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According for on to into at out by with

A ten-pound note a fifty-pence piece | B. Public finance | Fill in the words from the box . Look up the following words in the dictionary and compose your own sentences with them. | In to on from | Comprehension check | Everyone has their price |

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  1. According to some texts the juice from crushed banyan leaf sprouts should be poured into her right nostril to give her strength at this time.
  2. According to the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, gynecology residencies last four years.
  3. According to the author, are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
  4. According to their morphological composition adjectives can be subdivided intosimple, derived andcompound.
  5. According to this formula of qualification one who does not accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead--is unable to understand the Bhagavad-gita.
  6. Arrange the word-groups according to the degree of their motivation, starting with the highest.

1. Do you know the news? Helen has come …… a fortune.

2. She has always had a budget …… money.

3. Violetta drew …… all her savings from the bank to pay …… her trip to Thailand.

4. How many hryvnyas are there …… the US dollars …… to the exchange rate?

5. He usually has holidays out of season …… cheap rates.

6. They have put their car …… the market.

7. You have to pay interest …… the money you owe.

8. You can buy whatever you want …… this money.

9. We’ve made a downpayment …… a washing machine.

10. -May I pay …… Visa?

- I’m sorry we only take …… cash.

11. Where can I exchange my traveller’s cheques …… the money of your country?



Here are some English sayings about money. Discuss them with your partner.

‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be’ (from 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare)

Have you ever borrowed money from anyone? Who from? How much?

Have you ever lent money to anyone? Who to? How much?

Are you in debt at the moment? (i.e. Do you owe anyone any money?)

Does anyone owe you any money? Who? How much?

‘Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves’

Do you save money? Are you saving anything at the moment?

Do you keep your money

a) in the bank?

b) in a safe?

c) in a money-box?

d) under the bed?

‘Live now - pay later’

Have you bought anything on hire purchase?

What? Did you pay a deposit? Do you think it's a good idea?

When you pay cash, do you ask for a discount? Do you usually get it?

‘A fool and his money are soon parted’

Do you spend more than you earn, or less than you earn?

Do you have a budget for your money?

Do you keep a record of your expenses?

Where do you keep your money?

a) in a purse

b) in a wallet

c) in a handbag

d) in a pocket

Have you ever had your pocket picked?

Is gambling legal or illegal in your country? Do people bet? What do they bet on?

a) cards e) boxing

b) horses f) national lottery

c) dogs g) something else

d) football

Exercise 23

Translate into English.

1. В наш час більшість людей роблять покупки на базарі, де вони можуть поторгуватися і купити щось дешевше, але це небезпечно, так як ви не зможете повернути речі назад, якщо вони з браком. Я згодна з прислів’ям: “Скупий платить двічі”, і тому я купую речі в магазинах, де я маю змогу отримати відшкодування.

2. Мої батьки зберігали гроші під диваном, але нарешті я переконала їх вкласти гроші в банк на депозитний рахунок під гарні відсотки, так як вважаю, що це найбезпечніша інвестиція, яка також приносить великі гроші. До того ж ви можете у будь-яку хвилину забрати гроші, якщо вам потрібно зробити якусь велику покупку.

3. У нас обмаль грошей, а наш дядько купається в багатстві. І навіть розуміючи, як нам потрібні гроші, він відмовляється позичити нам невелику суму.

4. У мого брата гроші течуть, як вода. Він витрачає значні суми на усілякі дрібниці, перевищує кредит у банку, тоді позичає у родичів та друзів і в результаті опиняється по вуха в боргах. Я говорила йому, що так він ризикує збанкрутіти і стати бідним як церковна миша.

5. Мій дядько вважає, що гарний спосіб заощадити гроші – це купувати оптом, щоб побороти інфляцію.

6. Я вважаю, що кредитні картки різних видів набагато зручніші за монети та купюри. Незабаром можна буде оплачувати рахунки за допомогою сітки банківських комп’ютерів. Це буде найбезпечніший спосіб здійснення покупок, але треба також оберігатися шахраїв кредитних карток.

7. Моєму дядькові не потрібно заробляти на життя, тому що він розбагатів, граючи на біржі, і зараз він дуже заможний.

8. Кіркоров отримав гарну виручку від останнього концерту у Києві, тому вирішив приїхати ще раз.

9. “Мені зараз не вистачає грошей. Ти не міг би позичити мені $100?” “Так, у мене зараз є вільні гроші, так би мовити - гроші на чорний день.”

10. Вона зараз на соціальному забезпеченні і може дозволити собі купувати лише старі речі на благодійному базарі.

11. Він нарешті зрозумів, що означає жити в злиднях.

12. Оптова ціна завжди нижча за роздрібну.


JStop and Smile

Sign in a restaurant: ‘In God we trust. All others cash.’

* * *

Son: ‘Who is a debtor, Pa?’

Papa: ‘A man who owes money.’

Son: ‘And who is a creditor?’

Papa: ‘A man who thinks he is going to get it.’




Do you know what your attitude to money is? Would you like to make sure if it’s positive or negative. Do the following quiz and find it out.

  1. You are offered a job that’s interesting for you, but the salary is low. Would you accept it or not? 2. Your friend asks you some money to buy a present for his mum. You know that he will probably not give it back. Will you give him money? 3. Your friend asks you to come to his place, but you have to do some work that’s well-paid. Will you tell your friend that you are busy and stay at home to complete the work? 4. Do your prefer expensive presents (golden rings, a watch, etc.) to an interesting book and a bouquet of flowers? 5. You are a very good translator and you earn a lot of money. Your sister asks you to help your friend translate an article for his English class free of charge. Will you help him? 6. You have a lot of work to do and you know the sooner you complete it the more money you’ll get. Your friends invite you to go to the disco with them and have some rest. Will you go with them and leave your work for the next day? 7. You’ve won a large sum of money. Will you share it with your parents? 8. You are asked to do work but you don’t know very much about it. You’ll be paid much. Will you take money, although you are not sure that you’ll do the work well? 9. Do you prefer to take money from your parents instead of working hard to earn it yourself? 10. Do you agree with the proverb ‘Money rules the world’? Yes                           No                        

Now sum up your score and find the results.

10-8 You think that you don’t need any money at all. ‘Money is devil’ is your motto. Maybe it’s really good, but don’t you think that people do need money if they want to live well?
7-4 Yeah! You are not crazy about money, but you still think that it’s better to have it than not to. You are right – money isn’t everything in the world, but sometimes people need it to make their dearest people happier.
3-0 Oh-oh! Money is everything for you. You are ready to give up everything for its sake. But never forget that sometimes it’s better to enjoy your friends’ company than work hard to get as much as possible. Not only money makes people happy.


What is your attitude to money? Has it changed since you were younger? Work with your partner and tell what you agree with now, or agreed with when you were younger. Add one more statement.

  I don’t need more money (I’ve got enough). YOUNGER NOW
I always need more money (I never seem to have enough).    
I want to save money for the future.    
I don’t need to save money.    
I worry a lot about money.    
I never worry about money.    


Here are some humorous sayings about money. Match the two parts of the sentences.


· I’ve got all the money I need … … but certainly goes faster.
· Money can’t buy you love … … but it certainly puts you in a wonderful bargaining position.
· Money isn’t everything … … but you can get a better class of enemy.
· Money can’t buy you friends … … but it certainly handy if you don’t have a credit card.
· Money doesn’t go as far as it used to … … if I die by four o’clock.


Here are some proverbs saying about money. Find the most appropriate Ukrainian variants for them using your dictionaries. What do you think of them?


1. Money rules the world. 2. Muck and money go together. 3. Money has no smell. 4. Money is a good servant but a bad master. 5. Money spent on brain is never spent in vain. 6. Cheapest is the dearest.   7. He that has no money needs no purse. 8. Money to spare likes good care. 9. Ask what you may – asking needs no pay. 10. Happiness is before money. 11. A man’s word is worth more than money.

Exercise 1

Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Helen had always dreamed of becoming a (1)..... WEALTH
woman, and imagined living in a (2)..... mansion, LUXURY
and how her friends would praise her (3)..... GENEROUS
when she gave them expensive presents. In reality she  
was usually hard up. She had some (4)..... and a SAVE
small life (5)....., but her antique shop was not really INSURE
very (6)...... Every time she took money out of the bank, PROFIT
the (7)..... checked her account, and told her how little CASH
there was in it! Helen had taken out a (8)..... a month LEND
before. How could she repay it? Then one day she noticed  
an old painting in her shop. She had thought it was (9)..... WORTH
but as she brushed away the dust, she saw the (10)..... SIGN
at the bottom. It said ’Renoir’! She was rich at last!  

Exercise 2

Decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

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