Первая американская ежедневная газета была отпечатана в Филадельфии в 1783 году, однако выпуск ежедневных газет не получил повсеместного распространения до тех пор, пока не появились новые современные технологии.


4. Наступила эра желтой прессы, основными маркерами которой стали сенсационные репортажи о жестокости, коррупции, войне и сексе.


5. Редакторы отмечают, что для более глубокого (детального) освещения некоторых событий, связанных с политикой, бизнесом, экономикой и наукой, требуются журналисты, хорошо ориентирующихся в этих областях.


6. В поисках сенсаций, многие журналисты публикуют недостоверные сообщения, которые привлекают большую читательскую аудиторию и поднимают уровень продаж газет.


7. Общий доход телевидения за счет рекламы в 1995 году составил около одного миллиарда долларов.


8. Государственные телевизионные каналы нуждаются в больших капиталовложениях и дополнительном финансировании.


9. Всемирно известные агентства новостей, такие как Юнайтид Пресс Интернейшнл и Рейтерс обеспечивают многие газеты информацией.



Lexical Test (The Internet)

1. Explain and expand on the following:

- multy-user chatting

- to catch up with people virtually \\ to meet smb in person

- commercialization of the Internet

- on-line\\ off-line

- electronic mail

- virtual museums

- cyber press

- to alert users to incoming messages

- to give access to a vast array of documents

- “point-and-click” graphical manipulations

- to hack

- to receive, store and manage correspondence

- to enable simple navigation of internet sites

- mouse potato (someone who spends long periods of time using the Internet or playing computer games)


2. Paraphrase the following using your active vocabulary:

- someone who uses a computer to connect to other people’s computers secretly and often illegally, so that they can find or change information (hacker)

- a connection between one file or section or another, for example on a website (link)

- a part of a computer’s memory where e-mail is stored (mailbox)

- to exchange messages with someone using a computer that you are able to see each other’s messages immediately (to chat)

- a piece of soft material that you move a computer mouse around on (mouse mat)

- a biographical web log: a type of diary (= record of what someone does each day) on a website that is changed regularly, to give the latest news. The page usually contains someone’s personal opinions, comments and experiences, and provides links to other places on the Internet. (blog)

- a set of computers that are connected to each other so that each computer can send and receive information to and from the other computer (network)

- a piece of computer equipment with keys on it, used for putting information into a computer (keyboard)

- a place on the Internet where information is available about a particular subject (website)


3. Make sentences with the following words and word-combinations:


- to have access to smth

- over the Internet

- to hack

- online friends

- to surf, to explore the Internet

- misinformation in abundance

- information sources

- news sites

- growing Internet audience

- to open the door to more interaction with readers online

- to turn to the Internet as the primary news source


4. Agree or disagree, comment on the following:

- Traditional mass media, by its nature, allows its producers to comment without questions and state as fact without support. At the same time information on the Internet, free for the most part, has many sources, and depending on the forum may undergo a vast amount of scrutiny with minimal effort from all parties involved. Though there’s misinformation in abundance, the opportunity to cross reference that information with other sources provides a significantly enhanced ability to sift through opinions and possible fact so that we can decide what may be considered more or less believable.


- Bloggers and interactive news communities may eventually further infiltrate ['InfIltreIt] просачиваться, проникать (об идеях и т. п.) the mainstream media; as yet, no one’s suggesting they will ever replace it.

- Numerous internet business opportunities present themselves every day and unless you can see the chance to become part of something special, you will constantly be on the lookout for an opportunity that have already passed you by. The internet can be an exciting place on which to do business, but many of the internet business opportunities will involve taking risk.

- The Internet is an absolute goldmine of information, but knowing where to start and how to judge the accuracy of the information you access is a skill that can be learnt in no time.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 52 | Нарушение авторских прав

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