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II. Reading and comprehension

Читайте также:
  1. A) time your reading. It is good if you can read it for four minutes (80 words per minute).
  2. A) While Reading activities (p. 47, chapters 5, 6)
  3. A. Comprehension
  4. Active reading
  5. Additional material for reading.
  6. Additional reading
  7. Additional reading



I. Language

Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary.

Standard Стандарт
Requirement Вимога
Breed standard Стандарт породи, потомства
Animal husbandry (fancy) Тваринництво (виведені людиною)
Uniform technical criteria Уніфікований (загальний), постійний технічний критерій
Publicly Публічно, відкрито
Entity Об’єкт, організація
Standard operating procedure Спосіб експлуатації (управління) стандартів
Unilaterally Однобічно
To circulate Розповсюджуватись
Copyright Авторське право
Standard of care Міра дбайливості, піклування
Calibration Маркування, класифікування
Market dominance Домінуюче положення на ринку
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Оперативний технічний підрозділ Internet
Prudence Обачливість, застереження
Duty of care Обов'язок зберігати обережність
Quasi-legal status Напівлегальний статус
International Organization for Standardization (International standard organization) Міжнародна організація зі стандартів
Draft standard Проект стандарту
Stakeholders Зацікавлена сторона
Screw threads Гвинтова нарізь
Relevant Значний, визначений
Consensus Одностайність, згода
To take into account Брати до уваги
Win-win situation Взаємовигідна ситуація

Exercise 2. Solve the anagrams:

And drats

Tera llyla inu

Pyrit ghoc

Tio libranca


Exercise 3. Make up the possible word-combinations and translate them into your native language.

Duty, criteria, uniform, of, standard, quasi-legal, care, breed, technical, status.

Exercise 4. Translate the following word-combinations into English:

Технічний стандарт, загальносвітовий вжиток, загальний технічний критерій, організація підтримки стандартів, загально (публічно) доступний, процес встановлення стандартів, домінуюче положення на ринку, напівлегальний статус, Міжнародна організація зі стандартів.


II. Reading and comprehension

Exercise 5. Read and translate the following text:


Standard is any norm, convention or requirement. Depending on the sphere of their application, there exist many different types of standards in modern world. They are as follows:

1) Breed standard (also called bench standard) is found in animal fancy and animal husbandry;

2) Technical standard is an established norm or requirement about technical systems. It is usually a formal document establishing uniform engineering or technical criteria, methods, processes and practices. Technical standard is connected with

- International standards, which are suitable for worldwide use;

- Open standard, that is publicly available;

- Standards organization, an entity primarily concerned with maintaining standards;

- Standardization, the process of establishing technical standards;

- Standard operating procedure, a step-by-step instruction to achieve a desired result.

A technical standard may be developed privately or unilaterally, for example by a corporation, regulatory body, military, etc. Standards can also be developed by groups such as trade unions and trade associations. Technical standards may exist as:

- Public documents on the internet, public library, etc. (Some technical standards may be found at a major central library or at the library of a good technical university);

- Published documents available for purchase;

- Private documents owned by an organization or corporation, used and circulated as the owner determines necessary or useful;

- Documents publicly available under intellectual property (copyright, etc.);

- Closed or controlled documents that contain trade secrets or classified information.

3) Standard (in metrology) is an object that bears a defined relationship to a unit of measure used for calibration of measuring devices;

4) De facto standard means product or system with market dominance;

5) Internet standard, a specification ratified as an open standard by the Internet Engineering Task Force;

6) Learning standards, standards applied to education content;

7) Standard of care, the degree of prudence and caution required of an individual who is under a duty of care;

8) Gold standard is a monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is a fixed weight of gold;

9) Standard language means a particular variety of a language that has been given either legal or quasi-legal status, etc.

So the term “standard”, in general, is any rule, norm or a body of rules or principles established as valid and fundamental in any field of human activity.


III. Grammar

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IELTS characteristics| Exercise 6. Find the Participle I, II in the text and define their forms and functions.

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