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C. balance deposit withdrawal standing order statement

A ten-pound note a fifty-pence piece | B. Public finance | Fill in the words from the box . Look up the following words in the dictionary and compose your own sentences with them. | Money Matters | Comprehension check | Everyone has their price |

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  5. A. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1 страница
  6. A. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 2 страница
  7. A. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. 3 страница

At regular intervals, perhaps monthly, you will receive a a)_________ from the bank, giving details of each b)___________ (money you put in) and c)__________ (money you put out). If you are not sure how much money you have in your account, you can just go to your bank and ask what your d)__________ is. If you have to make a regular payment, like rent, you can ask the bank to pay this amount for you automatically. This arrangement is called a e)___________.


D. cash counterfoil income expenditure keep a record crossed overdrawn

Some people spend more money than they receive. In other words, their a)_________ is greater than their b)_________. If you take more money out of the bank than you have in your account, you are c)_________. To d)_________ of your spending, it's a good idea when you write a cheque to fill in the e)__________, which stays in the book. Most cheques are f)__________ cheques, which means that no one else can g)________ them. They must be paid into someone's account.

Exercise 2

Put one of the following words or phrases in each space in the sentences below:

Out of from for at in to

a. He borrowed $10_______________ his father.

b. She filled ______________ the cheque.

c. I asked_____________ my balance.

d. I prefer a current account____________ a deposit account.

e. You'll get a statement ______________ regular intervals.

f. He took $100 _____________ his bank.

g. He withdrew $100 ___________ his bank.


Exercise 3 Translate it into English.

1. Всесвітньо відома компанія відкрила дочірнє підриємство у нашому місті.

2. Ви можете зберігати свої гроші на рахунку з фіксованими відсотками або депозитному рахунку.

3. Якщо на вашому банківському рахунку немає грошей і ви перевищили банківський кредит, вам необхідно сплачувати грошовий збір за банківські послуги.

4. Найкращий спосіб заощадити гроші – покласти їх в банк на депозитний рахунок і отримувати відсотки. Але з цього рахунку не легко знімати гроші. Ви повинні попередити банк за тиждень.

5. Джейн витратила купу грошей, нерозумно вклавши їх.

6. Ми радимо вам користовуватися поточним рахунком у банку, що полегшує купівлю товарів, так як ви отримуєте чекову книжку, і ви можете сплачувати за покупки чеком. Все, що потрібно зробити, - це виписати чек. Але є такі чеки, за якими гроші можете отримати лише ви. Вони називаються кросировані чеки.

7. Мій тато з дитинства вчив мене бути бережливою, і зараз я завжди веду підрахунок моїх витрат, цікавлюсь своїм балансом у банку та перевіряю корінці чеків, щоб переконатися у відсутності помилок.

8. Він регулярно отримує банківські звіти.

9. Я такий забудькуватий – я завжди забуваю вчасно сплатити квартплату і за телефон, тому я звернувся до банку за спеціальною послугою - автоматичною операцією. Тепер банк сплачує цю суму автоматично.


Exercise 4

Choose the right answer.

1. The ……of living has risen by 25% in the last six months.

a) cost b) expenditure c) expense d) price

2. If they are not more careful with their accounts, they will go …….

a) bankrupt b) broken c) penniless d) poor

3. If I had another $ 25,000 a year, I would consider myself…….

a) well deserved b) well done c) well-made d) well off

4. In order to buy a house Mr Not-Too-Rich had to obtain a large..….. from his bank.

a) capital b) debt c) finance d) loan

5. The accounts show a ….. of $ 500 this months.

a) decrease b) deficit c) debt d) inflation

6. Miss Thrifty phoned the bank to …… how much money there was in her account.

a) check b) control c) inspect d) test

7. Many people ……. money to provide for their old age.

a) save b) put c) supply d) withdraw

8. The ……. of the bank where I work is in the suburbs.

a) house b) seat c) branch d) quarter

9. I’m afraid that the bank will refuse my application for an extended …….

a) balance b) estimate c) compensation d) overdraft

10. At this bank you can get 14% ……. on your savings.

a) interest b) rate c) rent d) salary

11. I have just ……. an account in this bank.

a) entered b) made c) opened d) registered

12. The debt should be paid …… within thirty days of receiving this statement.

a) all over b) as a whole c) for good d) in full

13. The blackmailer asked for the money in used ……...

a) cheques b) notes c) paper d) cash

14. I’m trying to save for my holidays so I’m …… some money each week.

a) putting in b) putting aside c) putting behind d) putting up

15. Jack made his …… buying and selling property.

a) fortune b) treasure c) value d) wealth

16. It was a very good meal. Can we have the …….,please?

a) account b) bill c) cheque d) statement

17. She’s a good dentist, but she doesn’t ……. too much.

a) charge b) spend c) gain d) ask


Exercise 5

Complete the following sentences. Each (-) represents one letter.

1. The main advantage of a c _ _ _ _ _ book or a c_ _ _ _ _ card is that you don’t have to carry cash around with you.

2. I carry loose c_ _ _ _ _ in my pocket and n _ _ _ _ in my leather wallet.

3. Miss Positive assured the bank manager that she would be able to repay the l _ _ _.

4. Mr Royce has to w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all his savings from the bank to pay for a new car.

5. Just a minute! You’ve forgotten to s _ _ _ your cheque.

6. If you put your money in the bank, it will earn ten per cent i _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

7. Keith didn’t like the waiter so he didn’t leave a t _ _.

8. John asked his parents if they would pay off his d _ _ _ _.

9. My uncle Sam acquired his considerable w_ _ _ _ _ selling cars.

10. The house is not in very good condition so the r _ _ _ is low.

11. We keep our money and valuables in this s _ _ _ in the floor.

12. The five pence c _ _ _ is so small that everyone dislikes it.


Exercise 6

Below are a number of ways of saving or making money. Note down which you think are sensible and which you would not recommend.


1. Buying in bulk to beat inflation.

2. Looking out for genuine reductions and real bargains in the sales.

3. Buying supermarket brands rather than brand-name products.

4. Buying economy-size packets and tins of things.

5. Collecting packet tops that offer discounts on the next purchase, have "5p off", labels on them or contain forms for special offers.

6. Looking out for special HP (hire-purchase) deals at good rates of interest.

7. Delaying payment of bills until the final demand.

8. Buying second-hand clothes in jumble sales or charity shops.

9. Taking your holidays out of season at cheap rates.

10. Buying products that offer trading stamps or gift vouchers or competitions with once-in-a-life prizes.

11. Using the telephone at off-peak, cheap-rate times.

12. Shopping only at places where money can be refunded rather than goods exchanged.

13. Checking your foreign currency when the rates of exchange are favourable.

14. Checking your bank statement and cheque counterfoils to make sure there are no errors.

15. Looking after receipts and guarantees.


Exercise 7

Translate it into English.

1. Мудрі люди кажуть: "Хочеш посваритись з другом, позич йому гроші". Це й справді так, адже ти позичаєш чиїсь гроші, а віддавати доводиться власні.

2. Коли людина має багато грошей, вона їх витрачає направо і наліво, і часом не задумується, що джерело прибутку може колись вичерпатись.

3. Жити економно та заощаджувати гроші - це справжнє мистецтво. Є багато способів збереження капіталу: купувати товари у період сезонних знижок чи оптом, робити телефонні дзвінки у пільговий час та раціонально планувати свій бюджет.

4. Ті, кому не по кишені купити якусь дорогу річ, можуть придбати її в кредит. Для цього потрібно сплатити певну суму, а потім щомісячно робити доплату.

5. Часом сидиш і мрієш, було б непогано жити у заможній країні, чи успадкувати кругленьку суму і забезпечити цим усе своє життя, але хіба цього досить для справжнього щастя.

6. Шкода, що ми не завжди довіряємо національним банкам. Було б чудово відкрити якийсь рахунок (депозитний, поточний чи валютний) і в такий спосіб зберігати капітал.

7. У моєї сусідки гроші не затримуються, і через це вона постійно по вуха в боргах.

8. Сплата податків - найболючіше питання нашого суспільства. Люди повинні зрозуміти, що, сплачуючи податки, вони забезпечують свою старість.


Exercise 8

Match each person from the list with a suitable description. Use each name once only.

accountant cashier heir manager pensioner agent customer investor miser swindler


a) Someone who likes to keep money and not spend it.....

b) Someone who inherits money or property.....

c) Someone who runs a bank.....

d) Someone who has retired.....

e) Someone who keeps or checks financial records.....

f) Someone who buys things in a shop.....

g) Someone who pays out money in a bank.....

h) Someone who represents others in business.....

i) Someone who puts money into a business.....

j) Someone who cheats people out of money.....


Exercise 9

Replace each word or phrase underlined with a word or phrase from the list which has the opposite meaning.

profit save well-off poverty squander take out cash wasteful


a) Janet says that she is very hard up at the moment. ……………

b) Last year their business made a huge loss. …………….

c) I’d like to pay in $ 100 please. ………….

d) Most people in the city live in great prosperity. …………

e) The manager insisted that I paid by cheque. …………..

f) Some people manage to spend most of their money. …………

g) Jim inherited $20 000 and managed to save it all. …………

h) We were poor when I was young and my father was very thrifty.

Exercise 10

Put each of the following words or phrases into its correct place in the text below.

account bank bank income credited creditor
debtor deposit depositors funds hide
interest loan paid pocket record
safekeeping save spend withdraw  


People..... money in banks for future use. A man may be..... each week for his work. He probably will not want to..... all his pay the day he receives it. It may be risky for him to carry all his unspent money in his....., or to..... it at home. So he may decide to put some of his money in a bank for...... The money he puts in the bank is called a...... This money is....., or added, to his...... An account is a..... of the money a depositor has in the bank. When the depositor wants to....., or take out, part of his deposit, the..... must be ready to pay him.

Banks use the money of..... for loans to those who need...... The bank that makes the loan is called a lender, or..... The bank charges the borrower, or...., interest for the use of the...... Charging..... for the use of money is the chief source of.......



Exercise 11

Choose the most suitable response to each sentence a) to j) from the sentences 1) to 10) Use each response once only.


a) Who do I make the cheque out to?..... b) We seem to be spending a lot of money lately...... c) The house has burnt down! What are we going to do?..... d) How much do you want for this drawing?..... e) Did you inherit this house?..... f) Your dog must have cost a lot of money...... g) Do we still owe the bank any money?..... h) How much do you make a year?.... i) Can we change money at the hotel to pay the bill?..... j) Why are you putting so much money in the bank?..... 1. Sorry, but it’s not for sale. 2. I’m saving up to buy a new motorbike. 3. Perhaps we should try to economise a bit. 4. Yes, my Aunt Clara left it to me. 5. Well, we’ve nearly paid it all back. 6. To JB Woolbury PLC. 7. Actually I got it for nothing. 8. I think they accept traveller’s cheques anyway. 9. I’ve got quite a good salary actually. 10. Don’t worry, we’re insured.


Exercise 12

Complete each sentences with a word or phrase formed from pay. Each space represents one word.

a) You can pay the full price now, or make six monthly......

b) If you lend me the money, I’ll.............. next week.

c) I haven’t got enough money to.......... the suit now.

d) We......... a lot of money for the decorating of this house.

e) Whenever Alan loses a bet he refuses to..........

f) Thank goodness it’s Friday today. It’s a..........

g) I must do something about all these..... bills.

h) Please make the cheque...... to R.D. Smith.

i) Take this money and..............to the bank..

j) I like my job, and it’s very.... -.....

Exercise 13

Look up the following words and phrases in the dictionary and fill in the gaps with them.

money-box to go down\up in value (2) coin slot on credit value to pay the value of smth of value to toss up (spin) a coin change to be good value for money money agent to be short of cash (2)


1. I’ve got a lot of birthday presents. Among them there is a nice …… to put money in. Actually it is a pink pig with a …… in its head. It has two functions: to decorate my table and to store my wealth.

2. The company is a bit ………… right now.

3. They were thirsty but nobody agreed to go and bring some water, so they decided ………

4. Shares can ……… as well as …………..

5. The thieves took nothing ………..

6. Can you give me …….. for a ten pound note?

7. A heavy storm has damaged Tom’s house. Nobody can …….There is no sense repairing it so Tom decided to buy a new one. His friend, a ……, advised him to wait because now the houses are too expensive, but soon they will ……………….

8. The book is ……………. for five dollars.

9. The alterations doubled the ……. of the house.

10. Yesterday he wanted to buy a TV, he couldn’t pay cash for he was ………, so he bought it ………...

Exercise 14

Choose the most suitable word for each space.

Someone once described the age we live in as that of a vanishing world, one in which the familiar is constantly disappearing forever and technological change is often difficult to 1)………… with. So it should come as no surprise to most of us to hear that yet another part of everyday life is 2) ………… to go forever. Still, when I read recently that within the next decade money as we 3) ………… it will probably cease to exist in technologically advanced countries. I had to read the article twice to make sure it wasn’t April 1st. 4) ………… to Professor Gerry Montague of the Institute for Economic Reform, the familiar 5) ………… and banknotes will soon be replaced entirely by credit cards of various kinds. And the shop of the future (the ‘retail outlet’ as Prof. Montague puts it) will be 6) ………… directly to the network of banking computers. The assistant will simply key in your bank account code number and the 7) ………… you have spent, and thank you politely. You won’t have to dig deep in your 8) ………… for change or pretend at the pub that you have left your money at home. You may not have a number for your 9) ………… as such, as the computer may by then be able to read your handprint. So no more credit card frauds 10) …………. But I am afraid that I shall 11) ………… money. I have felt strongly attached to it, ever since I received my first pocket money when I was five, and kept it in a money box. Even if my credit card of the future will be able to tell me exactly how much 12) ………… power I have left in the computer files, even if it lights up and plays a happy (or sad) tune at the same time, nothing will be able to replace the sheer pleasure I gained from 13)………… the coins in my money box. Not to 14) ………… the other obvious problems which will be caused by 15) ………… of real money – like how to start a football match, for example!


1) A) keep B) manage C) cope D) survive
2) A) about 3) A) earn B) almost B) know C) ready C) use D) tending D) need
4) A) Thanks B) Contrary C) According D) Accustomed
5) A) banks B) coins C) change D) pence
6) A) taken B) alone C) responsible D) linked
7) A) money B) charge C) cost D) amount
8) A) pockets B) wallet C) cheque book D) cash
9) A) wealth B) savings C) account D) payment
10) A) arrested B) either C) stolen D) however
11) A) miss B) spend C) waste D) borrow
12) A) more B) financial C) economical D) spending
13) A) rattling B) withdrawing C) estimating D) throwing
14) A) tell B) confront C) guess D) mention
15) a shortage B) an expense C) an absence D) a replacement


Exercise 15

In each sentence choose one or more appropriate words.

a) Harry gains /gets /makes over $20 000 a year.

b) Mary was awarded a grant /scholarship /subsidy to study child psychology.

c) How much did you give /pay /take for your new car?

d) Their house fetched /produced /sold for a lot more than they expected.

e) I’m going to the bank to get out /remove /withdraw the money for the rent.

f) The manager disappeared with the receipts /takings /wages from the concert.

g) By the time Kate retired she was a fortunate /prosperous /wealthy businesswoman.

h) We had a good holiday but it was rather costly /expensive /valuable.

i) We would appreciate it if you would close /settle /pay your bill as soon as possible.

j) Unfortunately the old painting I found turned out to be priceless /valueless/



Exercise 16

Complete each sentence with one of the words given.

account company enterprise market price claim currency

figures payment venture


a) John became rich by playing the stock…………………………..

b) We have decided to turn our business into a limited …………………..

c) This government believes firmly in the value of free …………………..

d) I am interested in buying the property, but I find the …………………. too high.

e) I am saving money to make the down ………………on a new car.

f) We put in an insurance …………… after our house was damaged in the storm.

g) Everyone was impressed with the sales ……………….. for the new product.

h) Margaret lost a lot of money in an unwise business…………………….

i) Our company receives a lot of payments in foreign …………………….

j) I keep most of my money in a savings …………………………...

Exercise 17

Match each sentence a) to j) with a sentence from 1) to 10) which has a similar meaning.

a) We have to haggle. 1) We spend a lot.
b) We have a nice little nest-egg. 2) We don’t waste money.
c) We have high expenditure. 3) We let people borrow from us.
d) We get it free. 4) We are paid according to what we sell.
e) We are in debt. 5) We argue about the price.
f) We are very thrifty. 6) We earn a lot.
g) We are on commission. 7) We don’t have to pay.
h) We want a rise. 8) We need higher wages.
i) We lend money. 9) We owe money.
j) We have a high income. 10) We have some savings.

Exercise 18

Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

1. The ………. price is always lower than the retail price.

a) wholesale b) bargaining c) cut b) budget

2. I still have three more ………… to pay on my motorbike.

a) shares b) donations c) instalments b) contributions

3. We had to give the customs official a …….. not to inspect our suitcases.

a) fee b) reward c) bonus d) bribe

4. A multinational company has made a/an …… to take over our firm.

a) bid b) venture c) investment d) estimate

5. As soon as you buy a car, it starts falling in ……..

a) cost b) worth c) value d) price

6. I……. you don’t make as much profit this year!

a) assure b) challenge c) bet d) doubt

7. Things are going well. In fact, business is …….

a) soaring b) booming c) leaping d) rolling

8. We demanded pay rises to take account of the … of inflation.

a) figures b) percentage c) price d) rate

9. Mr Sacked has just lost his job, his aunt’s legacy came as a useful ……..

a) advantage b) benefit c) profit d) windfall

10. The two men …….. a coin to see who should take care of the business at the weekend.

a) hurled b) tossed c) lobbed d) threw

11. Before starting a new business, you have to raise the necessary……….

a) currency b) investment c) capital d) savings

Exercise 19

Replace the words underlined by one of the words given.

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