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Low-light Vision
Animal Lord 2, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer, triple distance if already have it
Beastlord 5, ecl 10, Complete Adventurer, triple distance if already have it
Cougar's Vision, wild feat, Complete Adventurer, limited duration
Greenstar Adept 4, ecl 9, Complete Arcane


Hexblade 3
Pious Templar 1, ecl 6, Complete divine
Vigilante 9, ecl 14, Complete Adventurer
Witch Slayer 2, ecl 7, Tome of Magic
Crusader 13, Tome of Battle
Deneith Warden 5, ecl 9, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Master Specialist (abjuration) 7, ecl 10, Complete Mage - works for all saves, see text
Argent Fist 8, ecl 13, Faiths of Eberron
Hellreaver 4, ecl 9, Fiendish Codex II
Kinslayer 1, ecl?, Drow of the Underdark

Honorable Mention
Iron Mind 5, ecl 10, Races of Stone - "mettle of will" affects will saves only
Goliath Rogue 2 racial substitution level, ecl 3, Races of Stone - "mettle of mountains" affects Fort saves only, improves if later gain

improved evasion


Monk Abilities
- just what exactly stacks varies from class to class
- for more extensive data on increasing monk damage, see post #4 below

Sacred Fist, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Enlightened Fist, ecl 6, Complete Arcane
Tattoed Monk, ecl 6, Complete Warrior
Sun Soul Monk, ecl 6, City of Splendors: Waterdeep (FR)
Disciple of the Eye, ecl 6, Races of the Dragon
Atavist, ecl 6, Races of Eberron
Cloud Anchorite, ecl 7, Frostburn
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries, ecl 6, Draconomicon
Shou Disciple, ecl 6, FR: Unapproachable East
Disciple of the Word, ecl 6, Tome of Magic
Dragon Descendant, ecl 6, Dragon Magic
Shadow Sun Ninja, ecl 8, Tome of Battle
Fist of the Forest, ecl 5, Complete Champion - unarmed damage
Zerth Cenobite, ecl 7, Complete Psionic, unarmed damage, AC, speed
Haztaratain, ecl 6, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, damage, flurry, AC, speed

Special Mention
Tashalatora, feat, Secrets of Sarlona, stack monk and a psionic class

Mount or companion or something similar
Paladin 5 - special mount
Paladin 5, elf substitution level, Races of the Wild - unicorn mount - advances as paladin special mount, see text
Blackguard 5, ecl 11
Cavalier 1, ecl 9, Complete Warrior
Hafling Outrider 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior
Holy Liberator 6, ecl 11, Complete Divine - unique advancement, see text
Healer 8, Miniatures Handbook
Knight of the Iron Glacier 1, ecl 7, Frostburn - War Megalocerous only
Ashworm Dragoon 1, ecl 6, Sandstorm - Ashworm only, separate advancement or stack with Paladin
Aglarondan Griffonrider 1, ecl 8, Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East, separate advancement or stack with paladin
Waverider 1, ecl 6, Savage species - advancement based on character level, not class level
Knight of the Flying Hunt 1, ecl 8, Champions of Valor - pegasus only, does not improve with level
Moonsea Skysentinel 1, ecl 6, Champions of Valor - dire hawk only, separate advancement
Triadic Knight 1, ecl 6, Champions of Valor
Knight of the Blue Moon 1, ecl 6, City of Splendors: Waterdeep (FR), also counts levels of wizard/sorcerer for mount levels
Bone Knight 2, ecl 6, Eberron: Five Nations - skeletal steed, see text
Beloved of Valarian 1, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds, unicorn, does not advance with levels, becomes celestial charger at level 6
Skylord 1, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds, separate advancement, does not stack with others
Great Rigt Skyguard 2, ecl 7, Races of Faerun, Hippogriff, separate advancement, see text

stacks for paladin special mount
Halfling Outrider, ecl 6, Complete Warrior
Wild Plains Outrider, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer
Cavalier, ecl 9, Complete Warrior
Knight of the Iron Glacier, ecl 7, Frostburn - War Megalocerous only
Ashworm Dragoon, ecl 6, Sandstorm - Ashworm only, see sidebar on p.67, unclear wording on how levels stack/overlap with Paladin
Aglarondan Griffonrider, ecl 8, Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East
Triadic Knight, ecl 6, Champions of Valor
Vandalis Beastkeeper, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Bone Knight, ecl 6, Eberron: Five Nations

special mention
Wizard 5 (High One Warrior-Wizard substitution level), Champions of Valor web enhancement, combines mount and familiar
Devoted Tracker, feat, Complete Adventurer - stack benefits of animal companion and mount
Swift Call, feat, Complete Champion, call mount as a swift action
Drow Judicator 5, ecl 12, FR: Underdark, call a spider servant
Celestial Mount, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, mount gains celestial template
Sanctified One (Elhonna) 1 or 3 or 5/5, ecl 6, Complete Champion, "nature's mount" see text


Nondetection - or hide alignment, or alternate identities, or hide from divinations, etc. see text for all
Slayer 6, ecl 10, XPH, protected from anything that reveals location
Bloodhound 6, ecl 10, Complete Adventurer, SR vs divination
Spymaster 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, cover identities, undetectable alignment, magic aura at level 3
Occult Slayer 4, ecl 9, Complete Warrior
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, white mask tattoo, immune to detect thoughts/lies, hidden alignment, +10 bonus to bluff
Shadowspy 3, ecl 6, Complete Champion, undetectable alignment
Unseen Seer 5, ecl 10, Complete Mage, nondetection
Master of Masks 1, ecl 6, Complete Scoundrel, Faceless mask
Defiant 7, ecl 12, Planar Handbook

Special Mention
Shadowmind, Complete Adventurer, make enemies forget about you


Rogue 10
Nightsong Enforcer 6, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer
Dread Fang of Lloth 7, ecl?, Drow of the Underdark



Poison Use
Assassin 1, ecl 6
Black Flame Zealot 2, ecl 7, Complete Divine
Blackguard 1, ecl 7, DMG
Whisperknife 6, ecl 11, Races of the Wild
Justice of Weald and Woe
Monk of the Long Death
Ninja 3, Complete Adventurer
Zhentarim Spy
Shadow HUnter 1, ecl 6, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Scorpion Wraith 1, ecl 6, Eberron: Secrets of Xen'drik
Bard 1, drow substitution level, Drow of the Underdark
Rogue 1, drow substitution level, Drow of the Underdark
Dread Fang of Lloth 2, ecl?, Drow of the Underdark


Pounce - aka: full attack on a charge
Moved down to post #4.


Powerful Build
Goliath, Races of Stone
Half-Giant, Expanded Psionics Handbook
Redcap, Monster Manual 3
Paladin 3 (Wary Swordknight substitution level), Champions of Valor - halflings only, only for opposed checks and special attacks
Touchstone (Sunken City of Pazar), feat, Sandstorm, limited use

special mention
Jotunbrud, feat, Races of Faerun, see text


Powerful Grip/Uncanny Blow - add 2 times your Str modifier instead of 1.5 to damage rolls
Exotic Weapon Master 1, ecl 7, Complete Warrior
Hammer of Moradin 3, ecl 11, Player's Guide to Faerun
Disciple of Thrym 3, ecl 8, Frostburn, greataxe only


Half-Orc Paragon 2, ecl 2, Unearthed Arcana
Beserker - faerun...
Geomancer 7 (stage 4 drift), ecl 13, Complete Divine
Eye of Gruumsh 1, ecl 7, Complete Warrior
lyncanthropy with badger or wolverine
Weretouched Master 3 (Wolverine), ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting, see text
Kinslayer 1, 5, 9/10, ecl?, Drow of the Underdark

Similar to Rage
Bear Warrior, ecl 8, Complete Warrior, shift into a bear
Frenzied Berserker, ecl 7, Complete Warrior - gains Frenzy, stacks on top of rage, see text
Rage Mage, ecl 6, Complete Warrior - gains spell rage, works in conjunction with rage, Tireless Rage at level 9, see text
Berserk 1, ecl 6, Deities and Demigods - called "Battle Fury", stronger than standard rage, see text
Corrupt Avenger 1, ecl 7, Heroes of Horror, "sworn foe" sort of a cross between rage and favoured enemy, see text
Barbarian 1, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement, "Ferocity", bonus to Str and Dex, see text
Barbarian 1, class variant, PHB2, see text
Shifter, race, Eberron Campaign Setting or Monster Manual 3, see text
Bloodclaw Master 1, 3, 5/5, ecl 7, Tome of Battle, "shifting" bonus to Str and gain claws, see text
Wildrunner 1, ecl 6, Races of the Wild, "Primal Scream"
Fist of the Forest 1, 3/3, ecl 5, Complete Champion, "Feral Trance" bonus to dex
Outcast Champion 3, ecl 8, Races of Destiny, "desperate fury", affects allies at level 5

stacks for rage
Eye of Gruumsh, ecl 7, Complete Warrior - stacks for number of uses
Champion of Gwynharwyf, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, free intimidate against anyone within 30' at level 4
Geomancer 7 (stage 4 drift), ecl 13, Complete Divine
Runescarred Berserker, ecl 8, FR: Unapproachable East - not quite stack, but gives extra rage, also gain Greater Rage at level 8 (ecl 15)
Black Blood cultist, ecl 6, FR: Champions of Ruin - stacks for everything
Rage Mage, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, not stack but grants addition uses of normal rage, plus Tireless Rage at level 9
Battlerager 1, 3, 5/5, ecl 6, Races of Faerun

Produces rage/frenzy/boost/etc. in allies
Warchief 1, ecl 4, Miniatures Handbook
Orc Warlord 5, ecl 11, Races of Faerun
Frenzied Berzerker 6, ecl 12, Complete Warrior
Virtuoso 7, ecl 14, Complete Adventurer
Warrior Skald 10, ecl 16, Races of Faerun
Dawncaller 10, ecl 16, Races of Stone

Special Mention
Extend Rage, feat, Complete Warrior, rage lasts +5 rounds
Extra Rage, feat, Complete Warrior, extra 2 rages
Intimidating Rage, feat, Complete Warrior
Instantaneous Rage, feat, Complete Warrior
Righteous Wrath, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, foes are shaken, see text


Warshaper 3, ecl 8, Complete Warrior, +5'
Atavist 5 (aggressive spirit), ecl 10, Races of Eberron, +5'
Umbral Disciple 10, ecl 15, Magic of Incarnum, +5' per essentia
Shadowblade 9, ecl 14, Tome of Magic, +10', limited use
Deformity (tall), vile feat, Heroes of Horror, +5'
Inhuman Reach, aberrant feat, Lords of Madness, +5'
Long Reach, feat, FR: Unapproachable East, +5' with short or longspears, on your turn only
Long Arm, fiendish graft, Fiend Folio, +5'
Mark of Malbolge, feat, Fiendish Codex II, +5' for 1 round, see text
Bestial Charge, feat, Complete Champion, +5' once per day, see text
Lunging Strike, feat, PHB2, +5', see text
Dancing Blade Form, stance, Tome of Battle, +5' only on your turn

extend reach,??


Girallon's Arms, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Frostrager 5, ecl 11, Frostburn
Black Blood Cultist 6, ecl 11, Champions of Ruin
Ipos, vestige, ecl 12, Tome of Magic


Animal Lord (wolflord) 3, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, improves at level 7, see text
Beastmaster 8, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer
Bloodhound 9, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer
Bear Warrior 3, ecl 10, Complete Warrior
Wildrunner 2, ecl 7, Races of the Wild
Ardent Dillitent 5, ecl 10, Planar Handbook
Weretouched Master 3, ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting
Ardent Dilettante 5, ecl 10, Planar Handbook
Primeval 5, ecl 13, Frostburn
Geomancer 7 (stage 4 drift), ecl 13, Complete Divine, 30'
shifter w/Wildhunt trait, race, Eberron Campaign Setting
Scent, wild feat, Complete Adventurer, limited duration
Hunter's Circlet, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum
Zagan, vestige, ecl 12, Tome of Magic
Serpent's Tongue, least warlock invocation, Complete Mage
Hunter's Sense, stance (Tiger Claw), ecl 1, Tome of Battle
Bloodclaw Master 5, ecl 11, Tome of Battle
Imbued Healing (w/animal domain), metamagic feat, Complete Champion, see text
Fist of the Forest 3, ecl 7, Complete Champion
Lion of Talisad 2, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds
Stalker of Kharesh 1, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds, for evil creatures only, see text
Beastial, domain, Book of Vile Darkness
Crimson Scourge 10, ecl 15, Cityscape

Special Mention
Dragonstalker 5, ecl 11, Draconomicon, hide scent


See Invisible or True Seeing or similar, see text
Ninja 16, invisible and ethereal
Bloodhound 6, ecl 10, Complete Adventurer, invisible
Ghost-Faced Killer 7, ecl 12, Complete Adventurer, invisible and ethereal
Soulguard 1, ecl 7, Fiendish Codex 2, limited true seeing
Shadowspy 10, ecl 13, Complete Champion, true seeing 3/day
Platinum Knight 10, ecl 15, Draconomicon, 1/day for an hour
Illusion Veil, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, see invisible
Keeneye Lenses, Soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, see invisible
Dreamsight Elite, feat, Races of Eberron, see invisible
Urban Savant 8, ecl 13, Cityscape, see text


Skill Mastery - aka "Take 10"
Rogue 10
Rogue 1, Changeling substitution level, Races of Eberron, Diplomacy/Bluff/Gather Info/Intimidate/Sense Motive
Ranger 13, Half-elf substitution level, Races of Destiny, select 3+(Int mod) skills
Swashbuckler 13, Complete Warrior, jump/tumble
Invisible Blade 4, ecl 9, Complete Warrior, bluff
Exemplar 1, ecl 11, Complete Adventurer, 1+Int and a new one each level
Dread Pirate 8, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer, balance/climb/jump/tumble
Dungeon Delver 3, ecl 10, Complete Adventurer, select 3+Int
Nightsong Infiltrator 6, ecl 13, Complete Adventurer, climb, disable device, open lock, search
Thief-Acrobat 4, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, balance/climb/jump/tumble
Evangelist 4, ecl 9, Complete Divine, select 1+Int from list
Temple Raider of Olidammara 9, ecl 14, Complete Divine, select 3+Int
Urban Soul 6, ecl 13, Races of Destiny, balance/climb/jump/move silently/tumble
Artificer 13, Eberron Campaign Setting, spellcraft and Use Magic Device
Warlock 4, Complete Arcane, on Use Magic Device checks
Shade Hunter 6, ecl 11, FR: Champions of Ruin
Dervish 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, jump/perform/tumble
Cyre Scout 8, ecl 11, Eberron: Dragonmarked, survival
Deneith Warden 8, ecl 12, Eberron: Dragonmarked, sense motive
Savvy Rogue, feat, Complete Scoundrel, "take 12" on skill mastery
Court Herald 10, ecl 17, Power of Faerun, selet 3+(int mod)
Darkrunner 8, ecl 12, Lords of Madness, balance/climb/escape artist/jump/swim
Naberius, vestige, ecl 1, Tome of Magic, diplomacy
Hoardstealer 8, ecl 13, Draconomicon, 3+Int


Highland Stalker 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer
Peregrine Runner 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 8, Races of Stone
Dragon Devotee 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Races of the Dragon - only if you already have skirmish
Monk 1, Halfling substitution level, Races of the Wild
Unseen Seer 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Mage - only if you already have skirmish
Improved Skirmish, feat, Complete Scoundrel, see text
Swift Ambusher, feat, Complete Scoundrel, see text
Swift Hunter, feat, Complete Scoundrel, see text
Hand of the Winged Masters 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 6?. Dragon Magic


Slippery Mind
Rogue 10
Shadowdancer 7, ecl 14
Spymaster 4, ecl 9, Complete Adventurer
Spirit Shaman 5, Complete Divine
Contemplative 2, ecl 12, Complete Divine
Spirit Shaman 5, Complete Divine, "follow the guide"
Lurk 15, Complete Psionic
Mountebank 7, ecl 12, Complete Scoundrel
Binder 9, Tome of Magic
Witch Slayer 4, ecl 9, Tome of Magic
Dragon Descendant 4, ecl 9, Dragon Magic
Ninja Spy 9, ecl 16, Oriental Adventures
Yakuza 10, ecl 17, Oriental Adventures
Zhentarim Spy 4, ecl 10(9?), FR: Player's Guide to Faerun
Night Mask Deathbringer 6, ecl 11, FR: Champions of Ruin
Eldeen Ranger (Gatekeeper) 5, ECL 10, Eberron campaign Setting
Silver Key 8, ecl 11, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Gatekeeper Mystagogue 6, ecl 11, Player's Guide to Eberron
Deepwarden 5, ecl 10, Races of Stone, "Stubborn Mind"

Special Mention
Master Specialist (enchantment) 7, ecl 10, Complete Mage - see text
Armor Special Ability (45,000 gp) DMG2
Liberation, cleric domain, Complete Divine


Smite Evil
Paladin 1, elf substitution level, Races of the Wild, ranged smite
Exorcist of the Silver Flame 3, 7/10, ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting
Eldeen Ranger 5 (Wardens of the Woods), ecl 10, Eberron Campaign Setting
Pious Templar 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 7, Complete Divine
Holy Liberator 1, 5, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Divine
Scion of Tem-Et-Nu 4, 8/10, ecl 9, Sandstorm
Adras, vestige, ecl 7, Tome of Magic, good or evil
Triadic Knight 5, ecl 10, Champions of Valor
Initiate of Bahamut, feat, Dragon Magic - stacks, see text
Grey Guard 3, 8/10, ecl 8, Complete Scoundrel - can eventually smite any alignment, see text
Shadow Striker 2, ecl 7, Complete Champion
Champion of Gwynharwyf 1, 5, 9/10, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds
Fist of Raziel 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, smites gain additional abilities
Initiate of Pistis Sophia 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 8, Book of Exalted Deeds
Stalker of Kharesh 6, 8, 10/10, ecl 11, Book of Exalted Deeds
Argent Fist 4, 8/10, ecl 10, Faiths of Eberron

Smite other than "evil"
Cleric 1, dwarf substitution level, Races of Stone, smite giants replaces turn undead
Blackguard 2, 5, 10/10, ecl 8 - smite good
Shadowbane Inquisitor 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer - smite the "corrupt"
Vigilante 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, smite the guilty
Scar Enforcer 2, 5, 8/10, ecl 7, Races of Destiny - elves and humans only, see text
Hunter of the Dead 2, 6, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, smite undead
Sanctified Mind 2, ecl 6, Lords of Madness - "cleansing strike" - smite psionic creature, unclear on uses per day, potentially unlimited
Topaz Guardian 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Lords of Madness - smite abberation
Knight of the Raven 2, 4, 6, 8, 10/10, ecl 6, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - smite undead
Platinum Knight 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Draconomicon, against evil dragons only, doesn't stack with normal smite
Witch Slayer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/5, ecl 6, Tome of Magic, against binders with vestiges or other possessed creatures
Crusader 6, 18/20, Tome of Battle, against any
Ordained Champion 2, ecl 6, Complete Champion, no restriction, spend turn/rebuke uses to make more smites
Killoren (Aspect of the Destroyer), race, Races of the Wild, 1/hour, affects abberations, constructs, humanoids, oozes, outsiders, and

undead, see text
Kinslayer 2, 5, 8/10, ecl?, Drow of the Underdark, elves

Honourable Mention
Extra Smiting, feat, Complete Warrior
Initiate of Nobanion, feat, Champions of Valor - specific use, see text
Initiate of Torm, feat, Champions of Valor - specific use, see text
Triadic Knight 7, ecl 12, Champions of Valor - Threefold Smite
Holy Scourge 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Complete Mage - applies to a spell, see text
Sapphire Smite, feat, Magic of Incarnum - grants additional uses of smite and bonus damage
Exalted Smite, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, weapon becomes good-aligned
Ranged Smite Evil, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, can smite with a ranged weapon
Outcast Champion 2, ecl 7, Races of Destiny, Cha uses per day, 1d6 per level
Tattoed Monk 1, ecl 6, Complete Warrior, lion tattoo
Avenging Strike, feat, Tome of Battle, can use Cha times per day only against evil outsiders


Speed increase - aka Fast Movement, +10' land speed each unless otherwise noted
Barbarian 1
Monk 3/6/9/12/15/18, +10 each
Paladin 5, class variant, Complete Champion, +10' all speeds
Ranger 6, class variant, Complete Warrior, +10'
Scout 3, 11/20, Complete Adventurer +10 (land)
Animal Lord (horselord) 3, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, +10, +20 at level 7, see text
Bloodhound 3, 6, 9, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer, +10 each when chasing mark
Wild Plains Outrider 2, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, +10 for mount (all modes)
Dash, feat, Complete Adventurer, +5' (does not specify land only)
Celerity, domain, Complete Diving, +10'
Wildrunner 1, ecl 6, Races of the Wild, +10'
Whisperknife 6, ecl 11, Races of the Wild
Pregrine Runner 5, ecl 12, Races of Stone
Reachrunner 1, 4/5 (+5/+10), ecl 6, Races of Eberron
Shadow Scout 2 (OA) ecl 8
Dervish 2/5/8 (+5/+10/+15)
Gnome Giant-Slayer 6, ecl 11, Complete Warrior
Atavist 5 (cautious spirit), ecl 10, Races of Eberron, +5' for all movement modes
Elemental Warrior (fire) 4, ecl 11, Planar Handbook
Cloud Anchorite 4, 8/10, ecl 10, Frostburn, +10' each
Primeval 8, ecl 16, Frostburn, +10'
Cheetah's Speed, wild feat, Complete Divine - speed becomes 50' for 1 hour, once per hour can move at 10X speed
Geomancer 3 (stage 2 drift), ecl 9, Complete Divine, +5'
Geomancer 9 (stage 5 drift), ecl 15, Complete Divine, once per hour move at 10X speed
Shifter w/Longstride trait, Eberron Campaign Setting, +10', while shifting
Longstride Elite, feat, Eberron Campaign Setting, +10', while shifting
Nentyar Hunter 2, ecl 7, FR: Unapproachable East, +10'
Improved Speed, feat, Draconomicon - fly speed improves by 20', all others improve by 10'
Speed of Thought, feat, XPH - +10' insight bonus
Divine Vigor, divine feat, Complete Divine - temporary +10'
Barbarian 3 (Fangshield substitution level), Champions of Valor - +10' while charging
Marshall 2, Miniatures Handbook - +5' per aura bonus
Incarnate 3 (chaotic), Magic of Incarnum - +10' +10'every five levels, share with allies at 7th level
Totemist 8 (halfling substitution level), Magic of Incarnum - +10'
Barbarian 1 (Duskling substitution level), Magic of Incarnum, +10'/essentia (enhancement)
Dread Carapace, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +60' +10'/essentia (enhancement) once per minute
Incarnate Avatar (chaos), soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +30' (enhancement)
Lamia Belt, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +10' (enhancement) plus spring attack feat
Worg Pelt, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +5' +5/essentia (unnamed)
Cerulean Sandals, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - +5'/essentia (unnamed)
Knight of the Sacred Seal 4, ecl 9, Tome of Magic - +10' temporary
Shadow Creature, template, Lords of Madness - all speeds x1.5
Fast Leg, Fiendish Graft, Fiend Folio - +10'
Quick, character trait, Unearthed Arcana - +10'
Fleet of Foot, regional feat, Player's Guide to Faerun - +10'
Abberant Limbs (legs), unique NPC ability, DMG 2 - +20', LA+2
Nimble Bones, feat, Lords of Madness - +10', applies to undead created by someone with this feat
Vandalis Beastkeeper 10, ecl 14, Eberron: Dragonmarked - +10', does not specify land only
Divine Alacrity, divine feat, Faiths of Eberron, +30' (enhancement) for 1 round
Wild Soul 6, ecl 11, Complete Mage - +10'
Minor Shapeshift, reserve feat, Complete MAge - +5' enhancement, limited duration, see text
Swiftness of Orien, feat, Player's Guide to Eberron (p.48) - +20' to 90' enhancement to all speeds, see text
Freedom, Mantle, Complete Psionic - +10' (untyped) to all speeds
Berserk 1, ecl 6, Deities and Demigods - +10'
Extreme Leap, skill trick, ecl 2, Complete Scoundrel, +10' see text
Mark of Malbolge, feat, Fiendish Codex II, +10' for 1 round, see text
Absolute Steel, stance, Tome of Battle, +10' (enhancement) to all speeds
Bloodclaw Master 2, ecl 8, Tome of Battle, +10' while in Tiger Claw stance
Dark Creature, template, Tome of Magic, +10' to all moves of movement
Animal Devotion, feat, Complete Champion, +5-30' once per day, see text
Imbued Healing, metamagic feat, Complete Champion, +5', see text
Fist of the Forest 1, ecl 5, Complete Champion, +10' land
Forest Reeve 1, ecl 6, Complete Champion, +10' land
Holt Warden 2, ecl 7, Complete Champion, +10' land speed if already have woodland stride
Mythic Examplar 2 (Orsos), ecl 6, Complete Champaion, +20' all movement
Sanctified One (Kord) 1 or 3 or 5/5, ecl 6, Complete Champion, +10' foot speed
Jaunter 2, ecl 6, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, +10' land
Swift Tumbler, feat, Cityscape, tumble at half speed +10'
Paragnostic Apostle 1, ecl 6?, Complete Champion, +10' from any spell that grants speed or increase, not just land

Burrow (or earth glide)
Paladin 12, class variant, Complete Champion, equal to land speed, see text
Earth Dreamer 5, ecl 12, Races of Stone - equal to base speed, limited use
Stonespeaker Guardian 5, ecl 11, Races of Stone - half base speed
Mineral Warrior, template, LA+1, FR: Underdark, equal to half highest speed, lose flight
Earth Glider, elemental graft, Magic of Eberron, equal to base land speed, see text
Haztaratain 9, ecl 14, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, limited duration
Darkrunner 10, ecl 14, Lords of Madness - equal to base speed, limited use
Burrowing Claws, Illithid Graft, Lords of Madness, 20'
Lord of Tides 3, ecl 8, Sandstorm - 5' through soft earth only
Ashworm Dragoon 6, 10/10, ecl 11, Sandstorm - only while on mount, see text
Thrall of Eltab 3, ecl 8, Champions of Ruin - 10'
Elemental Warrior (earth) 4, ecl 11, Planar Handbook, 30'
Planar Touchstone (Echolost), feat, Planar Handbook - varies

Monk, class variant, Dungeoncape 2, limited climb ability, see text
Horizon Walker 1, ecl 6 - +10' to existing
Up The Walls, psionic feat, XPH, pseudo-climb
Scout, class variant, PHB2, half land speed
Ninja, Complete Adventurer, climb at full speed, see text
Climb Like an Ape, wild feat, Complete Adventurer, equal to land speed, limited duration
Warlock 1, Complete Arcane, Spiderwalk invocation, 20'
Leaping Climber, skill trick, ecl 2, Complete Scoundrel, see text
Speedy Ascent, skill trick, ecl 2, Complete Scoundrel, +10' see text
Peregrine Runner 4, 8/10, ecl 11, Races of Stone - +20' each
Fleshwarper 2, ecl 9, Lords of Madness - equal to land speed
Cloud Anchorite 1, 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 7, Frostburn - +10' each
Planar Touchstone (Widow's Walk), feat, Planar Handbook - +10', or limited 20'
Climbing Legs, Illithid Graft, Fiend Folio - 15'
Replacement Tail, Yuan-Ti graft, Fiend Folio - lose 10' land speed, climb and swim at half original land speed
Claws of the Wyrm, soulmeld, Dragon Magic - half land speed
Dance of the Spider, Stance (Shadow Hand), Tome of Battle - 20'
Atavist 5 (cautious spirit), ecl 10, Races of Eberron, +5' for all movement modes
Weretouched Master 3 (Rat), ecl 8, Eberron Campaign Setting, 20' or +10'
Shifter w/Cliffwalk trait, race, Eberron Campaign Setting, 20'
Cliffwalk Elite, feat, Eberron Campaign Setting, +10', while shifting
Haztaratain 3, ecl 8, Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona, limited duration, see text
Night Mask Deathbringer 1, ecl 6, FR: Champions of Ruin - limited use
Spirit Folk (Mountain), race, FR: Unapproachable East, LA+0, 30'
Chameleon, template LA+1, FR: Underdark
Arachnomancer 7, ecl 12, Drow of the Underdark, equal to land speed
Cavestalker 10, ecl 15, Drow of the Underdark, as Spider climb

Flight (a few more ways to gain flight/wings in the second post [thread=706353]here[/thread])
Druid 5 (Aspect of the Dragon variant), Dragon Magic, equal to land speed (good)
Favoured Soul 17, Complete Divine, 60' (good)
Aminal Lord (birdlord) 3, ecl 8, Complete Adventurer, equal to land speed, duration improves at level 7, see text
Geomancer 9, ecl 15, Complete Divine, 60' (no manoeuverability listed)
Rainbow Servanat 4, ecl 9, Complete Divine, 60' (good), limited use, see text
Raptoran, race, Races of the Wild - improves with level
Raptoran Fighter 8, substitution level, Races of the Wild - +10'
Stormtalon 3, 5, 9/10, ecl 6, Races of the Wild - +10/+20/+40'
Aarakocra, race, Races of Faerun - 90' (average), LA+2
Fly, domain, Races of the Wild - +5'
Aeriel Alacrity, spell, Races of the Wild, +30' and improve maneuverability one step
Elemental Warrior (air) 4, ecl 11, Planar Handbook - 20' (perfect)
Starspawn, abberation feat, Lords of Madness - half land speed
Eagle's Wings, wild feat, Complete Divine - grow wings for 1 hour, 60' (average)
Improved Speed, feat, Draconomicon - existing fly speed +20', all others +10'
Dragonborn (Wings aspect), template, Races of the Dragon - improves with level, eventually 30' (average)
Improved Dragon Wings, feat, Races of the Dragon, 30' (average)
Paladin 5 (Lion Legionnaire substitution level), Champions of Valor - temporary flight at land speed
Airstep Sandals, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum, 10'/essentia (good/perfect)
Incarnate Avatar (good or evil), soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - 30' (good)
Manticore Belt, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - 10' or more (poor) plus flyby attack
Pegasus Cloak, soulmeld, Magic of Incarnum - 10' or more (average)
Dragon Disciple 9, ecl 14 - equal to land speed (average)
Geryon, vestige, ecl 10, Tome of Magic - 60' (perfect)
Air Heritage, heritage feat, Planar Handbook - +30'
Buffeting Wings, draconic graft, Races of the Dragon - equal to land speed (average)
Feathered Wings, fiendish graft, Fiend Folio - twice land speed (average)
Membranous Wings, fiendish graft, Fiend Folio - twice land speed (average)
Dragon Mantle, soulmeld, Dragon Magic, 10'/essentia (poor) - must land at end of each turn, see text
Atavist 5 (cautious spirit), ecl 10, Races of Eberron, +5' for all movement modes
Diamond Dragon 6, ecl 11, Dragon Magic - 30'+ (perfect), see text
Swift Wing 5, ecl 10, Dragon Magic - equal to land speed (good), twice land speed at level 10
Pectoral of Maneuverability, item, Draconomicon, increase maneuverability by one step
outsider Wings, feat, Races of Faerun - equal to land speed, Aasimar or Tiefling only
Celestial Flight, Enlightened Spirit invocation, ecl 8, Complete Mage - equal to land speed
Born Aloft, reserve feat, Complete Mage - 30' (perfect), limited use, see text
Rising Phoenix, Desert Wind stance, Tome of Battle - equal to land speed (perfect)
High Elemental Binder 10, ecl 15?, Player's Guide to Eberron - 100' (perfect), see text
Child of Shadow 10, ecl 15, Tome of Magic - 40' (perfect) 1 minute per day, incorporeal, see text
Psion Uncarnate 2, ecl 7, Expanded Psionics Handbook - equal to land speed (perfect), see text
Ritual of Wings, Dragon Prophecy Ritual, ecl 10, Magic of Eberron, equal to land speed (or more), duration 24 hrs, see text
High Elemental Binder 10, ecl 15?, Player's Guide to Eberron, 100' (perfect), see text
Shifter w/Swiftwing trait, Races of Eberron, 20' (average)
Swiftwing Elite, shifter feat, Races of Eberron, +10' and maneuverability improves to good, while shifting
Animal Devotion, feat, Complete Champion, 40 + 5-20' (good), once per day, see text

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