Gangway watch
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G angway watch is necessary in every port for the safety of the ship. It is to prevent people, who have no business on the ship, to come onboard. During a gangway watch the next points have to be checked:
- Always check if the gangway is still in right position on the shore.
- Make sure that the safety net is correct around the gangway.
- Make sure the steel lifting cable is out of the way, so that people do not get dirty.
- Make sure the gangway is securely fastened to the ship.
- If a step-up ladder is used, this has to be secured to the ship as well.
When visitors come onboard the next rules have to be followed:
- Welcome the person/persons onboard.
- Notify the OOW by VHF radio.
- Ask them what the purpose of the visit is.
- Ask them for identification and check if the image on the identification resembles the person standing in front of you.
- Search their luggage and frisk their bodies for any dangerous things. (only for security level 2 and/or 3)
Warning: If they do not want you to search their luggage or bodies, notify the OOW immediately!
Remember: If the visitor is a woman, she also needs to be frisked!! -
Let them sign the visitor’s logbook. - Name
- Company
- ID number
- Date
- Time onboard
- Visitor’s card number
- Give them a visitor’s card.
- Escort the persons to the designated area that they need to be.
Warning: Never leave the gangway un-attendant! Call the other AB/OS, to replace you, when you escort the people inside the accommodation. - When the people leave the ship, collect the visitor’s card.
- Search the luggage and frisk the bodies.
- Write time of departure in the visitor’s log book.
Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 183 | Нарушение авторских прав - 2015-2025 год. (0.006 сек.)